APA Latest S&C workshop October 26th 2013
Check out the link for full details!!!
Athletic Performance Academy – Latest news & updates from Athletic Performance Academy
Check out the link for full details!!!
APA will be presenting a FREE 2-hour workshop on the ‘Keys to a Successful S&C Programme,’ on September 18th 10am-12pm at Gosling Tennis Academy.
It’s FREE and has 2 LTA Licence points up for grabs too!
We will be covering a few different topics which includes but is not limited to principles of training, hours of tennis/S&C per week, training blocks per year and design of warm-ups, training sessions and fitness testing protocols.
If you are a tennis coach, S&C coach or aspiring S&C coach and are looking to find out more about what it takes to set up an S&C programme in your club or organisation, or you are simply interested to see what goes on behind the scenes of an S&C programme at an IHPC then you won’t want to miss this!
To confirm your place all you need to do is email Daz Drake at [email protected] with your full name.
In previous posts I eluded to the trend to programme in strength preparation cycles that emphasise ‘work capacity’ to prepare for more higher intensity forms of training. The aim here is to develop a Volume base of General fitness that will augment future performance.
I wanted to discuss this further from four specific viewpoints: developmental athletes, strength/power sports, fat loss clients, and general fitness enthusiasts, and determine the reasons why each of those specific population might want to use volume in their initial strength phases.
Before we get into the detail I should say that the overall aim of any programme should be to provide a training stimulus that will augment performance and minimise injury risk. Any programme aiming to create an appropriate training stimulus must respect the overall training principles of overload, variation and specificity.
As a general rule for overload I believe in progressively increasing the intensity of a biomotor ability first before learning to endure that quality. Therefore I really start to focus on the endurance of the anaerobic qualities of speed and power at the end of a training block during the ‘conditioning phase’.
For my developmental athletes (school aged children who aspire to become professional athletes) the focus of the strength sessions in early cycles is building a ‘movement efficiency base.‘ Work capacity is something that I really focus on in the final stages of their development where we focus on them ‘enduring’ the anaerobic qualities of speed, agility, and power for longer periods of time. I call this phase the conditioning phase (see diagram above). Work capacity in earlier stages of development will mainly be achieved by doing more sessions per week and separate cardio sessions. However it will be also be a by-product of individual weights sessions because as I said in the previous post I will be doing strength endurance in the gym because it facilitates more repetitions which has many benefits to the newbie lifter but specifically:
a. Progressive Overload– I believe in focusing on building intensity first and this is done very progressively. I believe in the concept of the ‘minimum stimulus threshold’ which basically says that I find the lowest form of stress that can still cause an adaptation and start there. I don’t want to go in at the deep end when lower forms of stress will get the job done. This is why I will start with strength endurance- simply because the load is lower.
b. Skill acquisition– Higher reps allows you to teach and reinforce movement patterns- proper form will be ingrained in your very soul! I will use supersets of non-competing exercises with no rest between exercises and 1-minute between supersets. By working one pair at a time, having a minute between supersets and giving 2-minutes rest before moving onto the next pair it doesn’t become like a circuit but I do get lots of practice at movements. I want to keep the metabolic stress under control so I get maximum quality.
c. Phase potentiation– for the newbie there will be some physiological adaptations that would potentiate the increased performance in subsequent strength cycles. This is mostly due to neural changes such as greater intra- and inter-muscular coordination, as well as structural benefits to the connective tissue elements.
During Strength cycles Mike Stone manipulates volume load to create specific adaptations in his Olympic Weightlifters using summated microcycles. The weekly increases in volume load provide for progressive overload and are followed by a deload week after every 3-weeks to enable adaptation and recovery.
However as we know if you just focus on strength for an extended period of time you are very likely to stagnate so Mike does start with a Volume base which causes a short term volume load increase to prepare for his strength cycles!!!. This SHORT-TERM VL INCREASE POTENTIATES INCREASED PERFORMANCE – AND MAY BE RELATED TO HORMONAL ALTERATION.
