Athletic Performance Academy – Latest news & updates from Athletic Performance Academy

APA Staff member hits the big time

I just wanted to congratulate APA coach Martin Skinner on being part of a a milestone week in the history of APA.  Martin has been with APA during two separate spells since 2008 and had always set his sights on working with Professional athletes. He has worked hard to achieve this, and it gives all aspiring coaches out there the belief that if you put yourself out there and are in the right place at the right time, anything is possible.



Our Milestone week


As you will know APA provide all Strength & Conditioning coaching services on behalf of Gosling Tennis Academy.


Everything you read about below has been possible  through hard work by a hugely committed, ambitious and expert team which I am glad APA are a part of:


– Aljaz Bedene – Training with Gosling Tennis Academy for some time, coached by a British team has beaten world number 14 and 34 to progress to semi final of ATP 250 in Chennai


This is the tenth year I have been working with Gosling Tennis Academy, and it has been very inspiring for me personally and the rest of my team to see Martin out on the  ATP Tour as the Strength & Conditioning coach of Alijaz, 25, who has a career high singles ranking of 71.


I started coaching as a self-employed coach at Gosling 10 hours a week with county level players. I’m now the Director of APA, managing nine staff and APA now have the privilege to have worked with a number of Professional athletes.


Here is to a fantastic future.  It looks like we are getting off to a great start in 2015!

Early Specialisation in Sport- Too much of a good thing?

First things first a very belated Happy New Year to Everyone!  I hope you are all set for a fantastic 2015!

New Year’s Resolutions


I am going to resist the temptation to talk about goal setting and the statistics that show that 80% of people fail to stick to the resolutions they set for themselves (and by themselves) beyond the 31st January (Research quoted in the on-line blog   The link is HERE if you do want to read the full article.


It’s tough at the Top


Today I would like to talk about Sport Specialisation.  While January might mark a traditional time in the year to set new goals which may or may not be realistic I am surrounded by families that are putting a lot on the line to realise some pretty big goals of their own- becoming a professional athlete.


In the main sport that I work in of Tennis, it’s really tough to break through the lower levels of the professional tour as there is simply a limited pot of prize money for the top men and women to compete for.  The Challenger and ITF circuits (which are the second and third tiers of the game) pay out much less than the ATP tour.  It’s not until you are well inside the Top 100 and can consistently get into the Main Draw of the Grand Slam ATP Tour events that you can really start to earn a living.  But at the same time once you do, it’s a really good living!


So coaches and parents are always looking to get ahead of the competition and give their players/children the best chance of making it. Now there are two schools of thought here.  One is to specialise early in the sport you aspire to ‘make it’ as a pro in; the other is to diversify and play a range of sports until you are in your teens.


To summarise the current literature I am including a great review my colleague at British Tennis sent me on the topic.


Early sports specialisation defies logic! by Arran Peck


A recent article in The Huffington Post, an American news aggregator, highlighted the growing trend of young athletes specialising in a single sport at increasingly younger ages. The author posited that if the goal of the parent or coach is to develop the stand-out adolescent player, then early specialisation is intuitive & can be successful. If however the goal is to maximise the child’s athletic talents, then both academic & anecdotal evidence suggests that multi-sports participation & late specialisation increases the likelihood of success.


A recent study in the Journal of Sports Sciences found that young athletes who competed in 3 sports at ages 11-15 were significantly more likely to compete at an elite National level in their preferred sport than their single sport peers. In a second paper from the same journal, young males who competed in multiple sports were found to have better gross motor coordination, greater muscular strength, explosive speed & were physically fitter than those specialising early. Dr Martin Toms, Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching & Performance Sociology from the University of Birmingham quoted recently “if your child was only offered one subject at school, you would worry about their academic development & the missed opportunity to learn new skills – so why is early specialisation in sport perceived as appropriate or acceptable?’


The long term athletic development guidelines produced & disseminated by the LTA encourages multi-sport participation until late adolescence to minimise the risk of social isolation, over-dependence, burnout & injury – while as a practitioner you may not be able to limit the total volume of tennis time your young players are exposed to, you should include (within your programme) or facilitate (external to your programme) a mixture of fundamental movement & general athletic skills and resist the temptation (and pressure) to reinforce specific sports skills at the earliest ages.


McCaw Method


For those of you who follow my Facebook page (please remember to like it!!) you may also want to check out McCaw Method. Alistair McCaw is a big fan of young athletes playing a range of sports until their early teens and supports his view with research into Olympic Sport athletes.


But what about the 10’000 hours?


How does this fit with 10,000 hours? (as that’s 3hrs/day from 8 to 18 years old to achieve pro status).  You can’t hope to get 3 hours done a day in a sport if you’re still playing 3 sports???


Or you could look at it as 10 years to break inside Top 100 from 14 to 24 years- as most players will not break the Top 100 until this age now. 


