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Communication in Sports Coaching


This week’s Blog post comes from APA coach Paddy James.  Paddy has been dropping into see us at APA for a few months now and formally joined the team in September having impressed at his interview.

 Paddy W profile photo

As September draws to a close, I have been reflecting back over some key aspects of my coaching practice that have been tested during the past 30 days. Coaching is a very broad topic, with a number of key themes such as adaptability, decision making, being a leader and the ability to educate and influence your athletes being tested in every session. Each one of these topics has enough discussion points to write a book on, so I will be focusing this blog on the area of communication in sports coaching. Communication is essential for coaching success and therefore mastering this skill is hugely important. It is a large area to write about in a blog so to save you from reading War in Peace, I will start at the beginning and have a look at establishing aims and objectives for the session and communicating this to the athletes.

Setting aims and objectives for a session may sound like a basic principle, but ensuring that the athletes know and understand them can often be overlooked. Just spending a few minutes at the start of the session to outline what the theme is, and the key coaching points to be followed can have a positive effect on how smooth the session runs and also the engagement from the athlete. As well as identifying the aims, it is also important to relate the skill being coached to the game or performance. This will give the participants a clear understanding of not just what they are trying to achieve, but why!

Often in coaching, the skill is knowing what to say and what not to say. Allowing the athlete to discover the most efficient way to perform a skill can be far more powerful than the coach giving them all the answers. I have often heard that the best coaches say the least, but this is not to say they are not communicating with their athletes. Nonverbal communication includes observing how your message has been received. This again will link back to the athletes understanding of what they are doing and how it going to enhance their sporting performance. Usually if an athlete believes what they are doing is going to have a positive effect on their game, their effort and concentration will be greater. When coaching a group, this can encourage others to raise their game and, by creating some competition between them, can lead to the athletes striving to perform better.

Identifying the focus of the session, how it relates to the game, and making sure the athletes understand will help to create a positive motivational environment to train in. Creating this environment is an important part of coaching and getting the communication right from the start will make this possible. I will finish by recapping on the 4 points of communication posted a few weeks ago in another APA blog:

  1. Give them the message
  2. Check they heard it properly
  3. Check they understand why they are doing what they are doing
  4. Check they understand the consequences of doing it and not doing it


Paddy James, BSc (Hons), ASCC


 Paddy also has a successful Personal Traning business in London.  Contact Paddy here  for more details.





Why Men are stupid and Women don't take risks

Well hopefully I’ve grabbed your attention.  It’s true….well according to Dr Steve Peters any way!


On the 3rd September I had the privilege to hear Dr Steve Peters talk at the inaugural Gosling Coaching Academy Seminar that was organised by Gosling Coaching Academy Director, Paul Dent.


Gos Coaching Academy


Dr Steve Peters came to talk to us about the ‘Chimp Model,’ a mind model for teaching people to understand how the mind works in practice to maximise sports performance. The Chimp Model is explained in general terms in his book The Chimp Paradox and focusses on everyday personal mind management not just sports performance.


Chimp paradox


In his highly entertaining and witty 4 hour seminar we covered a lot of interesting topics including:


  • Knowledge & Understanding of how the brain works


  • Differences between the Male and Female brain


  • Why sport can be psychologically traumatic for a child- and other interesting facts about childhood


  • Why commitment is more important than motivation


Obviously we weren’t allowed to film it because the seminar gave us insights into his work with athletes he has consulted with in the last 13 years including British Cycling and Gold medallist Sir Chris Hoy, British Taekwondo, UK Athletics, Liverpool FC and England National Football Team.


But I sent out a fair few tweets (@APAcoachDaz) so I could come back to them later and discuss them!


Top 10 Key points:


1. Be Realistic


The mind is just like a muscle in that it needs training.  But psychology is no different than physical training.  You wouldn’t ask a Strength & Conditioning coach to take an athlete with average fitness level and in a few weeks make them have Olympic levels of fitness.  And yet this is what sports coaches think sport pysch coaches are going to do.


 ”You can only ever try to tilt the probability of optimising someone’s potential in their favour.  You can’t guarantee anything!”


At the same time DON’T underestimate the importance of the mind.  When he was first asked to work with British Taekwondo he asked a group of coaches how much importance the mind had on winning during a fight.   The coaches estimated anything from 45-90%.  When he asked how much of their training did they focus on mental skills they said ‘none.’ While this might seem stupid, the coaches simply explained they didn’t know how to do it!


2. Men are stupid and Women don’t take risks


The brains of men and women are different.  There is a part of the man’s brain that is apparently four times smaller than in women- which we call the stupid gene.  But women also have different neural circuity which makes them less likely to seek out risk and need more information and reassurance before going into certain situations, especially threatening ones.  Men don;t calculate risks as much as women and just go right on in!


Dr Steve Peters said that in his time in British cycling they got the best results when they appointed a new coach who had more empathy with the female athletes than the previous coach who just put the fear of life in them.  He told the story of his first experience working with the women’s team, where at that time the previous coach was having difficulties getting improvements in performance.  Dr Steve Peters decided to sit the team of women down in a circle and spend 10 minutes asking them what was on their mind.


After about 10 minutes of expressing their worries and fears about being dropped from the team if they didn’t work hard enough apparently they all felt more calm.  According to the coach at that time, they had the best training session EVER! Unfortunately he didn’t stick around to see the power of ‘exercising your chimp’ as they replaced him with someone who was more empathetic.


It just goes to show that some women will feel better if they have the chance to express their fears and get reassurance before they perform.  This is not to say all women need this, as some of the females in the group just wanted to get on the bike straight away and be told at the end what they needed to do to improve!


3.  Young Children are God!


Peters took us through a fascinating explanation of child social development.  In the early years 0-2 years the child doesn’t really have a concept of their parent.  They just see them as a person who meets their needs.  They bring them food and water etc.


If you ask a two year old why the sun goes down, they will say: ‘because I’m tired and I need to sleep!’


At the terrible twos you get a child who is coming to terms with the fact that they are NOT God and they are developing a concept of the parent, and start to see that they are more important.  In time they will become completely dependant on the parent and for a while will only feel safe if they are at their parent’s side.


