Athletic Performance Academy – Latest news & updates from Athletic Performance Academy

Perception is the new frontier of athletics?

Perception not practice makes perfect

I have been wanting to write about this for a few weeks.

Lately there has been a lot of press again about the next ‘new’ predictor of athletic performance.  It seems deliberate practice has been replaced with new hype on the importance of ‘perception.’ If I sound a little derogatory I apologise but for those of you who know me, you will appreciate I am very reluctant to give too much kudos to one aspect of performance when it comes to predicting success in elite sport.

Is my child going to make it? Can it ever be any better than a 50:50 best guess?

Check out the full article here on a A new metaanalysis in Perspectives in Psychological Science which looked at 33 studies on the relationship between deliberate practice and athletic achievement and found that practice just doesn’t matter that much.

practice doesn't make perfect

I really like the fact that it summarises that practice accounts for only 18% of the difference in athletic success between elite and sub elite athletes.  Basically it is saying that practice time only accounts for 18% of the reason why someone is better than someone else.

”Even more simply: Some people are just better at sports than others, and the difference cannot be made up by practice alone.”

Personally I have always been comfortable with this idea that talented athletes just pick up skills sooner.  Talented athletes have faster learning rates, a concept I like to compare to internet download speed- some athletes just dial up and process the information faster.  Some people are just slow learners.

One thing it does say is: “We have so many factors within a person that can contribute to [athletic performance] — different genes, different cognitive abilities, different physical attributes.  All of those things are important and interact with each other. Which is why it is so hard to pin down what predicts performance.”

It’s this focus on cognitive abilities that I would like to comment on.

My caveat is that this is just one part of the development pathway, just like psychological and physical development, cognitive development needs to be addressed too.  Click here for the discussion of the programming components that should feature in an appropriate neuromuscular training programme.

Early Sport Specialisation

In reality you need to create lots of stimulus to test the cognitive abilities of developmental level athletes and one of the easiest ways is to play other sports. ”The current evidence supports the contention that children should be encouraged to take part in a variety of sports at levels consistent with their abilities and interests to best attain the physical, psychological, and social benefits of sport.”

Different sports place different demands on your decision making processes- the trajectory of different shape and speeds of balls (tennis ball versus basketball versus rugby ball), opponents, dimensions of pitches, and time available to make the decisions.  But there is nothing wrong in my opinion in training contextual decision making by trying to simulate elements of the sport while doing speed.

That’s why decision making features early in the APA speed development pathway (See Level 3- which is typically the time around puberty).

Table 1.  APA 6 Stages of Development




Level 1

6-8 years old

5-9 years old

Learn to Train

Level 2

8-10 years old

9-12 years old

Train to Train

Level 3

10-12 years old

12-14 years old

Train to Train

Level 4

12-14 years old

14-16 years old

Train to Compete

Level 5

14-16 years old

16-18 years old

Train to Win

Level 6

17 years old+

19 years old+

See below for how the skills are first taught in isolation then once we establish stable efficient motor skills we then add the performance layer where we test them under conditions of complexity (link skills together) and also decision making.

Speed Focus


Isolation: Marching (speed), turning and stopping (agility) and fast feet (quickness)


Isolation: Basic starts (speed), cutting (general agility), footwork (sport specific agility) and multi-directional sprints (quickness)


Combinations: focus on linking together various footwork patterns/directions.  Can also include obstacle courses that weave together different challenges one after the other.
Randomisation: challenge the decision making skills of the athlete using tasks that focus on a specific aspect of speed.  Can also include use of chaos games.


Intensification: challenge the athlete to overcome external resistance


Accumulation: Train Anaerobic System using multi-directional running jumps

This is not to say we won’t do any decision making prior to puberty.  Of course we do- it’s just to highlight the emphasis.

So what does this mean for training?

The training above continues to fuel the flames of an ongoing debate about the relevance of programmed change of direction mechanics as performed above.  There is no stimulus to respond to and its just pure turnover training or ‘fast feet.’

I say- yes that may be true but it is still presenting a neuromuscular overload. But what are the advocates of another approach saying?

Train decision making component of movement.  It could mean the use of things like FitLights which were famously used by the likes of Paul Scholes at Manchester United (see here and here)

But while I really like the concept of training reactive agility, I don’t think this is the holy grail of athletic performance that some people are making it out to be!  The physical components referred to in the video above take time to develop, both in terms of kinetics (magnitude of force- capacity) and kinematics (direction of force-mechanics).

Here is a great video highlighting the importance of coaching correct kinematics in change of direction mechanics.  I think this is vital and I hope coaches value its importance.  Pay attention.

I’m a bit concerned that former Manchester United Power development coach Mick Clegg said Christian Ronaldo never lifted heavy weights as it would detract from the skill development work.  My standpoint is that a programme should always be balanced and work aspects of the entire Force-Velocity Curve.

What do you typically see in Football?

I think there is a lot of good quality ‘quickness’ work on display here.  Is it explosive? No. Disagree? Check we are using the same definition of ‘explosiveness.’ See a great article here from Science in Sport on the Force-Velocity curve and further explanations of training methods to develop it.

I still think all sportmen and women should be doing strength training and as long as it is planned properly you need to do heavy weights to guarantee you are overloading the Force component of the Force-Velocity curve, as well as doing moderate weights, at moderate speed, and fast movements at fast speed, including weights, bungees, and even bodyweight fast feet drills..     There you go- variety is the spice of life.  Rant over!

How to make millions as a pro athlete

Hopefully that title grabbed your attention.  The truth is anything that sells the dream of making millions grabs everyone’s attention.  Now some sports are more lucrative than others- for example even at the elite level the very best footballers in the world earn significantly more than the very best rugby players.

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And in my sport of Tennis, it is well known that unless you are in the Top 100 you are at best breaking even (not including endorsements).  Only once you start getting into Grand Slams can you make a serious living out of the sport- and that’s assuming you can cement your place in the top 100.

Will they make it?

This week I was attending the 2nd Strength & Conditioning in Schools Conference hosted at Oakham School. In his presentation Director of Sport at the school, Iain Simpson asked the audience to give examples of athletes we currently work with that we think have a chance of ‘making it.’ By making it we are talking about earning a living from their chosen sport as a professional.  We concluded that no one can give more than a best guess because there are so many unknowns.  What we have to do as professionals is give the athlete the best chance of realising their potential without giving any guarantees.

This blog is going to be a quick overview of some key issues that will always keep coming up in conversation and are worth considering if you are faced with trying to answer this question, or are asking it as a parent etc.  Here are my Top 5 topics you need to look into:

1. The Birthday Effect:

The age effect is still apparent in certain sports such as football. Those born with ‘early’ birthdays between September and December tend to make up 75% of the footballers who initially get offered contracts with pro Academies.  Interesting, at the point of being offered professional contracts the split is 50:50% between the early birthdays and the rest.

Many of the initial standouts flatter to disceive and most are released.   But half of the initial late birthdays are offered contracts.

What does this mean?

It means that if you are not born in the first quarter (September-December) you are very unlikely to get selected. BUT….if you do get selected you have a 50:50 chance of making it all the way.

The Director said that this is because one of the ingredients that seems to develop talent is ADVERSITY.  The road has to be rocky in order to develop resilience and determination, which are key attributes of those that make it.

2. Environmental factors

There are many roads to Rome: Gold Mine Effect

We are constantly looking for the paths well trodden that have proven to produce talent time and time again.  These ‘hot beds’ can be found in different parts of the world.  Check out the ‘Gold Mine Effect’ which looks at the environmental impact on talent development.

Check out this cool explanation here

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But while as humans we like to feel a degree of security in the knowledge that there is a route to success well trodden there will always be someone that will prove that you can make it going against the conventional way.