Are all the sports additive to the hours behind the expertise needed?  Can the ‘hours’ simply include any purposeful activity that is related to sport that will contribute towards expertise.  So for example, if I spent the whole day at an elite Tennis Academy for 9 hours my day could include:


  • 3 hours in the class room
  • 2 hours Tennis
  • 1 hour Basketball
  • 2 hours Strength & Conditioning
  • 1 hour Mental Skills


Would only the two hours Tennis count towards my 10,000 Hours?  My view is that any deliberate and purposeful activity that is related to the dream goal of becoming a professional sportsman or woman is counted.  So all of the above in my book would count.  The trick is to know how much Tennis each individual needs to be able to achieve a basic level of competence so they can compete in the sport and get a bit of success. But you have to get the balance because although we all enjoy competition, I have previously talked about the presure that can quickly be created when you over emphasise the importance of winning!


At Gosling Tennis Academy, for example, APA are involved in talks with the Coaching and Sports Medicine staff to discuss (and refine) the optimum amount of Tennis that each full-time Academy player will play at any given time.  This will usually range from zero to four hours of Tennis per day.


Gary Lyons commented on this: The importance of desire to want it


The desire to want to put those 10,000+ hours in is the fundamental “talent” in the first place. Again it’s what separates out those destined for amateur vs. professional status. You can’t make someone do 10,000+ hours, they have to be born (and yes nurtured by good coaches) with a burning pit of desire in their stomachs to succeed, to strive where others fall by the wayside. And then hope they have the right genetics and natural ability to complement their inherent drive. The stark reality is that 99.9% of junior tennis athletes will fall to the wayside given there are only around 1,000 pro tennis players globally coming out of 100,000s kids in advanced tennis programmes. Pro tennis needs rapid re-evaluation at Futures and Challengers to widen the base so more have the opportunity of becoming pro, and then being able to break even once they get there given only the top 200 are doing so presently.”


What’s my position on this?


Well firstly, I do buy into the concept of children having some natural ‘talent’ towards a given task.  Want proof? Check out these random clips of children doing what they do best.




Martial Arts


Weight lifting


Note: there is also a lot of aspects where children model the behaviours of adults that I think can be potentially dangerous.


For example, I don’t agree with Deadlift meets done in this way.  I think some times the sports performance arena that the adults ‘perform in’ needs to be modified so the children can ‘play’ in it.  I would be emphasising (and rewarding) technique with young children over load lifted.



However, my point is that I think there are children who are just born with a DNA make up that makes them seem to:


a) have the potential to do something better than a lot of kids from the very beginning


b) learn something new at a faster rate


But I also believe in the importance of being in an environment that fully supports the enrichment of that talent. Parents are the biggest influencers as well as coaches. I dare say all those young children in the clips above have been copying parents and coaches from a young age.   A good book to read is the Gold Mine Effect.  It talks about how talent hot beds thrive in completely differently culturally influenced environments.  You have the Jamaican sprinter, Ethiopian endurance runners, Russian tennis players, Korean Golfers etc and each culture has a slightly different environment which inspires success after success.



The most important thing is to enjoy what you do


In a recent interview Roger Federer, winner of 17 Grand Slam Titles in Tennis (in case you have been living on another planet), talks about the role of parents.  He says how important is it to get the balance between being supportive and also making them feel the pressure that it is important they always give their best.  See the full article HERE.


I (Daz Drake) personally believe in the following:


The 10’000 hour rule is an average, not the norm.


Some people who are more ‘talented’ will get to expert or elite level sooner and/or will need less hours to get there.  For those people truly capable of being elite they will almost certainly be able to play multiple sports up until 14 and still make it in 1 sport when they are older.


The question I often ask myself is, is it because they played 2 or 3 different sports that they were then more able to succeed in 1 sport? Or is it simply that they are such supreme competitors (with exceptional athleticism and sport skills) that they could have got to the top regardless of what they did??


I personally feel that playing other sports is important for a variety of reasons.  I do believe that playing other sports can accelerate certain athletic skills to a higher level that perhaps another sport cannot.  For example, while Tennis is outstanding for developing multi-directional movement (agility), it won’t develop running technique anywhere near as good as going to your local track & field club.  It won’t develop foot eye coordination, like football would do, or ability to work as a team like in rugby.


I do believe that the wider and deeper someone’s movement vocabulary is the more easy it will be for the child to acquire the more specific advanced skills of a sport later down the track.


Most importantly to me, I know that muscle pattern overload/over use is extremely likely if you keep hammering away at the same movement patterns inherent in one sport, over and over again.  So even if I did believe that the key to getting great in one sport is to just play one sport (which I don’t), I would enforce that the athlete plays a few other sports, simply to work the muscles a little differently, and give the overworked ones a rest!

Talent Identification- Does it work?