Then you get the teenager years where the adolescent starts to rebel against the parent and seeks approval from the peer group. While this can be incredibly stressful for the parent, as the child has very little concept of risk, this is normal and healthy.  It would be more worrying if the teenager was still dependant on the parent.


Finally you get to that stage of Mental Maturity (which many of us never reach) where we can be completely healthy emotionally independent of anyone else.  For many of us we still need the security of other people to give us a sense of emotionally stability.


4. Sport is a contradiction


We are taking people conceptually out of society and taking them back into the jungle and asking them to compete for survival.


Our primal instincts are designed to help us survive in the jungle, with the threat of hunger and attack from other predators being constantly present.  We developed drives for food, water, security, and sex and we would do whatever it took to have these things.  In our modern world we have developed rules with expected behaviours based on morals and beliefs about what is acceptable to society.


The Human part of the brain does not seek these primal desires.  But when you take a child and put them into a competitive sport environment it is like sending them back in the jungle.  If the child does not have the mental capacity to handle this situation then it can be extremely traumatic.  What is even worse is when the parent and/or coach adds to this stress by valuing winning at whatever cost- in Dr Steve Peter’s view this is plain and simple NEGLECT and Abuse!


5.  Don’t put the picture on the Fridge door



Dr Steve Peters told of how Approval is the worst preoccupation of the Human mind.  We shouldn’t try to live for the approval of others and rather focus on being happy in having done our best.


The problem is we teach our children from a young age to do things for approval.  We collect them from school and they show us this nice picture they have drawn for us at school! What do we do? We praise them for drawing such a nice picture and then tell them it is so good we will put it on the fridge door.  We even try not to hurt their feelings by pretending to know what the things are they actually drew.


What we should do is immediately put the picture to one side and firstly praise them for being such a wonderful child and give them a big hug.  Then after we have done that we can then look at the picture and make a comment, but be honest and if you can’t tell what something is then tell them! It will better prepare them for the real world.


6.  Take responsibility for your Actions


We are all prone to emotional outbursts where we let our emotions get the better of us!



This clip was shown which highlights what can happen when our Chimp gets out!!!


Needless to say the need to express the emotion of the chimp is 5 x more powerful than the logic of the human part of the brain whose role it is to rationalize the situation.  The only way to change this is to programme the computer with lots of facts and truths about life that will give the chimp evidence that will calm it down.  More on this in the next point.


The key point here though is that you may not be responsible for the traits of your emotional chimp BUT you are responsible for managing it.  No excuses for poor behaviour!!!!


7.  Life’s a Bitch


You need to programme the computer- this is where the chimp looks for evidence that stops it from jumping to conclusions. When you’re emotional you jump to conclusions- without first gathering truths and facts that might- had you known them- made you feel differently.


These facts and truths are statements about life that keep you on the right path, and give you perspective.  Dr Steve Peters calls them your ‘Stone of Life.’


Mine are:


>Life is not fair


>The goal posts move


>Nothing is certain


8.  Lessons on Communication


If you want to communicate better and avoid getting your chimp frustrated try this four part process to communicating. Dr Steve Peters used this with a member of his management company who he agreed to work with.  This executive was complaining how his employees were stupid and never knew how to do what he asked.  So Steve came in to observe a few meetings and discovered that the executive would say to the employee what he wanted them to do and then dismiss them from his office to go about their work.  It turned out they had not clearly understood what the executive was asking of them!


Peters gave him this four point process and it worked a treat!


>Give them the message


>Check they heard it properly


>Check they understand why they are doing what they are doing


>Check they understand the consequences of doing it and NOT doing it!!


9.  Do your best- The scout promise



Be proud of doing your best! Success in life is about being happy and this is a human value.  It’s about putting in your best EFFORT.


The trouble is modern society puts expectations on us that we should achieve something, we should attain something especially wealth, fame, notoriety and status.  This links to our need for approval.  But this will always make you unhappy because you will never be satisfied.


10. It’s about Commitment not Motivation


You either want the job or you don’t!  Overall we commit because we enjoy it!  If the only reason to do something is because it is being rewarded then you’re just being motivated.  Committed people do something because they enjoy it- in our job Strength & Conditioning is more than a Past time- it’s a Profession.


Motivation is like the adrenalin shot in the arm you get when you’re about to go into cardiac arrest.  It has a powerful effect but it’s effects are over in a few minutes and you need another shot.


But commitment is a logical human drive to seek self fulfilment in doing something well and to the best of your ability.  It gives you a sense of purpose.


Be Committed!!


Why working in Tennis can be a challenge

Here’s a little video I gave to some of the Tennis coaches at Gosling Tennis Academy.  This last week different coaches took it in turns to do a presentation to update the rest of the team on some of the key points in the area they are looking after.


In  my personal role as Head of S&C of the Tennis Academy, I spoke about the development system we are using to help aspiring professionals achieve their athletic potential.  We also looked at some of the key challenges in Tennis.


Nutrition for Dummies

It’s been a few weeks since I wrote a Blog and thought I would just post a few thoughts on Nutrition.


I’ve been influenced a lot by Dr. Mike Rousell and his 6 Pillars of Nutrition which are a great foundation of a Healthy Diet.


The Healthy Diet:


1.  Eat 5-6 Times per Day


2. Eat Minimally Processed Foods Without Added Sugars


3. Eat Fruit and Vegetables  Throughout the Day


4. Drink more water and Calorie Free Beverages


5. Focus on Eating Lean Proteins


6. Be Strategic About Your Starches


For me these are the foundations of a healthy nutrition diet.  This would be a great set of rules to follow for sedentary every day people and also ATHLETES on their Non-Training days.  On this basis you limit your starchy carbohydrates to breakfast, drink plenty of water, have nuts as well as fruit & fat snacks instead of sweetened drinks, and try to minimise sugar and junk food!




I also had a great chat with Glenn Kearney at the National tennis Centre (NTC) in Roehampton about this and we discussed some of the key nutrition supplements.  Athletes are very active and on their Training days will typically eat starchy carbohydrates more often especially during and after the workout.  But they also have a need for a special type of nutrition called ‘Workout Nutrition.’