Here is a great story of the next star of Ice Hockey who is tipped to be the NHL #1 Draft pick.  He grew up in Arizona and didn’t follow the traditional route.  Read it here.

3. Deliberate Practice:

Everyone has heard of the 10,000 hour rule.  According to Dr Anders Ericsson you need to forget talent: it’s practice that counts.

Read an article here on the subject.

4. Development first: Winning Second

The final piece for me is the role that winning takes in a young athlete’s journey.  This is closely linked to the issue of Specialisation.

Click here to read an article on the role of winning.

5.  Development first: Specialisation Second

This topic was also touched on in the presentations by Michael Johnston- Senior Strength Scientist for British Athletics, and Andreas Liefeith- Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics at York St John University and Wakefield Wildcats.

It’s a huge topic that deserves its own blog all to itself.

There are no doubt sports that you can say are early specialisation- gymnastics, swimming and I’d even throw in tennis into the mix. These sports require high levels of coordination and relative body strength which can be developed and acquired from a young age.

But with the exceptions of those sports it is generally advised to not specialise in a sport until your late teens.  This way you have sufficient time to develop a broad base of motor skills- acquired only by playing a range of sports.

The simple logic is this: is the only tool you have is a hammer, then the only problem you can solve is one that involves a nail

if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problme as a nail copy

So by learning how to develop more tools in your tool box (more motor patterns-running, jumping, kicking, catching, accelerating, decelerating, balancing, climbing, tumbling etc) you can solve more problems, making you more versatile in solving movement puzzles in the chaos of sport.

For a few interesting articles on the topi read Here and Here


If I lift weights in the gym it will slow me down- fact or fiction?

Last week I unpacked a few nutrition myths about calories- not all calories are created equal.  This week we are talking about football- and a myth about strength training.

during the UEFA EURO 2016 Group E qualifying match between England and Estonia at Wembley on October 9, 2015 in London, United Kingdom.

So many sprints but so few injuries

Football is a hot topic right now.  We recently witnessed a football miracle- Leicester City winning the Premier League title. One of the stars of that team was Jamie Vardy. To find out all about the science behind their premier league title click here.  I’d actually read this first.  There is some great insights in how they condition the hamstrings for repeated sprints using the ‘Nordbord,’ as well as some information on how they use cryotherapy and ice massage.


This week with the Euro Championships 2016 in full flow and ALL the home nations and Republic of Ireland qualifying for the knock out stage,  Jamie Vardy is making the headlines again, and this time it is about his ‘unique’ approach to fitness.  See the full article here

Apparently he is the third most popular searched football player on the world wide web right now (Gareth Bale #1 and Christiano Ronaldo #2) which means his latest comments will have some of us Strength & Conditioning coaches pulling our hair out:

If I go to the gym it will slow me down

Vardy, whose body fat percentage is measured at just under six per cent, is credited as one of the quickest players in top flight football.  The Daily Mail have previously commented on Jamie Vardy’s supreme athleticism (see the full article here) and you can’t disagree with his stats- a 70cm vertical jump and a top speed on the pitch of 9.6m/s- making him the fastest in the league! He will do up to 500m of sprints in a game and scores more of his goals in the last 30 minutes of a match so he’s conditioned too!

‘The squad at Leicester don’t focus on Olympic lifting, instead on pushing heavy loads on the club’s customised leg press. Matt Reeves, Head of Fitness and Conditioning, explains: ‘Jamie pushes in excess of 400kg for three reps. Having said this, he has always possessed electric pace and so he does not tend to focus on improving strength or building muscle quite as much as others.’

‘Much of Vardy’s work in training is done to build a robustness that will last throughout the season. Reeves adds: ‘We construct a tailored programme for all players and key to Jamie’s is a prolonged recovery time because of the explosive power he expends in matches.’

But while I agree that more explosive players will need more recovery time I’d like to ask Matt about his comment that because Vardy has electric pace he does not tend to focus on improving strength. Are fast players excused from getting stronger because they have already achieved high speed levels?

Education, education, education

Furthermore, I think we need to make sure that future generations of aspiring pro athletes and sports coaches (who sometimes have mixed views on the importance of strength training) get the right education.  There is no published data that I am aware of that shows that strength training slows you down.

Obviously the strength training needs to reflect the needs of the sport- athletes don’t train like bodybuilders (or at least they shouldn’t) and the prescription should allow for a progressive peak towards explosive training in the gym. Furthermore, it will be part of a balanced approach while will include high quality speed work on the pitch so that the strength gains always transfer to the sport.

Yes there will be a point of diminished returns where further strength gains don’t justify the extra fatigue and muscle soreness required- you can be strong enough.  But how strong that is, is a debate for another blog!

Wimbledon success with APA athletes….and they all lift weights!


I should also say I’m really privileged to work with some fantastic professionals that really ‘get it.’  With my work at Gosling Tennis Academy I’ve been fortunate to have worked with several of the athletes at this years Wimbledon qualifying, including Katy Dunne (No 335), Daniel Cox (No 554), Ed Corrie (No 358), Marcus Willis (No 708), Joe Salisbury (No 710) and Harriet Dart (No 448).

Wimbledon Qualies

They all buy in to strength training, and all work hard to combine strength & conditioning with a daily tennis practice schedule.  It will be great to see if some of them can make it to this year’s Wimbledon Main Draw.  But as I said earlier, we need to make sure that future generations of aspiring pro athletes and sports coaches (who sometimes have mixed views on the importance of strength training) get the right education.

Benefits of Strength training on Sports Performance

Here are three articles you need to put in the hands of coaches and athletes (or give them the headline data)

  1. EliteFTS- benefits of a strength and conditioning programme.  It’s a quick read and highlights that Injury Prevention is the most important reason by preventing or eliminate muscle imbalances as well as strengthen tendons and ligaments, which will lead to fewer injuries.  Stronger athletes: Every sport involves the application of force. This includes just about every skill involved in sports such as hitting harder, throwing, blocking, and spiking. Most people don’t realize that getting an athlete’s legs stronger through exercises such as squats and lunges is the quickest way to make an athlete faster. There are many athletes who can cycle their legs as fast as a top level sprinter, but they’re not applying as much force to the ground as some of the fastest athletes in the world.
  2. Br J Sports Med. 2014. The effectiveness of exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
  3. Sports Med. 2016. The Importance of Muscular Strength in Athletic Performance




A Calorie is not a Calorie

I wrote a blog recently about my fat loss exploits as I got ready for my Charity boxing match.  As regular readers of my blog will know, I’m not afraid to experiment on myself and will often try training and nutrition plans on myself.

Recently I have decided to invest in researching some of the best plans out there for those of you interested in serious physique transformation and sports performance gains.  Last week was No Nonsense Muscle Building by Vince Del Monte.  This week I’m reviewing Jason Ferruggia’s ‘The Renegade Diet.’

Since this review is all about a nutrition plan I thought it would be important to set the scene with a blog on some of the key topics.  At the bottom of the blog you can see my review of The Renegade Diet.

I should say that as far as nutrition goes, I am not a dietitian or nutritionist- I consider myself to have an advanced understanding of the basics.  This is what I wish for all my athletes to have too.  Nutrition- just like fitness- shouldn’t be complicated if people follow the basics but it can get confusing.

Perhaps the biggest thing that can be confusing is the debate about the best way to lose fat.  I was always told that if you want to lose fat you just need to create a calorie deficit- eat less calories than you normally do and you will lose fat.  It doesn’t matter what foods you eat or when you eat.  But more recent thinking challenges this.  And if you understand this basic principle you will be ahead of most people in the fat loss queue.