Most businesses spend 2% of their time recruiting and 75% of their time managing their recruiting mistakes!  In sport we also have situations where we recruit our ‘crop of current top talent’ and invest money in them, when there may be other kids out there with more potential that we never saw because their current performance was not as high.


I could risk upsetting a lot of people here so I will simply ask you to watch a great illustrated talk by the author of the GoldMine Effect on Talent ID.  I agree with his views on the difference between Current Performance and Future Potential.  How to you find potential in something that looks ordinary AT THE MOMENT is the secret!!  That is why I really enjoy working with my partners at Gosling Tennis Academy because they always focus on helping their players realise their own potential and try their absolute best to make it possible for everyone to try and do that by removing as many barriers as they can.


1.  What you see is not always what you get!!!


2.  Never overrate certificates and underrate character



I hope you found this article useful and I’d love to hear your thoughts:




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Lessons learnt from 2014 and a very belated UKSCA Conference 2014 Review!

Hi All,


like many of us busy coaches this time of year represents a time for reflection before we get back to it in January.  I was looking over some of my notes for 2014 and lessons learned and I totally forgot I hadn’t posted on the blog the notes from the UKSCA conference!!  So here it is!


If you’re a Strength & Conditioning coach then this is the must go to event.  I have only missed one since the inaugural conference in 2004!!  As ever there was an extensive line-up of International speakers with representation from UK, Australia and USA.  There was also a record turn out of over 500 delegates over the 3 day programme.   So I thought it would be appropriate to feedback a few of the key messages and applied methodologies presented at the workshops I attended or made notes on.


I have included below the thoughts of a friend and colleague of mine, Arran Peck, who fills us in on his key take home messages from Saturday’s speakers


Adam Beard

Head of Physical Performance (British & Irish Lions)

Physical Preparation of Elite Rugby Players

  • Improved performance normally exists where EVIDENCED BASED PRACTICE and PRACTICE BASED EVIDENCE meet
  • It is imperative to stand by your principles, underpinned by your experience, understanding and information available
  • Effective motor learning elicits far stronger and more effective transfer than mechanistic learning


Duncan French

Regional S&C Lead (English Institute of Sport)

Programming for & adaptation to Concurrent Training

  • Modulate the TIMING, ORDER, FREQUENCY, DURATION and INTENSITY of sessions to minimise likely inhibition of adaptation
  • Training for multiple qualities is ALWAYS going to increase total work load, the likelihood of system fatigue & reduce the rate or magnitude of gains
  • Every time you step in the gym, there’s an energetic cost but not always an adaptation


Craig Ransom

Lead Physiotherapist (Welsh Rugby Union)

Integrating Injury Prevention & Athlete Preparation

  • Research shows having your most effective players available more often & at key times increases likelihood of success…obviously!
  • Identify most frequently occurring injuries, target the ones that are preventable, understand the mechanisms, profile who is in greatest need & develop management strategies
  • Consider the COST : BENEFIT of ‘functional’ screening – consider workload, lifestyle, environmental and technical issues as more likely cause of injury


Nick Winkelman

Director of Education (EXOS performance)

The Art of Coaching Meets the Science of Motor Learning

  • Value of ‘Constraint based’ model of training – manipulate BODY, TASK and ENVIRONMENT to optimise development over time
  • The benefits of CONTEXTUAL INTERFERENCE – but variability needs to be related to ability!!!
  • Understand difference between IMPLICIT & EXPLICIT learning and that internal cueing often less effective than external cueing & sometimes less effective than no cueing at all!


APA Director Daz Drake comments on Day 1-


Adam Beard– I found this a great insight into use of monitoring to inform competitive readiness in Professional rugby.  They used GPS and morning monitoring diaries extensively.


GPS Match stats
Distance 7.5 km
Metres/min 80m
High speed running (HSR) 500m
>5.6m/s (20km/h)
Maximum velocity (m/s) 8.5


If a player was returning from injury they were able to use this to determine whether they were back to full fitness. Key thing- know your sport.  I remember Dave Hamilton presented on GB Women’s Hockey in 2012 and 148 m/m was the norm for Hockey.


Adam also talked about the importance of being able to repeat high quality efforts.  Hence greater use now of power endurance strongman circuits and speed endurance to top up the running volume.  But these must be performed explosively.


Duncan French–  this was a nice blend of theory and then application of concurrent training (strength with endurance training) with a case study of his programming for British Taekwondo.


Body transformation vs. Sports Performance


Duncan reminded us that it’s not about being a great generalist.  It’s about training specifically.  If you throw a lot of different training modalities together in a week or session (aka Crossfit) that will definitely be effective for stripping fat with the general population.  But the down side of concurrent training could be chronic fatigue and most importantly, a drop in rate of force development (RFD).