Workout Nutrition:


My athletes typically also use:


1.   Protein supplement- Optimum Nutrition Oats & Whey


2.  Amino acid supplement- ON Essential Amino Energy 


ON product image 2


3.  Omega 3 supplement


4. Caffeine tablets


5.  Probiotic


6.  Energy drink


ON product image 5


7.  Electrolyte drink


ON product image 3


Hope that gets you thinking about your own ideas on Healthy Eating as well as Workout Nutrition!


What is Power and have You got some?


This blog has been on my ‘to do list’ for a long time but having just got back from the UKSCA Conference I have been inspired to finally write it!


So if you haven’t read up much on the APA training philosophy here’s a little background.  We are all about developing complete athleticism which includes Suppleness, Skill, Speed, Strength and Stamina.


Today I want to go into a bit more detail about the Strength and Speed side of things because together these qualities lead to Powerful athletes.  Powerful athletes are hot property in professional sport- these guys can make the difference between winning and losing.   I often read articles which refer to ‘Explosiveness’ (related to Rate of Force Development (RFD) and Power) as being a desirable quality to develop in the gym with athletes.  But at the same time I feel there is a lack of understanding as to what these qualities are and how to develop them. This blog will clear it up! But before we talk about Power we need to talk about Force because your vertical jump, sprint speed, agility and explosiveness are all directly related to your ability to produce force.


What is Force?

Force is a push or pull that can cause an object with mass to accelerate. We produce force from signals developed in the brain and delivered from nerves to control muscular contractions. These signals control the magnitude and the rate of muscular contraction to act on our skeleton to produce movement. To illustrate this point let’s use an example. We have a ping pong ball and a 200 lbs stone. To lift each will require a completely different strategy. Lifting the ping pong ball is easy and does not require much force. Our past experiences tell us the approximate weight of the ping pong ball and we send an appropriate signal to various muscles to pick-up the ping pong ball.  Lifting the stone will require the integration of more muscular force from the legs, arms, core and back. The key point to appreciate is our nervous system controls our muscles. In turn our muscles contract to produce a force that can cause an object with mass to accelerate. Note, even if there is no movement, muscular contractions are still producing forces.


Why is it important?


Newton’s second law F=ma


In order to accelerate an object (assuming its mass stays constant) then we need to apply force.


Now obviously we know that weight training in the gym is the best way for our body to develop a greater ability to produce force but there is a point of diminishing returns as otherwise if this weren’t true the strongest athletes would be always be the fastest athletes. We would simply have a group of athletes get under a squat bar, and whoever squatted the most, would also be able to jump the highest.  But there is more to jumping than just strength alone.


So this is where Power comes in.


What is Power?


In order to understand Power we need to understand Force-Time Curves.

Below we have a force and time curve. Memorize this graph, because it is one of the most important graphs for an athlete to understand. Notice force is plotted on the y axis and the time is plotted on the x axis. The Dashed Line  is the force required to move a given object. Forces below this amount will not cause the object to move.


Let’s say the object is a barbell weighing 100kg and we want to deadlift this weight. Note a deadlift is taking a stationary weight from the ground and lifting it to a standing position. When we examine the force time curve we can identify unique strength qualities.


I’ve already covered a full explanation of the curve in a previous Blog but it’s worth going over it again.



”Starting Strength”– refers to the ability to produce force rapidly at the beginning of a muscular contraction prior to external movement.  In our example, the weight will not move until sufficient force has been developed. This takes time and it reflects a very important quality.  It is always produced under conditions of isometric muscle action. This fact alone has important consequences for strength training, because it dispels the opinion that the once-popular method of isometric training should be completely abandoned in modern training.


Athletes with a quick first step from a stationary position possess this ability. People often describe this quality as an explosive start. To train this quality the weight must be stationary and the athlete develops force to overcome its resting position. This quality is very different than acceleration strength.  This quality is associated with getting yourself or an object moving which is at rest, so this is extremely important in sports like sprinting and American football/rugby who initiate the scrum from a stationary position.


It’s also extremely closely linked to deceleration strength, where you have to bring yourself to a complete stop and then immediately redirect the force for another sprint (often in a different direction).


For ease of discussion we can say there are two types of strength which are associated with high rates of force development during the actual movement of the bar:


”Acceleration Strength’‘- describes the ability to quickly achieve maximal external muscle force once dynamic movement has been initiated.  Some athletes have tremendous abilities to develop force once moving, but have trouble developing power at the start.


“Explosive Strength” characterizes the ability to produce maximal force in a minimal time and is associated with peak Rates of Force Development. These are the forces we are observing when the bar is in motion.  It is most commonly displayed in the fastest athletic movements when the contraction of the working muscles in the fundamental phases of the exercise is preceded by mechanical stretching (such as any plyometric, throwing, kicking, striking or rebounding action in many sports).


For me the exercises (such as Olympic weight lifting) that develop acceleration strength will also be the same ones we use to develop explosive strength, which we will describe shortly.


All of these qualities are associated with speed of movement and power but differ based on the load used.  We might refer to exercises which work on the acceleration part of the Force-Time curve as  strength-speed and exercises which work on the explosive part of the Force-Time curve as speed-strength- although I commonly see the strength speed exercises referred to as ‘explosive strength. For speed-strength there is very little load applied to the body, 0 – 40% of an athletes’ maximal strength. In strength speed the load represents 40 – 60% of one’s maximal strength respectively. All of these qualities are important and elicit very different training effects. Current best practices emphasize a full spectrum approach, where an athlete is exposed to all ranges in a sequenced periodized approach. Research also reveals the method of loading to produce the best training effect and power output is exercises specific.


Olympic weightlifting is very popular as a tool to promote these qualities.  Why is this so? Because Elite level Olympic weightlifters are capable of snatching over 150kg and can clean and jerk over 200kg. It is impossible to perform Olympic weightlifting movements at a slow speed.  So you get a great combination of strength and speed.  You get the same amount of power generated as with a plyometric bodyweight jump, but you also get strong at the same time!


The most powerful of all movements is the Olympic weightlifting action of the second pull of a Clean, peaking at 55.8 Watts/kilogram (Garhammer, J. J. Strength and Cond.Res. 7(2): 76-89. 1993)- more on this later!!


In all these instances, the switch from stretching to active contraction uses the elastic energy of the stretch to increase the power of the subsequent contraction.