Nutrition Basics: A Calorie is Not a Calorie

What is a Calorie

Calories are simply a unit of energy, but they are a great mystery to many. They are not the enemy dieters often think they are. We need calories from food and drink to run our bodies the same way a car needs energy from gasoline and your refrigerator needs electric energy to keep your food cold.

A kilocalorie (kcal, often pronounced kay-cal) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1000 ml of water by 1˚C. A kilocalorie is 1000 calories.

1 gram of Carbohydrate = 4 kilocalories

1 gram of Protein = 4 kilocalories

1 gram of Fat = 9 kilocalories

The argument for A Calorie is a Calorie

Your body weight reflects your energy balance. If you consume more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Likewise, you will lose weight if you consume fewer calories. Body weight is not, however, an indicator of nutrient adequacy or the nutritional quality of the diet.

Weight management is a simple game of maths, these folks argue. To maintain your current weight, you need to consume the same number of calories your body burns each day.

To lose a pound, you need to create a caloric deficit of approximately 3,500 calories.

Whether you create that deficit by eating less fat, less carbohydrate, less protein or a little less of everything is immaterial.

Now for a new way of thinking

For those of us who are willing to think beyond the calorie, a greater understanding of the effect of food on the body can enable us to lose weight without putting ourselves through grueling calorie-controlled diets.

As far as my ‘principles’ go, they are based on the work of Charles Poliquin, John Beradi and Mike Rousell.  They all recommend sound principles that take into account nutrient timing and nutrient type– rather than just focusing on calorie amount per se.

The Type of food is important- nutrient type

In reality, the way that different types of food influence the chemical reactions within our body has a huge impact on how many of the calories your consume will ultimately be converted into fat.


Let’s start with protein. Its primary function is to make your body fit and strong. Protein is not a good source of energy — it has to go through a process of synthesis to be turned into glucose, while the rest is lost in the urine. Furthermore, a higher percentage of calories are lost during the digestion of protein when compared to fat and carbohydrates. On a theoretical level, this effectively means that eating 100 grams of protein will make you no fatter than eating 80 grams of carbohydrates.

Proteins (and fats for that matter) have a greater effect on your satiety meaning they make you feel fuller for longer.


The trouble will carbs especially the processed forms is that they are easily ingested and they spike your blood glucose levels- which has the opposite effect to protein. It makes you feel hungry again.  But what’s worse is that in the presence of high glucose levels the body will use insulin to convert the excess glucose into fat.

For a great review of the topic on how to improve your insulin sensitivity read Nine Things that Improve Insulin Sensitivity.

But before I sound like I am joining the army of people who say you need to eliminate all carbs except vegetables it is important to know your target audience- if you are an athlete training hard and often they will have greater energy needs ahead of high intensity sessions and starchy carbs are the best form of energy for this- and they may be having in excess of 300g carbs per day on hard training days, and half that on easier training days.

But for your general fat loss client who has more than 15% body fat will need to have only 50-100g per day most days and a maximum of 100g per day.

Scientific Evidence Against Calories In, Calories Out

Here’s a question for you- would someone eating the exact same amount of calories as another person but with a far greater consumption of carbohydrates experience the same amount of weight loss?

Answer: probably not- it seems the key to weight loss is a diet low in carbs.

A number of recent studies have concluded that a diet low in carbohydrates can result in greater fat loss when compared to alternative (yet calorically comparable) diets.

In 2003, a study conducted by Green et al. at Harvard University observed participants over twelve weeks as they followed one of three diet regimes:

  1. A low fat diet
  2. A low carbohydrate diet with the same amount of calories
  3. A low carbohydrate diet with 300 more calories per day

The first group lost 17lbs on average, the second group lost 23lbs and the third group lost 20lbs. Greene concluded that, “There does indeed seem to be something about a low-carb diet that says you can eat more calories and lose a similar amount of weight”.

In fact, the study proved the calories in, calories out argument wrong in two separate ways. Firstly, diets with identical calorie amounts resulted in drastically different outcomes. Secondly, the third diet’s total excess of 25,200 calories compared to the other two diets should have resulted in a net weight gain of 7.2lbs, as opposed to a loss of 3lbs (compared to the first diet) or a gain of just 3lbs (compared to the second diet).

In 2004, a study conducted by Yancy et al. for the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded as follows:

Compared with a low-fat diet, a low-carbohydrate diet program had better participant retention and greater weight loss.

So what you eat (rather than simply how much you eat) can not only affect your weight, it can also affect the likelihood of you sticking to a particular eating regime.


When you eat is important- nutrient timing

The Rules:

I have known the rules for years but chosen to break them.  But for many people who are training recreationally for general fitness and health these rules are not widely known or applied correctly.

The basic rule is eat complex carbohydrates when your body is more sensitive to insulin.

  1. Breakfast
  2. After a workout (can be a post workout snack and 1-2 post workout meals)

At this time you can have a portion of complex starchy carbohydrate (such as oats, potatoes, cereals, pasta etc) and/or a simple sugar.  Usually any sugar would come in the post workout snack (such as a shake, sports drink or piece of fruit etc).  The starches would usually come in the meal after the workout.  Where athletes are looking to maintain lean mass they will usually have a single meal containing starches.  Where they are looking to increase lean mass they will have the two post workout meals containing starches.

The rest of the time your carbohydrate intake should come from green leafy vegetables primarily and fruit in moderation.

Training day: 300g carbohydrate

So on a training day you would probably expect your meals with starches to be around 60-80g carbohydrates per meal and a total amount of carbohydrates to be around 250-300g per day.

Non training day: 180g carbohydrate

Because you would only have 60-80g at breakfast you can expect to eat less starches on this day


Renegade Diet Review: Intermittent Fasting

The Renegade Diet takes the concept of nutrition timing to a whole new level- and introduces a concept know as ‘Intermittent fasting.’ So rather than having carbohydrates at breakfast (Rule 1) it seeks to extend the fat burning process for as long as possible by only having carbs in the evening (Rule 2 above).  Rather than allowing you breakfast, you skip it completely!

Perhaps surprisingly it is encouraging you to eat your starchy carbs in the evening (when your insulin sensitivity is lowest!!!) But the caveat is that this method of eating works best if you have a workout immediately before the feasting period!

In my opinion this will not work as effectively for professional athletes training multiple times per day with several high intensity sessions planned in the day/week.  But for the hard gainer who is typically training once per day in the weight room to bulk up, or the average Joe looking to lose fat this is well worth a look at.

Check out the new REVIEW video I have recorded below of the Number 1 On-line Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining diet plan- The Renegade Diet.

Click ‘PLAY’ Below to Watch My Full Renegade Diet Review!

In summary, I DO RECOMMEND IT.  It is a good product that is worth the investment and is actually something that will work.  So much so that if you would like to go ahead and purchase a copy then I would like to put together a bonus package, give you a bunch of bonuses and FREE Training that you can download if you purchase using my link on this page.


Purchase your copy of The Renegade Diet and get these FREE BONUSES


Everything in the video below is FREE TODAY if you purchase No Nonsense Muscle Building via the link on this page!


Follow the Steps Below to Claim Your FREE Bonus Pack!

  1. Close down the Renegade Diet Website if you have it open in your browser and then clear the cookies in your browser.

Daz Clear Browser settings info

This is important, if you don’t then I won’t be credited for the sale.

     2. Then click on the link below to re-open the Renegade Diet website and make your purchase.

Click HERE to Purchase The Renegade Diet!

  3. Send me a copy of your order number or receipt that will be sent to your email address you entered when purchasing to [email protected] so I can verify your purchase.

  4.  I’ll respond to your email asap, and instantly send you the download link to your FREE bonus package.  I normally reply extremely quickly but please do allow me a few days to reply in case I’m extra busy.  Also check your junk folder for my reply, as sometimes my emails can get lost in there!