According to Mike Stone the benefits of a Volume Base in this situation relate to hormonal alterations which are based on the concept of creating fatigue through Concentrated Loading. You are producing a lot of testosterone but due to the high volume you’re also producing a lot of cortisol which induces stress/ fatigue. This is achieved by doing sets x reps schemes in the region of 3 x 10. This may seem just like standard hypertrophy work but to a strength/power athlete who likes to lifts heavy things for few reps this is a shock to them!
Notice how that once the strength phase has been completed (BLOCK 2) following the concentrated loading (BLOCK 1) there are two noticable spikes in Volume again during the power phases (BLOCK 3 and 4). This type of volume increase called Over reaching.
So as well as the volume base that Mike uses there are also mini volume spikes to create that fatigue again during otherwise lower volume cycles (i.e., power cycles).
For me I see a lot of the scope of building a Volume base being related to raising metabolism both during the workout and post-workout by exploiting a physiological phenomenon know as EPOC. Fat loss clients are creating a fat loss base by doing lots of exercises with minimal rest to challenge the body both anaerobically and aerobically-meaning they will work their muscles and their cardiovascular system. This is achieved by doing strength endurance circuits such as 5 exercises done with only 30-seconds rest between them. This is great for fat loss because it ramps up metabolism. This type of training is called ‘metabolic resistance training.’ This fat loss base is designed to create more insulin sensitivity so that you are better able to process sugars in your strength phases!
For me this is subtly different to what I would do to build a volume base with young athletes because the circuits here are designed to raise metabolism and use exercises which require lower levels of skill so they can tax the muscular and cardiovascular system simultaneously. I try and work these systems separately with developmental athletes. Even though my young athletes will be doing higher reps in earlier training phases they will be doing them at a controlled tempo so heart rate won’t increase as much as in these type of metabolic resistance training circuits.
Normally fat loss clients will also do extra metabolic work in the form of sprint intervals which also taps into aerobic recovery from anaerobic work, but I guess my caveat here is to be smart and not programme in exercises modalities that they’re not ready for. I’d rather they do sled drags or bike intervals as a start then progress to running based intervals. For my developmental athletes training I don’t want them to rely on getting their increases in their uptake of oxygen from only ‘recovery’ from high intensity strenuous exercise. I also think young athletes should do some direct aerobic work from actual aerobic intervals of longer duration as well as a little bit of continuous running! Not just maximal effort anaerobic work with aerobic recovery!!
I found a great article on the pros and cons of Cross fit because this is perhaps the classic case of doing work for work’s sake. Read the full article here. In a nutshell the problem with building a volume base using things like Crossfit is that ‘You do a little of everything. And the ‘everything’ are all super demanding exercises!!! You do some Olympic lifting, and some powerlifting, and some bodyweight stuff, and some cardio stuff, and some running, and some sprinting, and some intervals, and some circuit training, and some whoop do doop- (my note: all in the presence of fatigue). And you will, yes, “get in shape.” You may even get abs to show off at the office pool party.
I actually don’t have any problems with the idea of building general fitness by doing a bit of everything. This is exactly what I am aiming to do with my developmental athletes. I just go about achieving it a different way. I train all the components mentioned above in a given week (which in itself builds work capacity or a volume base!), but I don’t feel that the way Crossfit is designed is ideal to ‘develop’ general fitness of your average fitness enthusiast because I have concerns about the form of the exercises. I wouldn’t want my athletes to attempt to do Olympic lifts, power lifts and track sprints all in the presence of fatigue. And I think that sort of prescription should be reserved for later training cycles, such as my conditioning phase. I would build my base by training those exercises separately. And I would see Crossfit as the equivalent of sending a recreational runner off to do an Ironman!!
Developmental athletes are building a movement efficiency base to get good at lifting in later cycles. Strength/Power athletes are building a fatigue base to get a rebound in performance in the next strength cycle. Fat loss clients are building a fat loss base to improve insulin sensitivity and general fitness enthusiasts are building a general base of fitness which doesn’t serve a particular purpose for future cycles.