Research shows us that doing strength training doesn’t seem to impair aerobic performance but doing aerobic work does impair strength performance


Cycling seems to have less negative effects on strength levels than running


Whenever you can separate a strength/power session DAY from an aerobic day do so IF your goal is to OPTIMISE strength/power indicators


Repeated sprints (30-100m) 2-4 times per week improve aerobic/anaerobic performance without causing decrements in RFD if programmed effectively.


Dr Craig Ransom– questioned practically of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS).  Movements are slow and work the end range- is this representative of what happens in sport?  Even if the information is useful, can it be gathered and acted on quickly.  You will probably need to do another screening to determine why the movement is inefficient.


Solution- a targeted musculo skeletal screening which dials down on the key target areas that are associated with injuries in the sport.  Can also use Field based functional tests- for example, single leg elevated glute bridge for 25 reps.  This replicates demands of the stress placed on the hamstrings at mid stance of running cycle during high speed running- a major source of injury in rugby.



Nick Winkelman– this was a whistle-stop tour of coaching science,  stopping off at Dynamic Systems Theory (environment), constraint based learning (instruction) and internal and external cuing (feedback).


I always enjoy hearing from coaches who are interested in motor learning theory.  Some coaches just focus on Newton’s laws and production of force, using those methods which we know work best such as heavy weight training. While I believe this has to be a large underpinning principle that respects the principle of progressive overload, I also believe elite performance is all about error elimination and decision making under pressure.


Remember: errors must become unstable for efficiency to emerge


Introduce uncertainty in skills- it leads to learning


Introduce variability in skills- it gives the body system a chance to experience the pattern you want it to discover.


How to stop getting fat over Christmas!

Want to stay Lean over Christmas??


As you may know this time of year is when APA are busy helping some of our Professional Tennis players prepare in their pre-season.


ed corrie


But equally it’s also a time where even athletes have a lot of temptations as we approach the festive period with lots of family gatherings and parties.   So it’s important they keep on top of their nutrition.   If you are an athlete in training over the Christmas period, or are a normal person just looking to watch what you eat over Christmas then this post is for you.


Be Strategic with your Starches:


I’ve previously talked about the APA principles of nutrition HERE known as the 6 Pillars of Nutrition which are based on the work of Dr. Mike Rousell.


A big part of having success in maintaining lean mass is related to your strategic use of starches and so paying close attention to how much, what type and when you have carbohydrates will be key this Christmas.


So how much Carbohydrate does the Government recommend?

These guidelines are based on Recommended Daily Allowances for a typical Adult male, advised to consume 2000 calories per day.


 In caloric terms 270g of Carbohydrate equates to 1080 calories, or over 50% of your energy needs


Fat: 70 grams = 630 calories 
Protein: 50 grams = 200 calories 
Carbohydrates: 270 grams = 1080 calories
Fibre: 24 grams = 48 calories

Total: 1,958 calories 


For an athletic population on a Training Day the RDA might look a little different:


It has previously been recommended to consume around 5g/kilogram of body mass of Carbohydrates during periods of high volume training.


Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) for average athletic male adult (80kg male) 3000 kcal

Fat: 70 grams = 630 calories 
Protein: 160 grams = 640 calories 
Carbohydrates: 400 grams = 1600 calories
Fibre: 24 grams = 48 calories

Total: 2,918 calories


What do the Experts say?


These days experts are discouraging such large intakes of carbohydrates for athletic populations, with a bit more emphasis on a more balanced intake of protein and carbohydrates.  Athletes might have up to 300g protein and 300g carbohydrate per day.


Dr. Mike Rousell has recommended to have around 60-80g (up to 100g in large athletes) per Starch meal on training days. These meals will take place at breakfast, during workout shake, and in two meals following the workout.  So you’re looking at recommendations of about 240g-400g on training days depending on size of athlete.


On non-training days he advises a starch meal at breakfast (60-80g) and five further non starch meals at all other times (20g) so around 180g per day on non-training days.


He also advises around 50g of protein per meal, eaten at each of the 6 meals in the day.


But don’t just count calories!!!!


If you use Apps like My Fitness Pal to count how many calories you eat but you don’t pay attention to what type or when you eat them you’re missing a big piece of the puzzle.  For a great blog on why ‘A Calorie is Not A Calorie’ click the link.  This blog talks about calorie counting but also when to have Carbohydrates.


What type of Carbohydrates are best?


There are two main types of Carbohydrates:


1. Whole grains (starches): also know as ‘complex carbohydrates:’


Include foods such as porridge oats, wheat based cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes and can be consumed when the demand for energy from the body is high.  They release their energy more slowly.


Whole grain

-A whole grain is a cereal grain that contains the germ, endosperm, and bran, in contrast to refined grains, which retain only the endosperm.(Wikipedia).  


Vegetables– are also a form of complex carbohydrates but can be eaten in abundance because they contain only around 26 calories/100g so should be eaten at lunch and dinner!