No Nonsense Muscle Building Review

Check out the new REVIEW video I have recorded below of the Number 1 On-line Muscle Building product- No Nonsense Muscle Building (NNMB).


Click ‘PLAY’ Below to Watch My Full No Nonsense Muscle Building Review!

In summary, I DO RECOMMEND IT.  It is a good product that is worth the investment and is actually something that will work.  So much so that if you would like to go ahead and purchase a copy then I would like to put together a bonus package, give you a bunch of bonuses and FREE Training that you can download if you purchase using my link on this page.


Purchase your copy of No Nonsense Muscle Building and get these FREE BONUSES

Everything in the video below is FREE TODAY if you purchase No Nonsense Muscle Building via the link on this page!

Follow the Steps Below to Claim Your FREE Bonus Pack!

  1. Close down the NNMB Website if you have it open in your browser and then clear the cookies in your browser.

Daz Clear Browser settings info

This is important, if you don’t then I won’t be credited for the sale.

     2. Then click on the link below to re-open the NNMB website and make your purchase.

Click HERE to Purchase No Nonsense Muscle Building!

  3. Send me a copy of your order number or receipt that will be sent to your email address you entered when purchasing to [email protected] so I can verify your purchase.

  4.  I’ll respond to your email asap, and instantly send you the download link to your FREE bonus package.  I normally reply extremely quickly but please do allow me a few days to reply in case I’m extra busy.  Also check your junk folder for my reply, as sometimes my emails can get lost in there!

5.  Furthermore, if you love tips about Muscle Gain check out this article at Mass Gain Source- How to Build Muscle: Essential Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

Injury Prevention strategies- Norwich City FC Academy

Hi there,

It’s been a while since my last Blog but I was waiting for something worth sharing and I think this Blog will certainly get us all thinking.  I had a great morning at a workshop organised by Kirk Bowyer of Creating Athletes and the East Region Lawn Tennis Association.

LTA East Region Strength & Conditioning Workshop: April 29th

Kirk along with Sarah Hylton and Arran Peck from the LTA put together a great morning which included an on court Tennis practical session, then we had a presentation from Damien Bowyer of Norwich City FC and finally a Skype Q&A with Allistair McCaw.  I’ll save the Allistair McCaw Q&A for next week’s Blog!

Below is a summary of some of the key take home messages.

Movement session with Sarah Hylton and Arran Peck:

This session was designed to get the S&C coaches to think about on court exercises we could use to help augment a tennis skill by targeting improvement in some of the physical qualities associated with the sports skill.

What’s important now- WIN?

For some S&C coaches this type of on court session may be outside of their comfort zone- especially if they don’t understand the movement demands of the game of Tennis.  I think that it is important to respect that as S&C coaches we will make some long term improvements in KINETICS (Think: More force) by doing all the great work we do in the gym with squats, deadlifts and lunges etc.  But I also think there are some ‘quick wins’ that we can make NOW if we can appreciate how to better express a movement by coaching the KINEMATICS (Think: Correct positioning of the joints). So it is always useful to think about the ‘now’ too.

Scenario 1: Lateral movement out wide: ability to recover quickly


S&C Intervention:

We broke down Agility- which is being put under the microscope here into it’s subcomponents.  This is not an exhaustive list.  These are just examples:

  • Strength (isometric, concentric, eccentric)
  • Power (explosive, reactive)
  • Dynamic Stabilisation (proprioception)
  • Coordination

As a group we came up with a few drills to develop the physical component- working at the high end of movement demand and regressing back to the appropriate level of challenge.  It was felt recovery could be enhanced if the athlete could push back with outside leg more explosively.


Starting with the highest challenge first

  1. Assisted band work- where the athlete is being pulled into the position which challenges the deceleration component and they have to push back against resistance.
  2. Lateral ice skaters- back and forth- with or without a vertical single leg hop included
  3. Lateral ice skater- with a ‘freeze’

Controversial topic: Flexibility in Tennis

We also discussed Flexibility related to wide movement.  This is the moment where I am going to raise a topic for discussion- do current and future stars of the game need as much flexibility as Djokovic- current world number 1 in Tennis to be as great as him?  I.e. should younger players (and current pros) be looking at him and saying that I need to be that flexible?

Here is my thought on the subject- a degree of flexibility is required for all sports- some sports need more than the average amount and other sports may even benefit from a degree of stiffness around certain joints.

As we will see in the Injury Prevention presentation which I discuss below, it is definitely worth monitoring the length of muscles around certain joints- especially during Peak Height Velocity.

But ask yourself this, when Federer was dominating the sport of Tennis at his peak were we all looking at him and thinking that players needed to be as flexible as him? No we were talking about his unbelievable grace and poise of movement.  Is there in fact a tactical reason why Djokovic allows himself to get into defensive positions where he has to hit on the reach compared to Federer who you may argue finish points sooner before he is ever on the run.


Scenario 2: Lateral movement out wide: ability to load leg

How could we encourage the athlete to load his thigh more? And drive up into the shot.

[My personal opinion is that we can go down the wrong path here if we start putting too much emphasis on loading excessively- particularly on fast hard courts as it can disturb the natural sequence of the kinetic chain.  If you are almost ‘waiting too long’ you can lose the energy you built up in the legs and can hit the ball too late. But as a principle of loading the legs to hit a shot yes- I would like to see our younger players getting into the sort of positions you see Mr Federer in above]


Starting with the highest challenge first

  1. Medicine ball throw (dynamic)- where the athlete moves with the ball into the position first and then throws the ball back.
  2. Medicine ball throw (static)- where the athlete is stationary whilst they throw it to the coach
  3. Weighted vest / resistance band- where the athlete has to work harder with the legs to overcome the vertical resistance (vest) or lateral resistance from the band

Scenario 3: First Serve- ability to load leg

I hold the opinion that we can find ourselves going down the wrong path if we try and be too specific in overloading the serve action.  I have read Mark Kovac’s journal article: 8 Stage Model for Evaluating the Tennis Serve: Implications for Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention.  For those of you interested he has also followed up with some great seminars which are available online where he describes:

a) the importance of getting the hips back to properly load the legs- and the related single leg squats and lateral band walk exercises we can do to develop the lower extremities

b) the serve acceleration phase- in terms of a shot putt type action rather than a typical baseball type throw and the associated shoulder exercises we can do to condition the upper extremities.

There are no doubt benefits to strengthening the body to help with the serve.  The group came up with some jump progressions which emphasised a hip back start position.


Starting with the lowest challenge first

  1. Squat jump (no counter movement) to jump to a knee height box
  2. Counter movement jump to box
  3. Side on counter movement jump to box with quarter turn in air- so you land in same position as exercise 1 and 2

Injury Prevention Presentation with Damien Bowyer, NCFC Academy

Norwich City FC

Here are a few key take home messages:

  • Football Clubs can expect 88% player availability across season with a typical pro experiencing two injuries per season
  • Youth football is associated with higher occurrence of non-contact injuries which coincides with rapid changes in stature and mass at the time when there is also increased exposure to training and competition.
  • Injury Prevention Strategies must be multi-faceted
  • S&C sessions are informed by Movement Competency Screening which is conducted 3 times per year and follows a progressive strategy as players progress through their athletic development
  • Pre Peak Height velocity (Movement competency based) strength programme versus Post Peak Height Velocity (phased implementation of strength/power/plyometric programme).  Damien acknowledged that some athletes move better under load and so may be introduced to load sooner. This represents a departure from their original philosophy of not loading until after PHV.

Question mark for me over whether 20-30 minutes three times per week is enough but I acknowledge that this is built along side units of activation and warm-ups.

