Entries by dazdrake

The Coach Athlete Relationship- Interview with Daz Drake

A few weeks ago I was asked to be interviewed by one of the students who is doing work experience with APA, as part of one of his assignments for University. I thought it might make an interesting blog post- I’ll leave you to be the judge of that!! Coach- Athlete Relationship Interview – Daz […]

Monitoring fatigue in athletes

Testing for Testing sake? Regular readers might remember that I was going to make more use of the Gym aware this training phase- GymAware is a small, portable, and accurate linear encoder which attaches to free weights bars and weight stack machines for measuring power output.  I did away with the standing vertical jump and have […]

APA launch Group Fitness for Adults

This week I am as excited as I ever have been.  As you know, at APA we believe that one of the fastest ways to improve your game and win more is to get fit. APA specialise in getting you fitter, faster and stronger so you can excel in sport or lead a healthy functional life. […]

Lessons we can learn from Sir Alex Ferguson

Two days ago I had the privilege to present to over 20 Performance Tennis coaches from Hertfordshire as part of the relaunch of the Herts Coaches Association. Who cares how strong you get them! I am in a fairly unique place having worked and specialised in performance Tennis for 12 years.  Having been on the […]

Why movement skills must come before sports skills

It’s that time of year again where I’m doing more speaking engagements.  This month I will be presenting at:   October 2015 Herts Lawn Tennis Association: ‘The Role of S&C in Stroke Development’ 15th October 2015 University of Hertfordshire ‘Foundations of Sports Coaching’ 27th October 2015 University of Hertfordshire ‘Advanced Sports Coaching’ 30th October 2015 […]

Monitoring Training Load and Fatigue

September madness If your job is anything like mine then the month of September is all hands on deck as many of our junior athletes are returning from summer holidays, are back to school and are now getting back to their student athlete lifestyles. Needless to say we have had a lot of athletes to […]

5 Numbers to Live by- Free workshop

In previous weeks I have posted on why an athlete should employ an S&C coach (Click Here) and another one on how much should junior athletes should train (Click Here).  This blog is a follow up to the first two- it’s a bit of a sneak peak to APA’s next workshop.  We always kick off […]

UKSCA Conference 2015- The cliff notes

Hi All, like many of us busy coaches this time of year represents a time for reflection over the summer before we get back to it in September.  This year I had the opportunity to go to all three days of the  UKSCA conference!!  As usual I like to get some take home points out […]