Rate of Force Development


As indicated above, all the most powerful movements in sport are associated with rapid production of force.


Rate of Force Development is the term which refers to how rapidly force is produced. It includes the period prior to external movement and throughout the movement. Mathematically, it is given by the maximum value of the slope of the force-time curve (where this slope is called the Rate of Force Development, RFD). It is very important to distinguish maximal strength from rate of force development. Maximum strength is force produced irrespective of time, whereas rate of force development is a quality that refers to how rapidly force is produced. In sport we are much more concerned with rate of force development.


What constitutes a high RFD?


Based on the physiological properties of our skeletal muscles it takes roughly 500msec to reach maximal voluntary contraction. This is very important because in an explosive sport movement we do not have this amount of time to produce force. We have approximately .08 to .2 second to produce force. We call this window of time the explosive response period.  


Simply described, explosiveness is the ability to create force quickly. This is the type of  “explosiveness” a powerlifter would need to do a squat, or a bench press or a Deadlift.  This type of explosiveness is associated more with starting strength and acceleration strength where the movement speed of the bar is low and muscle contractions are slow.


But in classical physics, power is defined as force times velocity, or rate of work performed.  To have true power we must create movement quickly.


Therefore, we are most concerned with activities where the peak force is achieved in the explosive response period in under 200 ms.  For me a simple description of Power might be:


A measure of the rate of doing work within the explosive response period associated with fast movement.


Examples of Power in Sport


Time is a key component.  That’s why Power level is greater when a relatively light shot is put then when a heavy barbell is lifted explosively


  • Power output in 7.25kg shot: 5,075 W
  • Power output in 150kg Snatch: 3,163 W (33 W/kg)
  • Power output in CMJ 2,997 W and 3,109 W in SJ
  • Power output Bench press 300 W (4 W/kg), Squat and Deadlift 1100W (12 W/kg)


  • Peak force in 7.25kg shot: 513 N
  • Peak force in Squat and Deadlift 1,400 N
  • Peak force in 150kg Snatch: 2,000 N
  • Peak force in CMJ: 2,000 N


Though the exerted force is less in shot put the power is greater because of much higher speed of movement. However, remember that the second pull of the snatch and clean (which is part of the full lift) produces power of up to 55.8 W/kg!!!!!


What’s the difference between Power and RFD?


Explosive movements are associated with high levels of ‘power’ and/or ‘RFD.’   It is possible for a movement to be explosive without being externally fast- as in the case of a slowly moving barbell in a maximum attempt, for example.


In its simplest form the way I look at it is, tasks where you generate maximum power always result in a movement happening very fast. So powerful movements have to be performed FAST


Activities requiring you to generate maximum rate of force development  may or may not result in a movement happening very fast.  It is task dependant.


Movements performed slow (but with high RFD) can still be considered ‘explosive.’  Usually, however those athletes who are capable of producing the highest RFD are the same ones who are most powerful.


Have you got some?


Have a look at these athletic feats and see how you compare!!!!


[column width=”32%” padding=”2%”]

Powerlifting: Deadlift


[column width=”32%” padding=”2%”]

Olympic Weight lifting- Clean & Jerk


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Plyometrics: Counter Movement Jump




Fast movements are always explosive, but explosive movements are not always fast.


Hope that helps!!
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Do you need to WIN to build confidence?

As frequent readers of the Blog will know Athletic Performance Academy (APA) have the great pleasure of delivering S&C services to Gosling Tennis Academy.  In a flash Wimbledon has been and gone so I thought it would be a pity not to do some sort of Wimbledon themed blog.


Wimbledon 2014



First of all I would like to congratulate all the APA athletes based at Gosling for their successes in making it to the Wimbledon Championships!  I’d like to thank all the APA team who have supported the player’s Wimbledon preparation especially Fab Garguilo for his work with Josh, Ed and Dave and Martin Skinner, who is the S&C coach of Aljaz Bedene.


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Dan Cox: Main Draw Gentleman’s Singles, Career high singles ranking 214

dan cox

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Josh Sapwell: Boys Singles Quarter Finals, Career high Junior ITF ranking 94

josh sapwell


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Ed Corrie: Main Draw Doubles , Career High Singles Ranking 296

ed corrie


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Dave Rice: Qualifying Draw Doubles , Career High Singles Ranking 283

david rice


[column width=”44%” padding=”2%”]

Aljaz Bedene:  Main Draw Gentleman’s Singles Career high singles ranking 71 

alijaz bedene


[column width=”44%” padding=”0″]

Emily Arbuthnott (Batchwood HPC): Main Draw Girls Singles Career high Junior ITF Ranking 84

emily arbuthnott


I look forward to working with all these players and Gosling Tennis Academy in 2014-2015 to build on this successful grass court campaign!


And on to the BLOG!!…………….


Well I guess I missed the opportunity to comment on all the usual S&C ‘hot topics’ during Wimbledon and talk about the unbelievable agility and explosive of the top athletes with Novac Djokovic leading the way.




So I thought I would talk about a topic relevant to Andy Murray’s performances over the last two championships.  I want to talk about the importance of having confidence and looking at how people get it.  You need it to do something you have never done before (like winning Wimbledon in the case of Andy last year) and you need it to bounce back from a surprise defeat like Andy and Rafa Nadal suffered this year.


andy murray




Andy lost in the quarter final this year (see full report HERE)  but rewind a year ago and imagine how it must have felt to have the confidence to go into Wimbledon feeling like you could win without ever having won it.  So how do players build confidence?