  • Use of Mathematical algorithms with good validity/reliability to predict time and length of PHV.
  • More regular monitoring of flexibility during Peak Height Velocity (calf, hamstring, hip flexor/quad)
  • Modification of loading during periods of rapid growth



Hope that has got you thinking about your own programmes.  Let me know your thoughts.

7th annual strength and conditioning student conference at Middlesex University

In this week’s Blog I asked Corina Murray to write a summary of the presentations at the 7th Annual Strength & Conditioning Student Conference, Middlesex University.  I hope you enjoy!

Middlesex conference 2016.4

About me
My name is Corina Murray, I am currently a student studying Sports therapy at the University of Hertfordshire. I have just completed my second year and am now on a placement year to gain experience ready to go back into my third year. I have been working with APA at Gosling since September and am here until the end of June. I am really interested in Strength and conditioning so this placement has been really good for me and given me an insight into tennis.

Strength and conditioning conference – my blog!

On Saturday 5th of march I attended the 7th annual strength and conditioning student conference at Middlesex university. I haven’t been to a big conference like this before so didn’t know what to expect but found it all very interesting and learnt a lot. There were 4 speakers, Ed Baker, James Wild, Mark Russel and Eamonn Flanagan.

Ed Baker: Wheelchair Rugby Athlete

The first speaker was Ed Baker who spoke about Planning, programming and training of elite wheelchair rugby athletes and the road to Rio. 

This was probably my favourite talk as I learnt so much that I never knew before.Wheelchair rugby players can roughly produce 1000w peak power at 5.9 m/s. This is due to the high intensity training they have day to day.

To test things such as acceleration, they use court sprints, as well as testing power to weight ratio and technique and flexibility. However, all of this testing requires a lot of skill due to the lack of function in parts of the body.

No hand function – no problem!! Most wheelchair rugby players have had spinals injuries from as far up as C3-4 so don’t have much function of their hands, therefore can’t perform exercises in the same way as other elite athletes. Their programmes have to be adapted to suit their needs but enable them to be the fittest and strongest in their sport. To be able to move their chairs with speed and power but with little hand function they have to produce force and friction by squeezing in their arms to the side of the body. The neck and core will also be strengthened to ensure they have got scapula control strong abdominals to enable them to turn the wheelchair without using their hands. I

t is also important to do a lot of resisted work such as sprints pushing weight, uphill sprints and interval training. To gain upper body strength it is important to do exercises like pull ups and chest press etc. but how?
Velcro straps have been used with many wheelchair athletes to strap their hands to the bar in a grip position. They can then strengthen the arm and upper body muscles effectively.

Ed’s programme for the elite athletes consist of three training blocks each being 2-3 hours 2 times a week. The first block is Aerobic development which is built up of:
-Interval training
-Low to high eccentric load
-Building up to longer intervals of 4 minutes continuous
-Technical practice, and strength training.

The second training block is the anaerobic power block which consists of:
– explosive and repeatable intervals
– lactic/ alactic explosive power
– maintaining skill training
– regeneration of ATP

The final block is the Peaking block which involves lactate capacity intervals.

Overall this talk was extremely informative as I learnt things about training with wheelchair athletes that I probably wouldn’t have thought about before.


James Wild: Sprint Acceleration Techniques

The second talk was by James Wild on sprint acceleration techniques of team sport and sprint athletes and how useful is a technical model?

Middlesex conference 2016

So are these theories true?

The first question asked was should you touch down with your foot behind or beneath your centre of mass? With every athlete it completely depends on the sport and how quickly they need to accelerate. However, in a sprint your foot will get further in front with every step you take but to start it is more natural for the foot to be behind the centre of mass. 18cm is the common distance from the foot to the centre of mass with the first touchdown but this distance will decrease with every step. Rugby players tend to start with the foot closer as they are in more of an upright position as they need to keep their peripheral vision and generally start the sprint from a rolling start. But, which is best?

It has been found that placing the foot further back gives more of a drive and acceleration whereas placing it under the centre of mass or in front produces more of a breaking mechanism so therefore slows the athlete.

Does musculoskeletal structure affect how athletes sprint?
Bezodis et al (2015) found that the less dorsiflexion of the ankle there is then the more horizontal external power there will be.

Should athletes achieve full triple extension at toe off?
No – there are almost no athletes that get full triple extension when starting. If an athlete triple extends then it is potentially slowing them down as the time to recover from that step and go into the next is a lot longer, it also places a lot of force on the ligaments and tendons surrounding the joint as they would have to work a lot faster. It is rare in team sports to get triple extension anyway as they are not running as fast as sprinters would so therefore not producing enough force. Most athletes in team sports start from a rolling start anyway.


Dr Mark Russel: Half time and extra time in team sports

The third talk was by Dr Mark Russel who spoke about Half-time and extra-time in team sports: opportunity to influence performance?

Middlesex conference 2016.2

Half time and extra time are important times for the athlete, half-time gives them a chance to rest, talk about the performance, hydrate and regain some energy. It is also important that their body temperature does not drop too much as this could cause injury in the second half. To ensure their temperature stays roughly the same they should perform another 3-4-minute warm up. However, there can be many barriers to re-warm up such as lack of time and unwillingness from the players and coaches as they will want to recover and have a team talk. If the warm up is not going to be done, then passive heat maintenance should be carried out in the form of extra clothing or foil blankets which will help keep heat in.

Even if the re-warm up is completed, a passive heat maintenance strategy has been found to improve lower body power output and repeated sprint ability in professional rugby union players so would most likely be beneficial to all athletes that get half time.
Before a game begins and also at half time, a 6-10% carbohydrate drink should be consumed so that energy levels do not drop too quickly throughout the game. This will also help players going into extra time as there are generally many reductions in performance in the last 30 of 120 minutes due to fatigue. Keeping warm, hydrated, motivated and keeping energy levels high will all help to improve performance in the second half and extra time.

Eamonn Flanagan: Velocity based Strength Training

The final talk was on Recent trends and future directions in velocity based strength training which was taken by Eamonn Flanagan.

I found out that velocity based training is the use of a velocity measuring device to provide feedback during strength training to optimise the strength training process however is not an alternative to strength training. It is not an essential part of S&C delivery but does have some simple and effective applications. It is becoming a lot more popular due to it being more recognised and the technology becoming cheaper and accessible. Before starting any kind of velocity training it is important that the athletes have got plenty of stability and have experienced different types of weight training in the past. Without the knowledge of strength training and their own abilities the athletes should not take part until the coach agrees it is ok.

Technology is important for velocity training however it can become a distraction in the weight room. It is ok to use when completing testing however when you are in the middle of coaching your athletes, leave the technology behind as it can distract the athletes and also yourself which can lead to mistakes.

Middlesex conference 2016.3

Should we be doing core stability training?

I have just come back from my second workshop with Biomechanics Education, ‘Spine Biomechanics.’

This workshop focused on core stability which is an area I was more familiar with than the previous workshop on Pelvis Biomechanics.  One of the key questions that raised my interest was,

Should we be doing core stability?

It’s a good question.  But before we can answer that question we need to first ask, ”what exactly is core stability?”  Do a web search for core stability and you get 13,000,000 results.

Definition of Core Stability #1

Search for a definition on Wikipedia and you get, ”Core stability relates to the bodily region bounded by the abdominal wall, the pelvis, the lower back and the diaphragm , spinal extensor muscle and its ability to stabilise the body during movement. The main muscles involved include the transversus abdominis, the internal and external obliques, the quadratus lumborum and the diaphragm, erector spinae and multifidus lumbar.

It is the action of these muscles contracting together upon the incompressible contents of the abdominal cavity (i.e. the internal organs or visera) that provides support to the spine and pelvis during movement.