So I went to see Chris for my 4th PT session and this week I came in a broken man. I have resumed playing 5-a-side football on Mondays and for the last session and this session have been seen to see Chris the following day. Without getting into the details I have a long history of hip related discomfort and I am always getting super tight in my adductors, hamstrings and QL. I believe this is because my trunk and glutes/hamstrings are weak so the other hip extensors take up the slack and beat up on my IT band for pay back!!!!! So football is a bit of a love hate experience right now- I love to play it but I feel really heavy on the pitch; I find it hard to pick my legs up and hate how stiff and uncomfortable I feel after. I guess because I have been weary of my back for so many years (over 10 years now) I very rarely do any sprint work or running so I guess my hamstrings have just got deconditioned at pulling through the running stance!!!!
Given that Strength is my goal I am considering not playing 5-a-side but I love it so I am going to have to see how I get on programming a Weights session the day after football!
Word of advice- if you have one heavy lift planned that is your priority session I don’t advise planning a 5-a-side match the day before but this is just the reality:
Football has to be on Monday and I have to see Chris on Tuesday (it’s just logistics!!!)
Any way because Chris could see I was struggling we agreed it might be worth doing some hamstring work. So here is the session I did. Interestingly based on my previous posts about work capacity I guess you could call it reverse periodisation because looking at it I started with the just get it done (JGID) muscle conditioning work and finished with the Intensity stuff (Deadlifts)!!!!
1. Empty bar (20kg) Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 20
2. Single leg toe touches 3 x 12 each leg
3. Kettlebell Good mornings 3 x 15
4. Swissball hip extension into single leg rotation 3 x 12 each side (see below):
I had to keep one leg straight while I lifted the free leg and rotated it out to the side. This gave me a nice stretch on the lower back and worked my obliques.
5. Barbell Standing twists with lunges 3 x 10 each side [see below]
6. Deadlifts 60kg 2 x 8 (quite easy)
I guess you could say we flipped the ‘typical’ order on its head, starting with work capacity work and finishing with the strength lifts. So there you have it. One session of hamstring abuse!!!!
In yesterday’s post I gave you my own take on work capacity. To give a bit more detail to this topic Dan Cleather talks about training three components of strength that have different volume and intensity demands.
He calls them:
1. The Intensity bit
2. Grease the Groove (GTG)
3. Just Get it Done (JGID)
I think we all recognise these elements no matter what you call them. I call them Main Power/Strength lifts, Secondary strength lifts and muscle conditioning components. Like Dan I train the three components concurrently and these form the basis of every weights session.
I wrote a Blog about this concept of changing the emphasis of a session previously. See it here.
Here is a caveat with the ‘Intensity bit’:
Remember that the high intensity bit of the session doesn’t necessarily need to be high intensity in all cases- with a development athlete you could be working on developing tripple extension technique, so this aspect is as much about quality as it is about intensity. Make sure that the work is done at a high quality.
Also the GTG component of the session could take on a more strength focus or a more work capacity focus depending on how you work it. If you use barbell complexes for example, but for 2-6 reps with no rest between each exercise then it becomes more metabolic. But if you give them complete rest but work at a lower percentage of your maximum it can be a good strength developer but with a bit of volume
#1: Barbell complex: (used with 2 junior tennis players, badminton players, football players and golfers, so pretty general!)
6 reps of the following done 3-5 times with 30-60 seconds between sets.
Stiff legged deadlift
Bent Over Row
Hang clean shrugs
Front squat
Hang cleans or pull to catch
Push press
I personally would see this as a GTG type work but done with a work capacity focus. I personally stay away from this type of work capacity work with my athletes as many of them will be learning the barbell techniques as part of my Intensity/quality bit.
#2: Circuit done 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest done 3 times through with my elite badminton players:
I prefer this type of work capacity work with my developmental athletes using lower skill exercises that I will do at the end of the session using more JGID type programming.