Most players will use their results as a way of reinforcing success and to feel good about their performances (self-efficacy). Results tell the player/athlete that what they are doing is working and therefore are seen as contributing to a sense of achievement and increasing competence (e.g. time splits in swimming or running that are better – that’s what PB’s are about). In and of itself there is nothing wrong with this. The question is what happens when the performance results are not as good as they want?
It is how players/athletes handle this perceived under-performance that is the most important challenge. If they turn their results (lack of them) against themselves they will undermine their confidence. If on the other hand they see the lack of results as impermanent, temporary and not entirely down to them (because there are always external factors), whilst also taking personal responsibility for continuous improvements in their results, it is possible for confidence to remain higher than it would otherwise.
So to use the example of Wimbledon this year, Djokovic going into Wimbledon playing well and feeling good about his performance (based on his results going into the final) who has a few rounds that he just about scrapes through and clearly under performs, but who then attributes those results to a blip in their otherwise great run, can turn the next match around if they remain positive and confident in their ability. Accomplished performers (at the top of their game) are more likely to achieve this.  That’s why coaches don’t often worry if their player has to ‘win ugly’ in the early rounds as long as they remain positive they can take their game up a notch in the later rounds.
The majority will struggle with a poor performance when doubt takes them over, you would be more likely to see this in younger players, less experienced players and also where the player is not used to struggling – such as when Federer hit that point in his career where others were very competitive with him – even he was affected until he got his head around what he was about. I think you would normally be less likely to see issues with Nadal, because he is so focused in the moment and doesn’t build things up in quite the same way as most, so it was a big surprise to see him exit without a fight against Nick Kyrgios in four sets!  Perhaps you could say Murray used to be very easily thrown by this way of thinking – hence he lost matches where he would have been more competitive if the result hadn’t meant quite so much to him.
Where confidence is based purely on winning outcomes the player had better be winning lots otherwise they will consistently under-perform and subsequently lack confidence.
They will either then potentially become perfectionist oriented (keep working harder to achieve perfection – which doesn’t work) or they may well give up the sport, after which they may also play really well!
Hope that helps!!
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Supplements for Athletes, Getting it Right!

This week’s post comes from APA coach Fabrizio Gargiulo, who gives us an absolutely excellent review of the latest advice on supplement use in sport.


Sport nutrition

The sports supplement industry is worth millions of pounds globally with a seemingly endless amount of products being offered to help boost performance in the gym and on the field of play. There are many claims to make you stronger, faster and be able to go for longer however it is important to know which ones really will improve your performance, which might and which just hold a false claim to fame. As an athlete however it is also vitally important to know which supplements you can legally take and do not contain banned substances.

Firstly as the name suggests, supplements are designed to compliment or ‘supplement’ if you will a good healthy, nutritious diet that works for you individually, this includes; meats, fish, eggs, fruit, vegetables, other starchy carbohydrates and simple sugars, good fats and of course plenty of water. Supplements are not designed to replace your meals and should not be used as such, however the modern athlete is always looking for an edge in performance or recovery from training, this is where supplements can have a role and they can also be of benefit to the health of athlete, helping to prevent fatigue, reduce stress and possible illness.

In this section I shall address the basic issues of improving sporting performance and list some suitable supplements you may wish to try to facilitate any improvement. The basic package of supplements I would initially recommend include; a pre-workout stimulant, a post-workout recovery supplement containing both carbohydrates and protein and finally both fish oils and a multi-vitamin for longer term recovery. Let me also state that you most definitely can obtain all of the nutrients needed through eating foods, it is however, likely to cost more, result in a large quantity of food needing to be eaten and it can be difficult to get the quality of the products easily.


Pre-workout supplements:

As an athlete it is important to look upon this category differently to that of the gym bound body builder looking to create a great ‘pump’. The pre-workout should aim to provide the necessary fuel and micronutrients needed during the exercise, provided the exercise is of an intensity that will create a stressful environment for the body. This could be anything from a heavy weight training session in the gym to an 8-hour cycle or time trial swim. Different activities will require different types of supplementation and not all athletes will respond to, or like taking on supplements pre-exercise. Here are some examples of suitable pre-workout supplements that can be used for different training or competing sessions:

Caffeine: – acts as a stimulant for high intensity exercise lasting up to 90 minutes, dosage should be 3-6mg/kg – this is very important to remember as overdosing caffeine can be dangerous to your health, an 80kg male should therefore take 240-480mg per day which equates to 0.24-0.48g/day of caffeine or approximately 1 double espresso prior to training and 1-2 cups of tea or coffee during the day. Timing is also important; 30-45mins prior to the start of exercise is ideal.

Creatine: – an amino acid derivative synthesised from arginine, glycine and methionine, many studies have shown increased muscular size, strength and power as well as reduced muscle protein breakdown during exercise. Creatine can either be taken as a loading phase of 20g for 5 days followed by 0.3g/kg per day for up to 8 weeks or more recent research suggests that simply taking 3-5g/day is sufficient to fill creatine stores within the body over the same period. Combining creatine with carbohydrate or protein simultaneously will also aid in absorption.

Citrulline Malate: primarily used to produce energy and build muscle mass by increasing growth hormone secretion and nitric oxide production. This creates the ‘pump’ associated with arginine and nitric oxide supplementation but is useful for gaining extra energy and preventing fatigue by removing ammonia and increasing the reabsorbtion of lactate for increased ATP synthesis when in strength training sessions. Dosage is 3-6g/day, ideally taken 30-45 mins before training.

Beta-alanine: functions to synthesise carnosine, which is used as a pH buffer, helping to prevent fatigue. Carnosine also acts as an antioxidant, protecting the muscle proteins from oxidation and glycation from free radicals as well as increasing cellular sensitivity to calcium. Dosage is 3-6g/day, ideally taken 30-45 mins before training.

Although you may wish to take each of these supplements individually or make a home-made blend, thankfully there are several pre-workout options available on the market, the key being to choose one that is free from any banned substances and combines an appropriate dosage of each of the above.


Post-workout recovery supplements:


The key to post-exercise recovery is to replace what has been used during the training session. This should include the water and electrolytes lost through sweating, restoring glycogen stores in the liver and muscles through simple carbohydrates and providing a protein source to help rebuild the muscle cells damaged by exercise. Here are some examples of supplements that can be used post-exercise to assist in recovery.

Whey Protein:

Protein is used as the building blocks for repair and growth of the body, athletes will need protein to provide the muscles with the amino acids they need to recover from exercise. Dietary recommendations vary between 0.8-2.0g/kg of protein per day however during the post-exercise ‘window of recovery’ – the first 2 hours – you should aim to consume 20-40g in combination with carbohydrates and electrolytes. Protein yields 4Kcals/g there are however several different molecular structures dependent upon the size of the amino acid chain. During the initial phase of recovery, the first 30 minutes, the body is better suited to taking on smaller amino acid complex or proteins that have already undergone a form of hydrolysis such as whey isolate a more complex molecular structure will take a lot longer to release this energy, therefore not making the most efficient recovery for muscle protein resynthesis.