2. Simple carbohydrates: 


Simple carbohydrates are sugars. All simple carbohydrates are made of just one or two sugar molecules. They are the quickest source of energy, as they are very rapidly digested.  Think sports drinks, confectionery, cereal bars, and fruit.


Fruit– is technically a simple carbohydrate — but it also contains fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. The fibre in fruit helps slow the digestion of carbs, which is why your blood sugar doesn’t spike as much after eating fibre-filled fruit like it does when you gulp down a fizzy drink or a chocolate bar.


As you will see below you can eat all of the different types of carbohydrates but it’s about eating them at the right time!


When should you eat Carbohydrates?


Most experts now agree that nutrient timing places a big role in weight management.  It is generally agreed that the best time to eat carbohydrates is:


1.  Breakfast- complex (60-80g)  

2.  Snacks- simple (fruit)  

3.  Workout-simple (50g workout shake)  

4.  Post-workout Meal-simple (within 30 minutes) and complex (60-80g within 2 hours)  


Training days:


So on training days you will have complex carbohydrates at breakfast and in one or two meals following your workout.


Non-training days:


On non-training days you just have complex carbohydrates for breakfast!!

The rest of the day can be fruit for a snack and vegetables at lunch and dinner!!


Food Types Medium


The key take away message is to make sure you are strict with your intake of complex carbohydrates and simple sugars on non-training days!!!!!  It really is the key to stay lean over Christmas.  If you want to pig out a bit more on Carbohydrates then make sure you do some training before your Christmas dinner.


Want to lose body fat???




If you want to see how I did this when I lost 9% body fat check out the 3 month  Fat loss training programme HERE,  HERE and HERE


A big part of my own success in stripping body fat was related to my strategic use of starches.  This is a more extreme version of carbohydrate manipulation but the principles are the same.  The only difference here was I made a decision to remove complex carbohydrates completely on training days for the first two weeks.  This is not advised for athletes who need to complete high training volumes and high intensity exercise.    But it can be applied at specific times when fat loss reduction is required.


Good luck with your eating over Christmas!

Mind blowing Motivational videos

Well it’s Friday and to be honest I probably should be showing this video on a Monday (when we need a kick start to our week) but I thought you would like to see my latest favourite motivational video!


It can be very challenging to focus on all the things you have to do that day, while still leaving time in the day to dream about your big goals and keep one eye on the next big project to start or finish.  So this video is for you to remind you to keep pushing for what you want!


I don’t recommend to our athletes to go without sleep and food like it says in this video but nevertheless the message is powerful………..



And here’s my other favourite


So now you’re feeling motivated to reach for a goal that takes you outside your comfort zone the question is what are you going to do with your time?


Why not check out the latest APA Level 2 Certificate in Strength & Conditioning?  Click HERE  to get the Early Bird Discount which expires in 1 week!!!


Early Bird offer ends in 2 weeks!

Dear Coach,


if your life is anything like mine you probably can’t believe it’s officially December next Monday!  Well with so much going on you probably haven’t realised there are only two weeks left to get the Level 2 1st4sport Certificate in Strength & Conditioning Early Bird Price.


Click HERE to get the EARLY BIRD Price


10/11 JANUARY and 21/22 FEBRUARY 2015 at Gosling Sports Park 9am-5pm




Here are my top 4 reasons for doing this qualification:


1.  It’s unbelievable value- £370 for a Level 2 Qualification is one of the best value qualifications on the market!


2.  You get 16 CPD points from the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS)




2.  Unlike some qualifications, you don’t need to do a Level 1 first!


3.  You are qualified in 4 days of intensive training, plus 4 weeks of coaching in your work place.


And what is more, if you’re having trouble getting 4 weeks of coaching done, I’ll even offer to let you do it under my supervision at my own work place!


Bottom line is that if you’re looking to get into the industry, then this qualification will enable you to gain the skills you will need to be able to deliver S&C programmes, and hopefully get that job you’ve dreamed of.  The Level 2 qualification is ideal for coaches looking to gain the skills and experience to  assist the Lead coach in professional organisations.


So what are you waiting for? Book now and kick start your Strength & Conditioning Career.

Why modern education is killing our kids!

This Blog post is a departure away from my usual writing.  As some of you may know I’m as passionate about coach education as I am about coaching itself.  As part of my journey to becoming a coach educator I am now enrolled on a teaching qualification.


For those of you who are in the fortunate role to provide Coach Education I just thought I would share with you a few key learnings from my first two days on the Level 3 Award in Education & Training (AET).  I love being able to reflect on my own education journey and think how I will change the way I do things to influence the next generation.


It’s that old cliche that if you pick up one key pearl of wisdom it will be worth going.  Well my biggest pearl was to be introduced to Sir Ken Robinson.  Our tutor showed us this Youtube video just before lunch to give us something to discuss over lunch. I was gripped.