Definition of Core Stability #2

Muscles stabilising or supporting a body segment statically or dynamicall while other muscles carry out a movement involving other joints (Siff, 2004)

What might you see on the Internet?

Type in core stability in Youtube and you’ll see thousands of various sequences posted by Personal trainers and S&C coaches.  I too have done it, but I’m now looking to be more targeted with my prescriptions to my clients.  Not all clients need and will benefit from being given the same exercise prescription.  I have always known about the progressions from stable to unstable and unloaded to loaded and static to dynamic etc but today I have developed my thinking further and I am better able to see how I can develop the base of the pyramid by integrating the Biomechanics Education Model into the Suppleness section of the APA Training System.

A note on Rectus Abdominus

Traditionally we focus on the role of rectus abdominus as a spinal flexor. But actually its main purpose is to create tension to stabilise the spine when performing tasks that require spinal stabilisation.  This is due to the fact that the Tranversus Abdominus (TA) inserts into the Rectus Abdominus.

This type of training for the Rectus Abdominus became known as ‘Anti-Extension’ training and from that sporn other exercise series with the same aim- to resist the shear forces that act on the spine during dynamic motion:

Anti-extension: Full Kneeling Band Anti-Extension Overhead

  • Anti-extension
  • Anti-flexion
  • Anti-lateral flexion
  • Anti-rotation

Anti extension: Ab wheel: roll-out

There are a lot of exercises which have spun off this concept, the most popular ones being:

  • Planks
  • Pallof press
  • TRX fallout

Anti-extension: TRX fallout 

Myths- Hollowing versus Bracing

I’ve been involved in the health & fitness industry since 1998.  Prior to the latest buzz of anti-extension exercises when I was first involved in it core stability was all about hollowing.  I even bought a pressure biofeedback unit so I could see if the client was doing it well.

The rational was that TA and Multifidus were most active during hollowing- the muscles once considered as the most important muscles in the core.  But as we discussed today with Rachel at Biomechanics Education, if only one group or muscle of the full range of stability muscles is not functioning correctly, then the trunk is unstable.  (Chollwewicki and McGill, 1996, O’Sullivan et al, 1997, 1998, Allison et al, 1998).

So now the focus is on ‘bracing.’

During daily life, 10-25% of Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC) is often enough to stabilise the spine.  In the exercises which we discussed for core stability we might start at that level of contraction but the effort could go up as we progress through the exercises.

What about holding your breath?

Something I learnt today is that it is generally advisable to practice both holding your breath AND not holding your breath in training during core stability exercises.

I had always been taught- I say taught- I mean informed through the videos I had seen- that you are only effective at stabilising your core if you can maintain the bracing without holding your breath, so it was refreshing to hear you can practice both.  And what’s more it is entirely appropriate to hold your breath when training at higher intensities (Cholewicki, 1996).

What about Sit ups?

Sit ups and crunches- here’s the thing.  everyone- even the man off the street who has never set foot in a gym will be able to tell you that the best way to get a six pack is to do crunches- right?

In the 1980s all everyone was doing was crunches- in the 1990s and early 2000s it was hollowing- mid 2000s it has been anti-extension exercises.  This loss in interest in crunches and sit ups- at least in the sports conditioning community- was in part influenced by research  from McGill and the like who demonstrated that the compressive loads on the spine during crunches (~3500N) exceeded its safe amount of load of around 2400N.

It was then shown that there were even more compressive loads on back extensions (greater than 4000N) on a Glute Ham raise and even more when doing them on the floor when you lift up both the legs and the arms (~6000N)

Back extension on Floor

[Author’s Note: the following is my opinion and not the opinion specifically expressed or discussed by Biomechanics Education]

I personally feel that there is always going to be a risk:reward equation to factor in when making any decision on the most appropriate exercise prescription.  But when someone is playing sport or has a physical job that DEMANDS these type of compressive forces then you have to be conditioned for them.

Am I saying do 300 crunches every night to get a six pack?? Of course not- besides that alone wouldn’t achieve that goal it even if it didn’t put a lot of compressive force on the spine.  But that’s for another blog.

But I am saying that if you play sport you might want to consider adding them in to your programme at some point because spinal flexion, side flexion, extension and rotation all happen in sport.

So going back to the question I asked at the beginning, should we be doing core stability?

Here’s the case for Yes….

There is clearly quite a strong theoretical basis for doing core training.  It is commonly believed that core stability is essential for the maintenance of an upright posture and especially for movements and lifts that require extra effort such as lifting a heavy weight from the ground to a table. Without core stability the lower back is not supported from inside and can be injured by strain caused by the exercise. It is also believed that insufficient core stability can result in lower back pain and lower limb injuries. Equally core is often inhibited in cases of Lower back pain (LBP). Whether the core weakness caused the LBP or the LBP caused the core weakness is another story!!!!

But…’s the case for No

There is little support in research for the core stability model and many of the benefits attributed to this method of exercise have not been demonstrated. At best core stability training has the same benefits as general, non-specific exercise.

  1. Kriese M, et al Segmental stabilization in low back pain: a systematic review. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2010 Mar;24(1):17-25. Epub 2010 Mar 16
  2. Rackwitz B, et al Segmental stabilizing exercises and low back pain. What is the evidence? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Clin Rehabil. 2006 Jul;20(7):553-67
  3. May S, Johnson R. Stabilisation exercises for low back pain: a systematic review. Physiotherapy.2008;94(3):179-189
  4. Ferreira PH, Ferreira ML, Maher CG, et al. Specific stabilisation exercise for spinal and pelvic pain: a systematic review. Aust J Physiother 2006;52:79–88
  5. Macedo LG, Maher CG, Latimer J et al 2009 Motor Control Exercise for Persistent, Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review PHYS THER Vol. 89, No. 1, January, pp. 9-25
  6. Lederman, E. The myth of core stability. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2009.


But overall my answer is Yes and here is my reason Why.

Biomechanics Education Three Steps to Stability

If just doing ‘Indirect’ core work such as Deadlifts, Squats, Pull ups, press ups etc (which clearly place high demands on the core) was enough then I wouldn’t have some of the issues I have been managing for the last 15 years.

You see I have been managing some low grade discomfort (not LBP) which has caused muscle spasms in my QL, adductors, hip flexors etc over the years.  I have concluded I have a rotated pelvis which happened after a over zeolous squat in the smith machine when I was 20.  That caused a functional leg length difference and ever since it created some ‘issues’ both above and below my pelvis.

So when I do core work there are usually some form of compensations at work.  This has lead to imbalances and as a result if I just did indirect core work I’d be still compensating.  Only by determining where the imbalances are and working on them with DIRECT core work can I begin to return my body to normal function.

I’m not going to give all the good stuff away.  Rachel wouldn’t be happy but I will say this much.  The Biomechanics Education system develops core through three layers.

  1. Core Stability- bracing exercises
  2. Muscle ratios
  3. Functional stability

Here’s some basic information on the Muscle ratios for me when I tested it today:

Muscle Ratios

So you can see that there are clearly some imbalances.  I didn’t meet the target for spinal extension of 162-seconds, but even more noticable is how far below my time is for spinal flexion.  So clearly I CAN make a case for doing more spinal flexion work in my specific case and also a little more emphasis on the Right side bridge (side plank).

Here’s me doing the spinal extension test


For  more information head over to Biomechanics Education.


P.s here’s the latest boxing circuit I did this week.  Absolutely brutal. About 30-40 minutes all together.