Hand Step-Ups
Overhead walking lunges
Theraband Letter T’s
Goblet Lateral Lunges
Read the whole article here
Hope this gives you some ideas!!!!
I am writing this blog post currently suffering from the affects of last night’s session with my trainer Chris Burford (more on this later) and have been reflecting on an article I just read by Dan Cleather in the latest UKSCA S&C journal. It’s a new column called ‘Strong foundations,’ and it features contributions from experienced S&C coaches outlining their philosophies.
The column editor Dan kicked us off with his thoughts on Volume and Intensity programming for athletes. A couple of key points came out:
Importance of High Intensity Training:
Coach Swole offers this definition:
Workout Density: The amount of exercises, reps, and sets that are performed per workout. Think super-sets.
Density builds capacity.
According to Coach Dos Remedios Work capacity involves several physical qualities, these include:
Core strength
Muscular endurance
Aerobic and anaerobic capacity
Body composition (% body fat)
Joint mobility (range of motion, durability)
Most comprehensive S&C programmes these days usually have work capacity in the programmes in various forms. For advanced athletes its the filler and/or finisher of a strength session. It can also be a stand alone work capacity session be it repeated sprints, sled pushes, circuits, barbell complexes etc. My contention is that Work Capacity will automatically increase as you get stronger in these athletes (this is another way to increase it) so my question is how much extra ‘work for works sake’ do I need to be doing to increase general fitness? And how does general fitness help me achieve a specific goal?
I know that the more ‘work’ I do the more that cuts into my recovery ability- which is vital to get me ready to do my ‘high intensity’ sessions when I need to be fresh!!!! So I don’t just want to be doing mindless work. Let’s look at some of the applications of work capacity training!
Work capacity: do more work in each session
One of the simplest ways to do this is to use SUPERSETS. Check out the full article here for an in depth blog I found on this concept:
Below is another way of getting more density. Just have a few supplementary exercises after the main ‘strength’ exercise where you can either rep out on the last set (exercise 2 in example) and/or finish with some high rep body weight exercises.
Work capacity: Do more work in the the day, the week.
For me work capacity is not just about getting more work done in each session by targeting the above qualities (basically things you can do tired because it’s just about getting it done). It’s about getting more work done each week, month, year by doing more sessions. This way you are building up the athlete’s ability to handle more and more work without any one session compromising their recovery ability.
Here is a link to a good article on ways to increase work capacity by adding extra sessions with EliteFTS
It basically recommends use of extra recovery work outs, workouts to target weak points, specific work capacity sessions such as dragging a heavy sled for 200 yards then resting 30-45 seconds.
Another way to do it is to put more sessions in the same part of the day such as an example from Coach Dos below:
7:15-8:15: Weights (includes some plyos, core strength, etc.)
8:15-8:30: Warm-up and agilities/speed
8:30-9:00: Conditioning
9:00-9:20: Water and stretch
9:20-11:00: Practice
If you did the above morning you would have developed a large work capacity no doubt! And one of the things I do with our adolescent athletes is slowly introduce more sessions in their week so they get used to having sessions every day and then on some days double sessions!
This occurs because all three energy systems “turn on” at the same time, and as each one maxes out, it taps into the next higher bracket for assistance until full recovery can be accomplished. Since the aerobic system serves as the base for substrate recovery and repeated bouts of high output, if inadequacies exist, fatigue will occur faster due to an over reliance on the less-equipped energy brackets to handle restoration, and power output will be compromised.
Brendan Chaplin: ‘I do a lot of work capacity circuits to build general fitness in my athletes. I think many of us do.
If you don’t have the fitness to train for strength how the hell can you actually get strong? Or powerful? Or build a high level of endurance’?