You can watch the whole lecture here


Sir Ken is an educationalist who encouraged me to think about creativity and divergent thinking, an essential capacity for creativity.  Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.  Divergent thinking is the ability to see lots of possible answers to a question and the ability to think laterally.  There are so many achievements that characterise the ascent of human culture.  But in his opinion we destroy this natural creativity in the way we educate people.


The education system:  ”They’re trying to meet the future by doing what we did in the past, and along the way they’re alienating millions of kids who don’t see any purpose of going to school.” 


”There is an intellectual apatite where Vocational training is seen as not as good as academic training.  Our children are living in the most intensely stimulating period of the history of the Earth.  They are being besieged with information and calls for their attention from every platform: from computers, from Iphones, from advertising hoarding, from hundreds of television channels.  And we’re penalising them from getting distracted…..from what….??”


Boring lessons!!!!!!!


Not everyone will benefit from a standardised way of learning, being force fed information that they may or may not be interested in.


Death by Powerpoint:



We’re still getting our children through education by anaesthetising them rather than waking them up!!


Group work:


Instead most great learning happens in GROUPS.  Collaboration is the stuff of Growth.  But yet we have achievement standards that learners need to reach by working in isolation on a test paper where there is only one answer!  We need a shift from an industrial metaphor of education to an agricultural one.  Human organisations are not like mechanisms (even though organisational charts still represent most organisations like this) they are like organisms. The way you work in an organisation is deeply affected by how you feel about it.


Ken Robinson

My challenge:


So I challenged myself to think out of the box and give a 15 minute presentation on Strength & Conditioning without the use of powerpoint.


Before I did my presentation I had a really good session on Delivery Methods.  We did a group brainstorm on different delivery methods we could use to share information and here is a photo of the brainstorm on the flip chart.




So fuelled with lots of ideas I went and did my presentation.


The presentation was really well received and it gave me a lot of satisfaction in achieving the learning objectives without being constrained to the use of powerpoint.  Rather than just tell people by showing them words on a page and reading them off, I cultivated group discussions, I showed them videos and I got them to do some practical tasks.  This is what our tutor meant by Tell > Show > Do, where learning sticks more, the more INVOLVED you are in it!




Out of interest compare how much information you took in when you listened to Sir Ken speak on the full 55 minute lecture and just focused on the words, with the 10 minute illustrated version where you were constantly looking at pictures too!  They say a picture paints a thousand words!


Go out there and be creative!!!!!!!

How to get a job in S&C Part 2

If you haven’t read the first blog post then read it HERE.   For this final instalment I want to talk about two further points:

  • Observing performance
  • Giving and receiving feedback


These two points are actually secondary for me when I’m interviewing a prospective coach because I believe that the passion to inspire an athlete by creating a great training environment is what I look for first.  The technical knowledge to know what to observe and give feedback on is something I feel I can teach more easily.  But if you can do both then even better!


Observing Performance


A big part of your role as a coach is to observe performance.  You observe the athlete’s performance and evaluate it.  First and foremost you have to set up a great training environment to ensure that the athlete is giving you an account of their best effort. If you have failed in achieving the first task then there is no point observing something where the athlete is not trying.


So observation has to be an integrated approach starting with mental effort (i.e., their mindset to give 100%).


A good checklist to apply is observe performance and provide feedback in the following order: Drill, then Will, then Skill


Drill– are they doing the drill the correct way? So are they using the correct equipment, are they following the instructions?


Will– overall does it look like there is Mental & physical hard and smart (engaged) work taking place?


Skill– are they using the correct techniques to get the outcome?


This process applies for all athletes.  But we do need to consider the different needs of different levels of athletes.


Observing Advanced Athletes: the mouse in the room


Have a look at my previous blog where we observed and analysed the Snatch Balance (aka Drop Snatch) below:



Now clearly in this type of setting you need to know your stuff.  The athlete is highly motivated and the Drill and Will is being observed properly. You need to have a good level of technical knowledge and you need to know what the fault is that is creating the failed lift when you are observing performance.  The slight heel lift of the left foot is the ‘mouse in the room.’  It’s a small fault but it makes a big difference to an elite athlete’s performance.  This heel lift is the skill that needs to be addressed.


Observing Novice Athletes: the elephant in the room


Again observation skills are really crucial here as there are some much more obvious dysfunctional motor patterns that can be observed here that require feedback.  With novice athletes there may be several things you have observed that you want to give feedback on.  In a previous blog I talked about how novices provide inherent variability in their performance (which creates a great learning environment).  So the tendency might be to try and correct all the movements by raising their awareness to all of them.  But another approach suggests we should keep them focused on the task outcome and limit how much feedback we give them.


So how much feedback should we give?


Forgive me for going off on a tangent but I have recently been inspired by the views of a pragmatic educationalist called Sir Ken Robinson.  For me I see a lot of parallels with coaching and teaching, and it’s in the way we teach (and give feedback) that we can really make an impact on the athlete we are working with.