Circuit 1: Upper body

0.5kg dumbbell -100 shadow punches (left jab, right cross)

1.0kg dumbell- 80

2.0kg dumbell- 60

3.0kg dumbbell- 40

4.0kg dumbbell- 20

30/20/10 Tricep dips- with 15-seconds between before moving on to the 2.0 and then 10 reps

25 Medball slams with 4kg Medicine ball.

This circuit was repeated 3 times with 1-minute rest between circuits.  Circuit 2 was shadow punches but they were crosses and Circuit 3 was uppercuts.

Circuit 2:


Round 1: all exercises 30 reps

1. Squats

2. Calf raises

3. Split squat jumps

4. Step ups

5. Med ball slams

6. Burpees

After 1-minute rest repeat.  Round 2 was 20 reps.   Round 3 was 10 reps.


Well that’s enough talk from me for one day! Enjoy your training.


How recovery can help you lose weight and gain strength

As I write this blog I have just finished two of the most difficult sessions I have done physically for quite some time- both boxing sessions.  I am without question pushing myself and no doubt getting in better shape than ever.  This blog will give some of my reflections on how I think recovery can help improve the gains I am making.

Let’s look at the training first- for all of you out there curious about what I’m doing.


Wednesday night’s session: Conditioning

Warm-up: 5 sets of: 100 skips, 20 press ups, 20 squats, 20 V sits

Main session:

Set 1: (1 x Press-up into 4 punch combination- jab, cross, jab, cross) x 50

Set 2: (1 x Sit up- with feet around base of heavy bag into 4 punch combination- hook left right left right) x 50

Set 3: Repeat set 1

Set 4: (1 x Squat jump into 4 punch combination-head shot left hook, body shot left hook, body shot right hook, head shot right hook) x 50

In my opinion the volume is a little high on the press up front- 200 press ups total.  This is always the challenge of sports like boxing and tennis which have a lot of repetition in the forwards direction- so I needed to make sure I work on the pulling direction in my gym sessions.

Saturday morning session: Sparring

This was my fourth session and today my coach got me into the ring to do some sparring.  I didn’t realise but I had asked if we could train at 11am which is the same time that his ‘regular’ fighters come in for sparring.

The fighters were asked to come in and give me some sparring practice.  I heard him utter the horrible words- ”go light, he’s a beginner.  But if he drops his guard give him something to think about.”  I was wearing a head guard for the first time, but they were without one.

I had 3 x 3-minute rounds with 1-minute between, and a new opponent each time.  I then had 10 minutes to ‘reflect’ before I had to do it again for 3 x 3-minute rounds, again with three different opponents.

On one hand I felt pleased that I was able to get through six rounds, considering my fight will be for three.  But at the same time the reality has hit me because it was incredibly hard to keep throwing punches for three-minutes.  I was struggling to get my combinations away, and also struggled to keep my guard up when they would counter.    Don’t get me wrong, they put in a few punches to the face and body but if they really were going for it, I’d be in trouble.

I have dropped to 75kg but I’m pleased because I’m still able to deadlift 90kg  for 5×5 pretty comfortably. Not strong by elite standards but a good benchmark for me.  100kg is normally where I like to get to and still plenty of time to hit that target.


So in conclusion Training is going well.  I am training 5-6 days a week- single sessions.  It’s more than I normally do!

But despite exercising more frequently, and eating more strictly than I normally do….and I mean super strict, I haven’t got as lean as I would like.

I will qualify that last statement because on this occasion I haven’t taken skin-folds or even done a bio-electrical impedance test.  I have stuck with girths and photos.  I am currently around 75kg after 3 1/2 weeks strict eating and training around 5-6 times per week.  This represents a weight loss of around 3-4kg.  But please don’t put too much stock on the weight loss- most of that will be water from restricting the grain based complex carbohydrates.  Why do I say don’t focus on weight loss?

Think fat loss not weight loss

With my clients who are trying to get more lean, I normally say to my clients ”please don’t get disheartened” if they are seeing a similar or even smaller amount of weight loss to mine above.  So many people have been lead to believe that the best way to measure progress is through weight loss, rather than measuring fat loss.

Things the scales CANNOT measure:

  • Your fitness levels
  • Your energy levels
  • Your strength
  • Changes in your body composition
  • Your sense of achievement
  • Your confidence
  • Your happiness

I’ve had clients who have completely transformed their bodies over 90 days and yet the scales have only dropped by 1kg. In some cases, your body can be burning fat while the scales are going up! This can be hard for some people to comprehend because we’ve become so used to measuring our bodies on scales. But if you’re training and eating right, those extra numbers on the scales do not mean you are gaining extra fat. You will actually be building lean muscle. Also when you consume carbohydrates they are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen and more glycogen means more water in the body which can equal outrageous gains on the scales.

I hear stories all the time from my clients who wake up and weigh themselves every single morning. More often than not, this leads to instant negative feelings and this can set the mood for the rest of the day. It’s massively disheartening and can kill your motivation. This isn’t the way to live and that’s why I encourage all my clients to use progress pictures rather than the sad step to measure their success.

The best thing I can advise is to take a selfie of yourself in your underwear every 2-4 weeks, probably every 4 weeks. 

If you work hard, stay motivated and are consistent with your training and nutrition, you will see positive changes in your body that the scales will never show.

Progress photos are also more reliable than the mirror, because our minds can play tricks on us, especially when we’re feeling low, and tell us that we are not making progress.

But in my case, I’m taking photos and seeing a bit of change BUT my girths are pretty much as they were.  So I thought I would think about my stress levels and quality of sleep and overall recovery.

What about recovery?

It got me thinking.  Could the quality of my sleep and the level of my overall stress influence my fat loss?

I happened to come across a great article on T-nation which I will summarise.  If you want to read the whole link you can HERE.

Key concepts:

  1.  Cortisol will burn fat under the right conditions
  2.  Chronically high or low levels are bad for you!
  3.  Cortisol can cause cravings for junk food
  4.  Pay attention to hunger, energy and cravings (HEC)

Calories don’t control metabolism, hormones do. And when it comes to hormones, the stress hormone cortisol is critical.

Not only can stress hormones impact how many calories you eat in a day, they can also impact the quality of calories you choose to eat and even influence how, and where, those calories might get stored or burned from.

During exercise:

During exercise, cortisol works with your other fat burning hormones, the catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) and growth hormone, to increase fat release.

Cortisol- (during exercise and fasting)- >fat burning- increases the activity of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL), the body’s chief fat releasing enzyme.

During rest:

High cortisol levels when you’re not exercising? That’s a different story. When cortisol is “socializing” with insulin instead, it has the exact opposite effect.

Cortisol (during eating)-  > fat storing- increases activity of  lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the body’s major fat storing enzyme.

Insulin will be increased and increase cortisol’s fat storing properties.

But what about stress during rest?

I am a busy business owner.  I have less sleep now in my mid 30s than I did in my mid 20s.  Don’t get me wrong I went out partying more in my 20s than I do now- but that wasn’t every night.  The other nights I could wake up around 8am in my student days and early work days, and often have lie ins at the weekend.  I’d have exams and the like but I wasn’t constantly thinking about my responsibilities

Now I am starting work at 7am or 8am most days, including weekends and struggle to have a proper DAY OFF- days are usually also finishing at 7pm and often I’ll fit my admin around coaching which can start at 7am and finish at 7pm.

If you’re a savvy fitness enthusiast, when you think stress you think cortisol. If you’re really on your game, you’ll also think catecholamines. But there’s one more hormone produced by stress that even the most advanced experts know little about – NPY.

NPY is involved with hunger in the brain as referenced above. But cortisol doesn’t just impact brain NPY, it also impacts body NPY. When you’re under acute stress you release catecholamines and cortisol. When you’re under chronic stress you release more NPY. When catecholamines and cortisol are “socializing”, they help you burn fat. But NPY makes you gain fat, especially when it’s hanging around with cortisol.