7. Generally speaking, sprint before your lower body strength training work, not after.
People often ask me when the best point in one’s training split is to sprint. As a general rule of thumb, I prefer to have people sprint before they do their lower body strength training sessions. We might have athletes that will combine the two into one session (sprinting first, of course), but most fitness oriented sprinters would sprint the day or two prior to a lower body session. A training schedule I like to use for many athletes and non-athletes alike is:
Mo: Lower Body Strength Training (with athletes, we may do some sprint work before this as well)
Tu: Upper Body Strength Training
We: Sprint Work
Th: Lower Body Strength Training
Fr: Upper Body Strength Training
Sa: Sprint Work
Su: Off
In this case, the intensive lower body work is consolidated into three 24-36-hour blocks (Mo, We-Th, Sa).
Conversely, I’ve also met lifters who like to sprint at 70-80% effort the day after a lower body strength training session, as they feel like it helps with promoting recovery.
So there you have it. A complete overview of my take on work capacity and the need to build a volume base!!!
So how did I feel after the first session? Well, the truth is it hurt pretty bad. I actually went into the session with Chris with a sore back. The previous week I had done a heavy deadlift and had also been demonstrating a lot of KB swings to my athletes which is why I think I was struggling.
I had the worst muscle soreness in my quads and my back was still sore from previous week’s training before seeing Chris. What was most noticable was than it felt like my core had gone to sleep- I just couldn’t get that bracing feeling all week and I guess they were just taxed to the max from the maximal effort!
Session 2:
I ended up going back to see Chris for my second session a full week later. By this time the muscle soreness in my legs was gone and my back was just a little stiff. To cut a long story short we did pretty much the same session as Session 1 but in Session 2 I in also added in a few extra exercises:
Core and Kettle bells:
I added in Swiss ball jack knifes 2 x 10 (see below) with a rotation as well as Swiss ball back extensions.
For Kettle bell I added in Turkish Get ups 1 x 6 each side. The squat routine was the same only this time I was more accustomed to it and knew what to expect. This time Chris didn’t need to lift me all the way up, he just nudged me out of the hole and I got myself the rest of the way up.
Session 3:
This time I actually recovered a lot faster. I didn’t have anywhere near as much muscle soreness and was able to lift again on Tuesday after I only previously saw Chris last Thursday. I think Chris is cunningly increasing my work capacity as I now did a more extensive extended warm-up before the main squat.
Core and Kettle bells:
We did the same core routine as previous session then I tried several new KB exercises to the growing repertoire! Session 3 looks like this:
1. KB squat swings 2 x 30
2. KB goblet squats 2 x 20
3. KB side planks hip lifts 2 x 10 each side- this is so hard!!
4. KB figure of 8 swings 2 x 10 each side
5. KB Arabesque 2 x 10 each side
Then we hit the squat using the same progressive sets x reps scheme:
warm-up: empty bar 1 x 10
1 x 5 at 60kg / 1 x 3 at 80kg / 1 x 1 at 100kg
Let’s see what is in store next week! I feel much stronger in my core and I have modified my squat technique slightly so I am sitting forward slightly more with the bar slightly lower on my back so I can push through my abs and glutes more. I don’t get knee pain and now it is feeling easier to get the reps done!!!!!
So guys if you’ve followed my previous posts on last year’s ‘Get Lean in 12 weeks’ you’ll know that this year I’ve been focused on ‘Getting strong in 12 weeks’.
I like to have a time frame so I think 12 weeks is about right: I’ve had 3 PT sessions with a local trainer Chris Burford so I thought I would give you an insight into how it has been going. Chris Burford is legitimately strong- he has a 300kg squat. Check it out here:
First session:
My first session was a bit more talking based so that Chris could establish my goals, my training history and my injury history. I also brought in a 3 day nutrition log. I told him I wanted to squat 2 x my bodyweight for 1RM (150kg). I told him I typically never lift for less than 5 reps and that typically heavy squats would aggravate my knees. I also said that I know that I am weak in the core but kid myself that doing compound lifts will be sufficient. I said I reckoned I could lift 100kg for 1 rep and I comfortably do 70kg for 6 reps.