Needed to restore depleted glycogen stores in the liver and muscle cells, carbohydrate is often lesser thought of as a supplement and not prioritised ahead of protein in many strength training athletes, it is however vital to restoring energy and hormonal balance which assists in protein synthesis, so should be prioritised during the initial phase of recovery. Carbohydrates exist either as mono-saccharides, di-saccharides or poly-saccharides dependent on the number of saccharide molecules (1,2 or many). They are often termed as either simple or complex carbohydrates determined by the glycemic index (GI) they possess, a higher GI value equates to a faster release of energy and this is useful when you want to replenish stores quickly. Common examples used in supplements include, dextrose, maltodextrin and sucrose all with high GI values, whereby fructose is also often used as it has a lower GI value and is absorbed via a different pathway in the gastrointestinal tract.  Fructose however is not considered a useful source of energy for the strength training athlete as it impairs insulin function and sensitivity, causing an increase in triglycerides and adipose fat stores and its place in the daily diet has been discouraged as it exists as sugar, corn-syrup, fruit juices and candies.

The ratio of carbohydrate to protein needed post-exercise is dependent upon the type of exercise; endurance training typically would require a ratio close to 4:1(g) in favour of carbohydrates, whereas strength training would be closer to 2:1(g). Either way carbohydrate is necessary post-exercise and in combination with protein shows greater absorption and subsequent protein synthesis.

Addition of electrolytes is also an important consideration, sodium, potassium, zinc and magnesium are all micro-nutrients that should look to be restored. Often ready to drink supplements will contain ample amounts of these and can be a simple and effective way to contribute to fluid rehydration and balance.


Health supplements:

Fish Oils:

There are several types available but the key to choosing the right one is to look at the label. It should be of pharmaceutical grade and definitely meet international standards for heavy metals, PCBs and be free from contaminants. Fish oils provide a great source of omega-3, a fatty acid that helps act against the inflammatory processes in the body, is abundant in EPA and DHA (these produce prostaglandins and leukotrienes to protect the body) and helps prevent cardiac disease and osteoarthritis in the joints. Often in a western European diet there is an imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 often with high ratios in favour of omega-6, as much as 20:1 has been reported with an ideal ratio being as close to 1:1 as possible. Omega-6 acts as a pro-inflammatory and although it is useful to the body high quantities above omega-3 levels do not assist the body in recovery from exercise, stress or in fat loss. When a better ratio (1:1) is achieved you will see improvements in all 3 of those areas. A high fish diet could be used, however the fish needs to be a good oily source such as salmon or mackerel and come from an organic source, both of which are expensive and undesirable.


I believe in fruit and vegetables as the best source of these dietary components, however obtaining these at the quality needed to ensure good levels of micronutrients is proving more and more expensive – basically you need to be buying organic, free range and clean of any pesticides to hope that the fruit or vegetable has adequate nutrients and even then you are not guaranteed because of any number of climate or environmental factors. So to make sure you are achieving optimal levels for health – to stave of disease, reduce stress and improve performance – mental, physical and even sexual, why not add a multi-vitamin. Again ensure it is a high quality product and meets all the international standards needed. Make sure you still are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables from clean sources if you can and use the supplement to top up the levels of micronutrients.

There are many other products available, however when making changes to dietary inventory and being a competing athlete it is important to trial any new regimes out of competition time and in a period of relatively low training stress to enable adaptation. Often small changes can make big differences especially when you are already a high level competing athlete, so don’t try everything new at once.

Fabrizio Gargiulo

So you want to be an S&C Coach- How to get qualified

Before you go spending your hard earned money on a qualification pay attention to this blog which will look at a few different ways of getting a qualification that will enable you to work with different types of clients.  Let’s start by looking at the different industries we typically work in.


Sports versus Health & Fitness Industry


Up until now there has really been two types of industry, the sports industry and the health & fitness industry. For a long time, it was only in the health & fitness industry that you could gain a recognised qualification, namely a personal trainer qualification.


The health & fitness industry is regulated by ‘Skills Active.’  Skills Active is the officially recognised and licensed organisation that sets the best quality standards for ‘skills’


It oversees 8 professional registers and it is most famous for its Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS).  Once you become a qualified personal trainer you can apply to go on the register as a ‘health-enhancing exercise professional.’




So what about S&C?


In sport, for a long time the only thing you could get was a British Amateur Weightlifting Association (BAWLA) qualification.


But unless you have been living on the moon for the last 10 years though, you will probably have been aware of the United Kingdom Strength & Conditioning Association (UKSCA).  Since its inception in 2004 it’s assessment process to become a ‘fully accredited’ member has received world wide praise, and has become known as the ‘Gold standard’ for those coaches looking to get into  strength & conditioning.  I guess you could say the UKSCA has taken on a similar role to Skills Active in regulating S&C.  The accreditation is not a qualification, but a professional standard of practice, that employers and the industry use when employing and developing their staff.


Over the past few months the UKSCA has been supporting Skills Active in the production of a set of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Strength and Conditioning.  The UKSCA have been heavily involved in producing these NOS as the Board feel that it isn’t in anyone’s interests, for a different set of professional standards to be developed in the UK for S&C for personal trainers.


This should mean that the quality of coaching in personal trainers and strength & conditioning coaches should be similar.  So if you decide to get a qualification from a Personal training provider you should be developing the same competencies as if you go through the UKSCA route.


What about other S&C Qualifications?


Another option is to do the Certificate in Coaching Strength & Conditioning for Sport Qualification (CCSCSQ).


1st4sport Qualifications is an organisation that is a member of the Register of Regulated Qualifications- known in England as Ofqual.  It’s their job to maintain standards and confidence in qualifications. They look after GCSEs and A levels in England, and a wide range of vocational qualifications both in England and Northern Ireland.


1st4sport are famous for the range of sports qualifications they offer for sports like Football and Tennis with a pathway from Level 1 to Level 5.  And now with the help from the RFU they have written an S&C qualification!


Check out the two videos below for some examples of the CCSCSQ course that I recently held at Gosling Tennis Academy during this May/June 2014.


Video 1: Practical Presentation from Daz Drake on Topic of Speed



Video 2: Practical Examination of the Candidates on Topic of Speed



So which one is right for you?


