Learn how to make your athletes fitter, faster and stronger so they can excel at sport.
What are we known for?
Working with anyone who wants to learn more about the physical training of athletes. That means we educate you on how to make your athletes fitter, faster and stronger so they can excel at sport. Our education is applicable to all sports but we are Industry Leaders in tennis training education and all of our workshops are accredited with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). We work with some of the best athletes in the world and we are delighted to share that experience with you.
Why choose APA?
All of our training methods are based on the latest sport science research but more importantly than that, they are tried and tested on our elite athletes so we know they get results! All of our education is sourced from some of the greatest minds in the areas of physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition. APA Director Daz Drake has spent the last 15 years seeking out the best advice for our athletes so you don’t have to!
What do we offer?
APA Education consists of resources, workshops and even qualifications so you can choose how deep you would like to take your understanding of this area of science. Whilst the industry of sport may seek to categorise us into pros, semi pros, amateurs or volunteer coaches we all share the same passion for improving our athlete’s sports performance. That’s why we at APA believe in education that meets everyone’s needs from blog articles, to 3 hour workshops and all the way to a full qualification in strength & conditioning!
Coach Resources
This section will enable you to discover the very latest cutting-edge principles that have shaped the APA training system. The training system is based on six stages across five biomotor abilities. This enables APA coaches to offer a truly world class comprehensive long term athlete development programme for all its athletes.
This section is a great start point for coaches interested in learning more about APA and will form the basis of much of the information shared in the blog, workshops and even the qualification.
Webinars & Workshops
This section is where you can find more info about our Webinars and Workshops.
If you would like APA owner Daz Drake to deliver a workshop then please contact us to discuss this in more detail.
Force Hacks for Strength Coaches (FHSC) is the first Webinar APA have launched.
This webinar is all about getting buy in that strength training is safe for youth athletes.
Ebooks & DVDs
APA has the Vision to be ”The Best Tennis Strength & Conditioning Team in the World” by 2025.
As part of this process, APA owner Daz Drake has undertaken an ”unofficial PhD” to research the latest tennis science in the areas of Tennis match KPIs, The Serve, Movement and Ground strokes.
The findings of this research have been summarised in a series of Free Ebooks, three of which are available to download now