Best Tennis S&C Team in the World by 2025
What is the Result We Deliver? We provide progressive training curriculums that transport a young athlete to the point where they are an elite athlete.
What is the Vision for APA?
The Vision is to be ”The Best Tennis S&C Team in the World by 2025.” A lot of coaches have asked us how we will know when we have achieved this Vision. It would be easy to point to an accolade like an award for Best Team of the Year at the prestigious UKSCA Awards ceremony. Or to see other coaches and companies adopting our methodology – to be the Altis of Tennis! Being the best means surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; the best performer in our industry. It means wanting to be the most desirable solution for any young Tennis player wishing to be transported to the point where they are an elite athlete. It means more of our athletes improving above the average national trajectory.
What’s the Mission?
The Vision is the Picture of where we want to be 3-5 years from now. The Mission is the road map to get there. Our Mission is to ”Maximise Athletic Potential by Raising Standards in Coaching Excellence.” It’s not enough to have one outstanding coach in our company, we need a team of experts who raise the bar on a daily basis, who give more (coach with passion), who demand better from our athletes and create a world class training environment. APA owner Daz Drake has over 15 years experience in elite sport with a passion for coach education and development of the APA Method to ensure more players are physically prepared to meet the demands of the game now and in the future.
Who are we?
If you want to build a company you can be proud of, then you need people who exemplify the kind of qualities you value. All our coaches understand that coaching is about more than our knowledge. Yes all our coaches are highly qualified, know about correct exercise technique, nutrition and writing programmes etc. but we also believe in coaching the person as well as the athlete – we go the extra mile to really get to know our clients beyond the hour-long training session so you stay committed. This means APA hire for character before experience because athletes don’t care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. At APA we value: EXCELLENCE, ENJOYMENT, COURAGE, RESPECT and COMPETITIVE SPIRIT.
Relentlessly positive and unapologetically demanding
We specialise in Tennis working closely with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to help prepare young players for the next stage of the Player Pathway. Many of the expectations and coaching philosophies of the LTA align with APA – ”consistent and impactful leadership and operational excellence designed to help young athletes develop as people and players through world class coaching and support.” We seek to create a contagious energy, driven by the desire for day-to-day excellence. Whilst the environment should be progressive and challenging, APA ensures best-practice duty of care and safeguarding, driven by a person first approach.