Having got personal experience of all 3 I would say that it depends on what you want to spend your time doing.  If you want to work in professional sport with professional athletes then almost certainly the UKSCA route will be the way to go.  Unless the Head S&C coaches of pro clubs change direction and start to follow suit with the Head Coaches of the sport (who recommend 1st4sport qualifications from Level 1 to Level 5) I’d say UKSCA is the best bet.  But remember you’re not getting a qualification; you’re showing you meet professional standards.


To pass this you will need to do a theory exam, case study, and a practical demonstration of speed/plyometrics and Olympic weight lifting.  This is aimed at more experienced coaches who are often graduates of a sports related degree.   You don’t need a degree to do the accreditation but you would need to study the underpinning theory in the recommended textbooks so you have the knowledge to pass the exam.  Before you do the accreditation, UKSCA recommend their 2-day foundation (Level 1) workshop.  This is extremely practical and teaches you mainly about how to lift weights properly.


If you’re looking to run your own personal training business and spend more time in gyms then it is probably best you go with a Training Provider that is linked with Skills Active and firstly get a recognised Personal trainer and/or gym instructor qualification.  To work in gyms you will need this qualification.  This way you can start working and earning in a gym and then sign up to their speciality training course in S&C later down the line.   My feeling is that you will see a growing number of personal training providers deliver S&C speciality courses.


If you want a nice introduction to Strength & Conditioning with a blend of theory and practical then I would recommend the 1st4sport Level 2 course.  It contains a bit more theory than the UKSCA Level 1 course and in my opinion bridges the gap nicely between the 2-day UKSCA Foundation workshop and the full accreditation assessment.


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Soviet Speed Secrets- how to make your athlete seriously fast without taking drugs!

Before you do anything else check this out!



How do you feel when you watch it??    Excited?  To me- it’s Mind blowing!  I see some seriously cutting edge training applications that made me realise how far ahead the Soviet training system was.  And the East Germans weren’t too far behind.  Even more impressive is that the coaches had a ton of  research to back up their ideas!


Want the proof?


Soviet Union at the Olympics


The Soviet Union (population in 1990, 290 million) first participated at the Olympic Games in 1952, and competed at the Games on 18 occasions since then. At seven of its nine appearances at the Summer Olympic Games, the team ranked first in the total number of medals won, it was second by this count on the other two.  It’s main rival was the United States (population in 1990, 248 million).


USSR Medals


From my reading of the Soviet Sport System their results were no fluke.  They looked at the sport and did experiments to find out the best exercises to prepare the body for that sport.  I don’t think drugs were the reason they were successful like everybody would like you to believe.


The East Germany team (population 16 million) were incredibly successful over 20 years too (1968-1988)!

East Germany Medals


APA work in Athletics and yep, plyometrics for triple jump/high jump  might not seem that ground breaking now….until you realise that the coaches in the former Soviet Union invented this type of training and this like many other forms of training was conceived out of a need to find answers to some pretty important questions.  Questions like,


‘How much force does the body have to produce when making an impact with the ground during take off for the high jump? And which methods of training will improve that jump performance the most?’


The Soviets and Germans took the same forensic approach to all sports they trained…..even Tennis, the other main sport APA are currently associated with!  So today’s blog is about looking back at some research the Soviets and Germans did on Speed in Tennis- which is still valid today.


It is a brave man who believes there is one speed exercise or method above all others that fits the bill for Tennis.  Tennis has been described as a sport in which players must respond to a continuous series of emergencies. Sprinting to the ball, changing directions, reaching, stretching, lunging, stopping, and starting. All these characteristics, combined with maintaining proper balance and technique throughout a match,  are critical for optimal performance on the court. Therefore, players must address flexibility, strength and endurance, power, agility and speed, body composition, and aerobic and anaerobic fitness to improve their tennis games.


For me it would be difficult to say which are the most important factors in the sport of Tennis, so I won’t! Instead I thought I’d let a well respected German researcher stick his neck out instead.  According to Schonborn the most important factors are coordination and speed of coordination as well as acceleration.


Physical demands of Tennis


This correlates with my experiences of working in Tennis over the last 10 years.  We can call this ‘speed of coordination’ the difference between a good general athlete and an exceptional tennis athlete.  I see a lot of athletes who have the basic biomotor abilities to become a successful tennis player (ie., speed, agility and power) but unless they can coordinate their body and time the segments to work in the proper order to execute a tennis shot they can appear slow on the court! This is because they get to  the ball too early without having prepared their body and rackets and end up actually getting jammed up which results in them looking clumsy and slow.  Louis Cayer calls this being ‘so fast you’re slow!’


So what exercises would be best to use to improve an athlete’s acceleration?


Acceleration- What the research says


If acceleration is one of the key determinants of successful tennis performance (and I will include change of direction ability in this!!!) what are the best exercises to improve this ability?


Thanks to Soviet researcher Natalia Verkhoshansky we can start to answer that question too!  Bear with me while I summarise an experiment she conducted.


This is an extract taking from the actual report of the experiment (Verkhoshansky, 2011).


In the experiment, 19 high level tennis players performed two groups of tests: specific speed running tests and strength tests. The specific speed running tests consisted in performing the most typical tennis game‟s displacements5 (see Fig. 1):

Tennis experiment

1) forward running on 10 meters distance with the stop at the finish point (‘Advance to the net’);  
2) running on 48 meters distance with different trajectories:  
– ‘Long Shuttle,’ 6 × 8 meters with 5 lateral (side-to-side) changes of directions;  
– ‘Short Shuttle,’ 12 × 4 meters with 11 lateral changes of directions;  
– ‘Fan,’ 12 × 4 meters with 11 both lateral and frontal changes of directions.


In the strength tests, the level of basic strength capabilities were evaluated using the UDS: Maximal (P0), Explosive (J) and Starting strength (Q) expressed in the maximal isometric strength efforts and maximal explosive isometric strength efforts of the Leg Press and Seated Calf Raise.

Table 1 shows the correlations between the results of the running and strength tests.


Tennis Experiment 2

Finding 1: The correlations indicate that the higher the level of explosive strength (J) of the tennis players, the faster they were.