Workout 1:
Core series:
1. leg lowers 1 x 20
2. tic tocs 1 x 20 (10 each side)
3. glute bridges 1 x 30
I realised this is an area I just can’t afford to neglect. I normally skip any sort of direct core activation as part of my weights warm-up and usually just do a barbell complex or a kettlebell routine. What is probably worse is that I don’t do any core either in between my main lifts (as fillers) or at the end (as finishers)!!! Having Chris make me do these is giving me the impetus to do them myself so it doesn’t hurt so much when I am with him!
Kettle bell Introduction:
Squat swings 2 x 30
Single arm exchange squat swings 2 x 20
Kettle bells (KB) are something I was already familiar with. I was originally taught that the swing needs to be done from a stiff leg and that this minimises the stress on the back. So for this reason I have always done it as more like a dynamic Romanian Deadlift (RDL). But Chris said that the squat swing (where you bend more at the knees is focused on getting that hip drive that you need to teach the explosive power needed on a heavy squat). I have been convinced of this because when I did the squats afterwards I could really feel the benefits of having fired up the hip drive. Notice I didn’t say fire up the glutes!! Some S&C coaches will say it is impossible to not fire the glutes otherwise you couldn’t stand up but I guess what I am saying is the KB helped groove the pattern!!!
Barbell squat Introduction:
Chris then proceeded to ask me to do a warm-up set of bodyweight squats to see my general technique. I did about 1 set of 10. Then I got under the bar and did another 10 with an empty bar (20kg). Technically he said I was very proficient so we carried on by doing a set of 5 reps with around 60kg, a set of 3 with around 80kg and a single with around 100kg. Chris wanted to determine at what point I reach failure and then he helped me lift it up.
I’m not talking about ‘failure’ in the sense of muscle failure that you would experience when you do hypertrophy eccentric type work and you reach fatigue and physically run out of gas. This is the sort of mechanical central nervous system failure when you just can’t recruit enough of your fast twitch fibres to get the force production necessary to lift it up!
I was a little surprised by this because I have always been trained to view my training as having to ‘earn the right’ to lift something heavy. Actually Chris said that the biggest barrier to lifting heavy is to be mentally able to know that you might not get back up. Now as long as you have a competent spotter or safety squat bars then there is no problem with this. I used to think that you just needed to keep nudging the weight up one session at a time and now I can see that in my situation this will accelerate my progress. I say this because I have an extensive lifting background and I have an extremely competent spotter in Chris who can feel exactly the point when I am struggling and then give me just the right amount of help to get out of the hole!!
We then went back to a lighter squat and I immediately felt the benefit of having activated my core to it’s limit!
I will give you some more updates on the next few sessions in my next post.
So to set the scene I came in at 16% body fat on the bio-signature when I went for my assessment at UP Personal Training in Mayfair last September. I told Jonny, my trainer that I wanted to maintain my muscle mass and get down below 10% within 12 weeks.
His advice was to do a 2-week period to improve my sensitivity to insulin by taking away starches and sugars and only eating green vegetables for my carbohydrate intake. I was allowed up to 300 grams protein per day to meet my energy requirements and on training days I could have a 50g whey protein shake!! To be honest I found it pretty hard to get 300 grams of protein down me each day. I felt hungry probably because I didn’t hit my daily protein requirements and was really missing sugar during the first few days!!!
I was worried I had lost muscle because I had lost some weight but Jonny said as long as your protein is high and you’ve been training you’re okay. What it will be is water and muscle glycogen, nothing else.
So because I had probably lost some body fat too, I could now add in carbs in the shake after training (40 grams) and in the meal after, another 40 grams. In the shake, you have to go for a fast release carb like dextrose, and gluten free slow release carbs in the meal after, like sweet potato or whole grain rice.
So at the half way point I’m feeling like I’m not able to increase the weights on my strength exercises. I feel weak. So, we agree that I take a day where I have gluten free carbs at every meal except breakfast. Also, I dropped the training volume by 50%. So I did all the exercises at the heaviest weights I could, but did 50% of the sets.