When NPY is released in large amounts it causes immature fat cells to grow into mature fat cells. Chronically high cortisol makes the body more responsive to this fat storing action of NPY.

Here’s the Twist: Belly fat produces Cortisol

Cortisol is made in the adrenal glands mostly, but there’s one other place it can be made – belly fat. The deep fat of the belly, called visceral belly fat, contains an enzyme called 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11-HSD). This is an enzyme that converts inactive cortisone into active cortisol. This means belly fat can produce its own cortisol!

There are many situations where stubborn belly fat remains despite best efforts with diet and exercise. Sometimes an extra hour in bed, to lower cortisol, may be a better strategy than an extra hour on the treadmill.

How do you manage cortisol level?

Pay attention to hunger, energy and cravings (HEC)

Hunger: Eating Frequency

When it comes to eating frequency, don’t get caught up in what the research zombies are telling you. Let research refine your approach, not define it. There are many approaches that can work. Eat frequently enough to keep your HEC in check. For some this may mean lots of small frequent meals. For others it may mean fewer smaller meals.


Short intense exercise, or exercise that’s weight training dominant, and slow relaxing exercise are best for cortisol. In the case of short intense exercise, cortisol is elevated along with growth hormone and the catecholamines. That’s good for fat burning. Plus the shorter duration may mean less compensatory hunger later and less chance of going catabolic.

With longer-duration moderate and intense exercise, cortisol can easily dominate over the growth promoting hormones and be associated with more post-workout hunger and cravings and less anabolic potential. Is this the reason sprinters and marathoners look so different? Probably not entirely, but after accounting for genetics, it’s not a huge jump to suggest this mechanism is playing a role.

Another great way to lower cortisol is finishing workouts with slow relaxing movements like leisure walking. I’m not sure why this isn’t used more often, but slow walking is one of the best approaches to lowering cortisol. And it has been shown to be even more impactful when done in a nature setting.

Rest-Based Living

Finally, if you really want to beat cortisol you should develop a new appreciation for what I call rest-based living. Find as many opportunities as possible to prioritize R&R workouts. These include naps, sex/physical affection, massage, foam rolling, laughter, time with pets, leisure walking, sauna, hot baths, contrast showers, meditation, etc. All of these activities have application in lowering cortisol.

I am now more motivated than ever to make sure I am doing the recovery basics well- having more sleep, doing recovery exercises like leisure walking at the end of sessions, massage, hot baths etc etc

I’ll keep you all posted 🙂


”I’ve got weak glutes” debate

In this blog I will give some updates on my movements over the last few weeks starting with my visit to London to attend the Pelvis Biomechanics two-day workshop with Biomechanics Education.  Then I will give a few more updates on my training progress.

Biomechanics Education

I first met Rachel and her Biomechanics Education team at the elite Sports Performance Expo 2015 on June 10th.  I was quickly sold on the power of the training system as I was given some almost instant relief from some long term hip discomfort that I have been managing for 14 years.


I have made a few educated guesses that when I was 20 I had a major trauma to my pelvis during a weight lifting exercise where I squatted too much on the smith machine.  I think it caused a pelvic dysfunction known as a rotating pelvis and a functional leg length discrepancy.

After getting sciatic nerve pain and later significant hip discomfort with various muscles appearing to go in spasm I had almost given up going to see physios and osteopaths to perform various joint manipulations and soft tissue manual therapy.  It was relieving the discomfort but never removing it.

But when I went to see one of the Biomechanics Education Coaches the Expo they quickly assessed I had a functional leg length discrepancy (using Downing’s sign test) and gave me a static lying down leg press muscle release to release the piriformis.

After a few days of doing the muscle release I felt noticeable improvements in my discomfort.  So I started to read up more on Biomechanics education.

Take a look at the website here


This week I decided to take the leap and commit to doing my Biomechanics Coach Diploma.  There are five 2-day workshops and the first one was ‘Pelvis Biomechanics.’

I like the modular system that then informs our screening and exercise correction programmes.  I like the way that the screens allow you to biomechanically evaluate your client and provide client specific, corrective exercise.  As you can here in my video below, it’s the client specific corrective exercise intervention that I was looking to learn more about to make me a superior fitness professional without needing to train further in clinical /therapeutic practices.

Martin Haines- Founder Intrinsic Biomechanics Systems gives his views here on a classic debate- are my knees rolling in because I have weak glutes?  We discussed these topics and other ones like it on the workshop and the moral of the story was to not be fixed on one line of enquiry.

I have learnt loads more about Functional Anatomy and debates like the ‘week glutes’ one above are clearly not so black and white when you know that there are several reasons why a major muscle may not be ”functioning properly”.  It’s not so easy to just say a muscle is weak- it may be inhibited by a spasm of a synergistic muscle such as piriformis or a tightness in the thoracic spine.

I am now learning not to accept the commonly held assumptions about what a test positive test shows you- look a little deeper and challenge the status quo.

Boxing Training

As a result of feeling better than ever in terms of managing my level of discomfort it has come at the best possible time.  I have always struggled to perform dynamic exercise such as high intensity running, sprinting, jumping and so forth.  So ordinarily I would be cautious about really ‘going for it’ with my boxing training.

However, the last couple of days have felt pretty good.  I wrote about my planned training in the last couple of blogs, the most recent one here.

In that blog I spoke about how I was going to train Local Muscular Endurance

Local Muscular Endurance

This week I did Variation 1 on Monday and Variation 2 on Wednesday. I did hypertrophy (weights) on Tuesday and a run today (see below).  I will do Hypertrophy again on Friday or Saturday.

Variation 1:

Jump circuit (more emphasis on Power)

  1.  Barbell squat Jumps for 8 reps
  2. A ten-fold jump from leg to leg for 2 repetitions
  3. Kettle bell squat jumps for 8-10 reps
  4. Double leg half squat jumps for 10-12 reps
  5. Jumps on a box 40-50cm high with a double leg take off jump for 4-6 repetitions
  6. Six-fold jumps (2 on left and then  2 on right-6 take offs on each leg) for 1 repetition.

Comments:  With these six exercises you can comfortably get through them all with minimal rest between in under 2-minutes.  I was taking 1-minute rest between circuits and did two circuits.  Next week I will do three circuits.


Variation 2:

Weights circuit (more emphasis on Strength)  30-60 sec on: 1-min off, with aim to get pulse down below 140 bpm in the 1-minute rest.

  1. Barbell squat
  2. Bench press
  3. Straight leg sit ups
  4. Bent arm chest flyes
  5. RDL
  6. Barbell side bends
  7. Barbell pullovers
  8. Supinated grip bicep curls
  9. Barbell bent over row
  10. Barbell overhead press

Comments: I chose to do each exercise for 60-seconds and have 60-seconds between exercises.  I felt 60-seconds was a bit too much rest so I might go for 40:20 to make it harder to recover.  I gave myself the target of hitting 30 reps in as many of the exercises as possible.


Cardiovascular Endurance


Today I did 400m repeats on the track.

I did each repeat with 1-minute rest between them.  As it was the first running session (apart from 5-a-side football for several years) I decided to take it easy to get in to it.

Rep 1: 2:00 mins

Rep 2: 1:47 mins

Rep 3: 1:38 mins

Rep 4-6: 1:38 mins (50m fast-50m slow alternating intervals all the way around the track).

My goal:

In training to Run 6 x 400m all under 1:20 and as a time trial do four laps in under 6:00 minutes, two laps in under 2:50 minutes and 1 lap in under 1:15 minute



Don’t forget we now offer Personal Training and Adult Group Fitness now!

£12 Initial Assesment Web

Come along and get involved.  Email me at [email protected] if you’re interested in finding out more.