So, for increasing tennis specific speed ability, the athletes should use specific training means, to increase Explosive Strength during take-off movements: i.e..  jumping exercises.

Finding 2: The results showed also that the athletes who expressed the higher value of Maximal Strength (P0) in Seated Calf Rise (but not in Leg Press) showed high level of speed ability.


This means that to increase the speed is advisable to use a training method able to increase the weight of 1RM in Seated Calf Rise exercise.

As we can see, the results of specific running tests are not correlated directly with the Maximal Strength expressed in Leg Press. However, the correlations between the parameters of strength capabilities (Table 2) show that the higher the level of Maximal Strength (Po), the higher the level of Explosive Strength (J).

It means that, to increase the level of Explosive Strength in Leg Press and, as a consequence, to run FASTER it is necessary to increase maximal strength expressed in the Leg Press. This means that to increase speed it is advisable to use a training method able to increase the weight of RM in the Leg Press exercise (barbell squat).


Now perhaps you’re going to say, ”Duh, of course that’s obvious; getting stronger in the calves and developing explosiveness in jumping tasks is what is going to help Tennis players move better!!!!  It’s obvious because it’s intuitive. But until it’s actually written down on paper how many of you would have come up with that answer?  For me the best coaches are intuitive and probably wouldn’t have needed a science experiment to validate what they already know works but what made the Soviet and East German system unique AND SUCCESSFUL was because they conducted meaningful scientific research.  They tried to find what types of exercises (in the gym) most highly correlated with performance where it counts….on the sports field or court.


Take away message: What exercises do you use and how do you know they really work?


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Cutting Weight for Athletes

weigh-in-8-1024 (1)

Many people have heard of the term to ‘cut weight’, this commonly refers to athletes in weight restricted sports such as martial arts, boxing and the newly popular MMA style of fighting. It could also apply to motor racing drivers, jockeys or athletes in other sports that wish to lose weight in a short period of time. Most non-athlete people would ask why you would want such a rapid reduction in weight, the answer is simply that most fighters have to get under the weight limit in time for the weigh in but can fight much heavier after re-fuelling, thus giving them more energy, strength and endurance.

There are several ‘traditional’ methods for rapid weight loss, from sitting in a sauna, restricting food and water intake to sweating out as much fluid as you can in a sweat suit or heavy clothing. All these will rapidly decrease your weight, however is it safe to do this and what are the potential negatives towards sporting or fighting performance?

Here are a few tips on how best to ‘cut weight’.

Firstly it is important that you are within 10% of your desired weight when you begin to cut weight, trying to cut from further out should only be done over an extended period with appropriate dietary changes as it can be dangerous to your health, particularly when executing dehydration strategies. **The following methods are part of the final few days before making the weight deadline and are not a long term strategy for decreasing weight – this should only be attempted by athletes under supervision of experienced and qualified coaches**

The simplest and most effective way to begin the weight cutting process is to decrease or stop fluid intake. Your body is constantly losing fluid by breathing, sweating and urination. Every minute and hour that this goes by without replacing the fluid, you will lose weight. This process takes no extra energy from a fighter to complete, and you can lose up to 2-3kg in 24 hours without drinking.

Sweating out fluid from the body can be done in a number of ways, and can take off 3-5kg of weight in a short period of time depending on the conditions. This method can still be used even if the athlete is already lean, as there will still be fluid that can be lost. The limitations to this method are that it requires great amounts of energy expenditure, and can sap strength from the fight the next day. The goal for using this method would be to take off the weight you need to lose with the least amount of fatigue for the athlete.

Another method to lose weight is to empty the bowels the day before the weigh in. This is another method that requires no effort and will not hurt performance if done correctly. Your bowels, or stomach and intestines, are up to 28 feet long and contain up to 2-4kgs of material at all times. The food that has been ingested over the last 24 hours is all still contained along this set of tubes. This material does not help performance and is actually waste. By clearing out the bowels, an athlete can lose another 2-3kg without having to do anything.

There is a danger to using diuretics; however they are common place across fighting sports with such demands placed upon athletes to make weights. This method is more dangerous than the others, and can lead to electrolyte imbalances and decreased performance.

Ultimately the safest and most effective method of meeting a weight category is to stay at a weight close to that needed for fighting. This should be done through correct nutrition, focusing on ‘clean’ foods such as lean sources of protein, vegetables and fruits for carbohydrates and a small amount of good fats to maintain the immune system and cognitive function. Decreasing weight should be done over an extended period of weeks and not left to the final week before a fight as drastic weight loss is unhealthy and potentially dangerous. If cutting weight is not conducted properly a decrease in performance is highly likely, this of course is not ideal in a sporting situation where the athlete is required to fight. Therefore it is also extremely important what is done after the weigh in to restore optimal function.

When you are cutting weight, your plasma blood volume decreases, and your blood pressure can increase as a result. In addition to this, your resting heart rate may increase; you can experience fatigue and feel psychologically weak. You need to make sure you reverse these processes not only as quickly as possible, but correctly and completely. Common practice is to eat and drink as much as possible immediately, however this is not ideal.

Eating small meals at regular 30 minute intervals is preferred so as to stager the digestion of nutrients. Restoring blood glucose levels is primarily important, so eating good sources of carbohydrates is essential. Overeating however will cause your gastrointestinal system to be overloaded and leave food undigested and unused within your stomach and intestines. Smaller meals will clear the stomach and you will be able to eat again shortly. Eating meals that you are comfortable and familiar with is also important, don’t start to do anything different to your normal diet.

More importantly is getting the fluid balance back. You should immediately take in fluids following the weigh in and continue to drink at regular intervals. Full hydration can be simply monitored by the colour of urine, with the aim of getting clear urine by fight time. This can take 3-5 gallons of fluid over the next day to replace the 5 of more kilograms that has been lost. Don’t rely on the thirst response because it will not be accurate. You need to keep drinking to make sure that the blood plasma, fluid space between the cells and the cells themselves are refilled.

cutting weight

In conclusion, cutting can be safely achieved through correct nutrition and hydration strategies over a prolonged period of time rather than leaving it to the final week before weigh in. It is also important to realise that it will take time to find the best strategy for you individually, so practice of cutting weight should also be factored into your training regime.

Fabrizio Gargiulo