Ok, so now I add in some sweet potato or rice in another meal post training, approx 50 grams of carbs.
At this point I got re-tested and here is the results:
Now I ramp it up to 140g carbs and 70g protein TOTAL in two separate shakes post workout (70g CHO / 35g protein in each shake). Plus around 80g CHO per meal after that. I also have Carbs (starches/sugars) in the evenings on non training days.
And now?
It’s July 2013 and I recently measured myself with bio-electrical impedance at 77 kg and 12.9% body fat. I’m going to post on my current work-outs which are focused on getting stronger. I still ‘think’ about the strategies I used to get lean and as a principle I try and stick to the idea of having less starches/sugars on non-training days!!
Hope you found the information useful and let me know if you want any more information on the whole process!
Okay so today’s post is going to cover the principles of the nutritional plan I went on to lose 7% body fat but in order to appreciate it you first need to know what a more ‘balanced’ nutrition plan would look like:
To help us with this we first need to know the caloric content of foods:
Caloric content of fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol.
Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories
And we need to know…….Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) for average adult 2000 kcal
Fat: 70 grams = 630 calories
Protein: 45 grams = 180 calories
Carbohydrates: 230 grams = 920 calories
Fibre: 24 grams = 48 calories
Total: 1,778 calories (my interpretation is that in order to hit the 2000 kcal we probably exceed the GDA in one or more of the food components!
Now for athletic populations it is usually acceptable to go as much as 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass and it is not unusual to see up to 5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body mass, so the ‘athletic norm’ might look like this:
Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) for average athletic male adult (80kg male) 3000 kcal
Fat: 70 grams = 630 calories
Protein: 160 grams = 640 calories
Carbohydrates: 400 grams = 1600 calories
Fibre: 24 grams = 48 calories
Total: 2,918 calories
So now we know that a typical protein:carbohydrate ratio might be 160 grams: 400 grams compare that with what I did for this nutritional plan: more like 300 grams: 340 grams (vegetables only)
Fat: 100 grams plus! = 900 calories
Protein: 300 grams = 1200 calories
Carbohydrates: 340 grams (vegetables only) = 88 calories (vegetables average 26 cal/100g; fruit average 60 cal/100g)
I’m not entirely sure what the fat and carbohydrate would have been. We just used portions for each meal rather than specific amounts but the fat would have to have been a lot more because I was eating protein at every meal and snack! The carbohydrates must have been way down because I was having around 4 portions of vegetables a day and a typical serving is around 85g per serving. The key thing to point out is that while I did maintain a normal amount of Carbohydrates because they were only in the form of vegetables the energy value of those grams was really low!!!!!
Meal / Time | Food Category & Portion |
Breakfast / Upon Arising | See 5 day breakfast rotation |
Post workout | Protein Shake (50gms whey) |
Lunch | 3 Protein, Greens, 1 Fat |
PM snack (2 hours after Lunch) | 2 Protein, Greens |
Post Workout | 2 Protein, Greens |
Dinner (1-2 hours post workout) | 3 Protein, Greens, 2 Fat |
Supper / before bedtime (2-3 hours after dinner) | 2 Protein, 1 Fat |
Breakfast plan:
Try the following breakfast for five days & note your energy level:
Overall rules:
1. Meat/Fish and nuts for breakfast
2. Green Vegetables in abundance / zero simple or starchy carbs
3. 300g protein per day. Protein should come in the form of any lean meat, fowl, fish, shellfish, eggs, and protein powder
4. Post workout – you must have a protein shake (50gms of whey protein) immediately after you exercise.
5. No beer at all, and restrict alcohol intake where you can. Restriction means a small glass of wine.
6. No candy type sweets. If you have to snack on something sweet a far better option would be chocolate covered brazil nuts.
So that was the nuts and bolts of the new nutritional plan which I was asked to stay on for the first two weeks. In the next blog I will explain how the carbohydrates were slowly reintroduced back into my food.!!!!!!
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