This lecture is in the context of education and children but I think it applies to any learning.  If you don’t want to watch the whole lecture, the key point he makes is that ”children are learning organisms.  Children don’t need to be helped to learn for the most part.  They are born with a vast veracious appetite for learning.  Children just pick things up.  Of course you nudge them, you correct them, you encourage them. Children’s appetite only starts to dissipate them when you educate them and force feed them information.  Children learn any way.  But the conceit of education is that we can help them learn it better than if they were otherwise left to their own devices.(if we do it the right way)”


He talked about the flipped classroom approach: where you don’t teach them everything.  You get them actively involved in teaching themselves and teaching each other.


Ives & Shelley talk about the need to develop a ‘non-awareness’ strategy, which relates to the same idea of letting the child take control of their own learning through discovery learning.


So what is Discovery Learning?


Discovery Learning is about learners solving for themselves how and what movements to make given the SITUATIONAL CONSTRAINTS imposed upon them. We will discover below that the constraints are key aspects we can control to influence the performance of the task. This becomes especially important when we are dealing with more advanced learners whose skilled are more developed.
Working with Beginners
In the case of working with beginners or any situation when we are introducing a new skill to an athlete we could look at giving minimal coaching technical feedback and simply letting the athlete come up with the solution.   They will bring their own inherent variability to the party because they are learning to coordinate their body.
Ives and Shelvey (2003) say: 

”To illustrate for functional training, we suggest that athletes not be told to perform weight training exercises with specific techniques. The athlete,within the bounds of safety, should be free to explore the exercises and become aware of their own movement effects and perceptual outcomes. Don’t rigorously defining‘proper’ form. With no instruction, the athlete may search endlessly for a proper movement solution.
A word of caution:
Athletes may learn poor movements and adopt bad habits.
The coach or trainer can guide the athlete by providing purposeful intent, ideas about where to focus attention, and clues to key perceptual cues.  In this fashion, athletes are able to resolve problems and begin to understand the nature of movement on their own, and determine optimal solutions for themselves.”

In summary we can view the role of the coach as guiding the athlete to optimal performance through giving them a clear instruction on the intent we are looking for, and a few attentional cues BUT letting them solve the movement problem!

Now this may be quite a lot of information to digest.  This is specifically focused on skill related feedback.  On a more global sense I have found the check list below very useful when considering the relevance of any feedback I want to give.


Coaching Skills – Feedback


Coach to provide BESST feedback

Black and white
Simple and clear, success-failure boundary, giving a sense of urgency as it is or it isn’t.


The task and its processes offer ‘No wriggle room’.

Effort emphasized
Effort emphasised e.g. “Well done. You worked hard for that.”


The simple message to be reinforced through feedback is effort grows talent


Not ‘Great point!’ but ‘Great determination to get behind the ball.’


Praise = ‘Well done, you kept your hand in front which helped you to …”


Encouragement = “Just keep your hand in front.”


Encourage the learner to give and ask for feedback




I hoped you found this blog interesting and will challenge your thinking the next time you are about to observe performance in one of your athletes!



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My take on how to get job in S&C!

The last few weeks I have been doing a fair amount of coach education with the Sports Studies students of the University of Hertfordshire, as well as my recent workshop, ‘5 Numbers to Live By.’  Discussions quickly came around to how to get a job in this industry so I thought I would share with you some of my reflections.  Bottom line; be a great coach and get yourself noticed.  So how do you do this?


This coach is explaining the benefit of a proper dynamic warm-up


To be a great coach I have been focusing on talking about the ‘Coaching Process.‘  I’d like to mention a few of my own mentors on this subject who have influenced many of my thoughts on this topic, namely Louis Cayer, Helen Emms, Paul Dent and all the coaching team at Gosling Tennis Academy.   So to set the scene my discussions with the students focused on:  

  • Creating a culture
  • Creating a training environment
  • Observing performance
  • Giving and receiving feedback


In this post I will focus on the first two:


Creating a Culture:

  I started by speaking about Creating a culture.  I explained to the students that if you’re looking to get a job with an organisation it’s really important to see if you are going to be a good fit for each other.  I think that great teams have a great culture, which consists of the following:

>Having a Big Goal and a set of processes in place to achieve it.


For example, at Gosling Tennis Academy, they have a goal of:

”winning now and in the future, on and off the court.”


They define winning as having a champion in the same calendar year in each of the following events:

>Junior 10 and under British Nationals

>Junior 14 and under Tarbes (unofficial world championships)

>Junior Grand slam

>NCAA Divison 1 Team

>Senior Grand slam


So if you’re thinking about approaching an organisation think about whether you’d be excited about being part of a team with these goals.  The processes they have in place that lead to winning at Gosling are:


  • World class knowledge
  • Clear understanding of level
  • Improve performance at each stage of development
  • Integrated improvement of performance


By knowing this you can start to think about where your skill sets will fit within these processes!  Then you can demonstrate how you will help them achieve their goals.


It’s also worth asking them about their values and beliefs.  I was very fortunate to part of the process that the Gosling coaches went through in 2008  coming up with their own Values & Beliefs:



  • Courage
  • Respect
  • Excellence
  • Fun
  • Competitive spirit



  • Process focus = More wins
  • Everything can improve
  • Programmes are individualised
  • Tennis is a team sport



Creating a Training Environment:


Work with the pros


Assuming you’ve got this far, you’ve probably already visited the organisation you’re interested in getting a job with and spoken to them about their goals, processes, values and beliefs. Well if you’re lucky you might be asked to show them what you’ve got and do some coaching so they can see if you can actually coach!!  This is your job interview and you’ve probably heard that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression!


Creating a great training environment is not as easy as it might seem.  I really value having someone in my team who I can rely on time and time again to rally the troops.   In my sessions with the students at University of Hertfordshire I focused on a few key concepts to create a great training environment.


  • Passion
  • Challenge
  • Competition
  • Fun


You don’t have to be a ‘hoo-rah’ American style loud and animated personality to be passionate but you do need to engage your athletes some how.  But if you’re starting out then let the goal and the drill be the coach for you and make sure you stick to some simple rules guaranteed to get results!

> No finish line no race so set targets- make sure there is a clear objective that is challenging

>Keep score to switch them on and create a sense of urgency- make sure there is competition

>Make it fun by using games as well as drills to train the theme you are coaching

>Create an environment of choice and consequence.  This doesn’t necessarily link to the previous objectives of having fun, competition and challenge.  But in my experience it does create a sense of accountability if you expose them and do not afford them the opportunity of being able to hide and not take responsibility (you cannot take responsibility if it was not your choice in the first place). Choice and consequence leads to ownership, responsibility and accountability.


Encourage player ownership and control by offering options, making suggestions and providing choice e.g. Would you mind if..? How about we..? How many do you think it will take to do this? etc.


Within each drill/task there must be at least 1 ‘choice point’ for the player e.g. if you choose what is to be done, then the player can choose when. If the coach decides to feed tough balls from the basket, the player can choose from 3 options the number of balls he wants to receive.


The player can choose the level of challenge of the drill/task e.g. ‘Would you like national or international level feeds to be given to you? Would you like national or international standard targets to aim for?’ etc.


Trust me, if you do these things well you will make yourself stand out as a coach by creating a great training environment! Good luck!


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5 lessons learnt after a month coaching at APA

This week I’m introducing you to another one of APA’s new coaches Scott Dodman.


scott dodman profile photo


I’m absolutely delighted to have Scott with us, who is on a work placement year from University of Hertfordshire.


So I asked Scott to come up with 5 lessons he has learnt in his first month at APA.  Here is what he came up with:


  • Communication with both children and adults can often be restricted, due to time constraints. However, I’ve learnt at APA this is a very important part of interacting and sharing ideas, so that both the kids and parents have complete confidence in my desire to progress them so that they can reach their full potential.  What is more, by being positive and approachable I hope it encourage the athletes to listen and share my enthusiasm for my coaching session.
  • Sometimes keeping it simple get results! If everyone understands the instructions they can concentrate on the end result rather than trying to keep up with complicated difficult moves. This helps to make the sessions fun and enjoyable.
  • Safety is paramount to all the training we do with our athletes. It’s important to be mindful of how hard each person works and ensure that they do not cause themselves an injury. Stretching techniques are vital element of all my training sessions so the kids learn that it is not an option, but an essential part of their daily training regime.
  • Smiling is my secret weapon!  People feel more comfortable around someone who smiles and seems approachable.   It may sound crazy but smiling just makes people feel good and as I am mainly happy I probably smile a lot! There are times when I have needed to deal with difficult situations in a group I am coaching but I deal with that and then the next session it is back to smiling, which keeps the overall environment nice and welcoming.
  • Understanding how and why they are being asked to carry out a task will help to educate the athlete so they have a greater understanding their own body and how far they can push themselves.  By educating them on new skills they will soon become part of the athlete’s toolbox which ensures they are at their fittest when it really counts.
  • On a personal note sometimes it is frustrating not being rubber man!  I cannot always demonstrate the exercise I want them to perform either due to my size or my lack of flexibility. However, using technology, such as the IPAD allows me to demonstrate how to carry out the exercise correctly. This allows me to share with them my University theory based strategies but in a more realistic setting. I know from research that the specific exercises help get results so it is great to share this with them at a level they can use and interpret.  Using these techniques have helped to make me feel confident teaching any exercise even if I can’t do it myself.



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Finally, remember, APA are running a FREE workshop on October 25th 9am-12pm  ‘5 Numbers to Live by.’  It is looking at the key ingredients to a world class S&C programme.


Book HERE to register your place.