Athletic Performance Academy – Latest news & updates from Athletic Performance Academy

Gaining Positive Outcomes through Negative Consequences

I’m pleased to be able to bring you the latest APA Blog with another instalment from Fabrizio Gargiulo, on ‘pressure training.’  This is part of a series of articles where we are looking at the relationship between cognitive factors and physiological performance- see the first article here.


As part of our quest to develop appropriate levels of mental effort, attention and intent during the task, at APA we have been increasingly using ‘consequences’ to apply perceived pressure to the action of certain skills.  As a  football fan I think of Stuart Pearce taking a penalty for England in Euro 2000, having the courage to step up and take a penalty after missing one in a previous tournament.

Check out  what Fab has to say below on this topic.


Inside the mind of an athlete there are many thoughts, as coaches we try to influence the process and situation where these thoughts are used, however ultimately we cannot be inside their minds when it comes down to the pressure of a competitive situation. Pressure in itself is a made up environment, created by the mind and that only influences the mind. The ‘pressure’ of a situation cannot alter a physical outcome without first influencing the mind, for example the chance to score the winning penalty in the world cup final or the 100m Olympic final, arguably two of the most ‘pressurised’ situations an athlete could be in. The physical demands do not change from any previous example of the same skill – kicking the ball, running as fast as possible, yet players will often crumble under the enormity of the situation. So what is pressure? How does it influence the mind? What strategies can be used by coaches and athletes to overcome the stress of being ‘under pressure’?

The definition of pressure helps us to understand its nature; ‘a continuous force (physical) exerted on an object’, ‘the use of persuasion or intimidation to make someone do something’. These definitions show that pressure is time sensitive – it can increase or decrease over time dependent upon what or who is applying the force to the object (person) and how resilient that object or person is to change. If there is easy influence over the controlling mechanisms of change – notably in this instance – the human mind, then the intimidation to alter ones state becomes great enough to cause change. Within the athlete setting pressure can be internal – from the mind e.g. expectations, or external – crowd/coach demands. An example currently witnessed a lot is amongst tennis players. When player A has a chance to break the serve of player B, the ‘pressure’ of the situation increases. It is still a single point in a tennis match but it is at a key time, there may not be or have been an opportunity to create this change thus far in the match and the mind tells the athlete ‘this is a big opportunity to win here’. These added constraints to the same task demand asked hundreds of times throughout a match can lead to the visual changes in physical approach – the player ‘tightens up’ and this causes an alteration in the mechanism of the skill execution. Ultimately the fantasy and ecstasy of winning is the positive outcome desired by athletes and coaches. It could be argued that the reward that goes with winning also creates ‘pressure’ with a similar time effect reasoning used by athlete – this may be my only chance to win! However the muscles do not change their physiological response to neural stimuli, but it is the mind that controls the chain of stimulation to cause muscle activation, so when the mind is influenced to change, the physical output will also be changed – sometimes for good, sometimes for worse – and thus we reach the status of a missed world cup penalty or break in serve during the Wimbledon final.

The notion of ‘pressure’ influences the mind at any level however as it is not just the elite sports men and women of the world but anyone engaged in an activity with a positive or negative outcome as a consequence of their actions. Businessmen and women, surgeons, fire fighters, students in exams or service men and women at war. For every action they make there can be a negative consequence, so how do we train the mind to deliver a positive outcome when under the ‘pressure’ of a situation?

Essentially the answer is through practice of situations with high levels of stress. This should be done in training where there are negative implications to results – such as forfeits – but that ultimately don’t have financial or health consequences. Remaining calm during extremely stressful situations is a critical trait of elite athletes (Jones, 2008). Coaches should employ high pressure situations in their training as this will better prepare the athletes for actual real life scenarios. From a coaching stand point this ingrains the learned behaviors desired to cope with ‘pressure’. Examples of this are self talk, – both positive and negative can be used to motivate an athlete – breathing, as a release of stress and acceptance – possibly the most importance as only when a negative outcome has been accepted can the player move on to achieve another positive outcome.

As an athlete being successful in your chosen sporting environment often means learning to ‘love’ and embrace pressure (Jones, 2008). The elite players of all sports will have become successful through increasing performance when under stressful yet highly rewarding situations. This is the positive outcome gained through experience of ‘pressure’. The ability to achieve under stressful circumstances can be trained from a young age. The English Cricket Board has recently published an article on findings from a study they conducted. The ECB took a group of young cricketers on the elite pathway and exposed them to mental toughness and consequences training by generating a threatening environment in which the players were systematically exposed to punishment-conditioned stimuli in the form of “consequences” for failure to meet strict disciplinary standards (e.g., punctuality, tidiness, correct kit) or specific performance standards (e.g., during testing). The importance of consequences were explained to the players as a fundamental aspect of professional cricket training, where the consequences of poor performance and/or poor discipline are potentially expensive, distracting, humiliating, and career ending. More importantly, punishments were consistently presented as part of an inspirational vision of what it takes to be a world’s best player for England. The punishments served as an opportunity to practice coping strategies for real ‘pressure’ based situations in the elite game.

After a period of 46 days with various mental toughness challenges (some physical such as a multi-stage fitness test and vertical jump test), the study indicated that punishments, and more specifically the threat of punishment, can lead to enhanced performance under pressure if presented in a transformational manner. Ultimately, the purpose of the punishments was to provide the players with opportunities to cope with the pressures, threats, and disappointments that are commonplace in the world of elite competitive sport. The results indicate that training under pressure conditions from an early age can lend itself towards developing mentally robust athletes capable of coping with the pressure demands of elite sporting competition.

In conclusion, pressure is very real to the person who creates it in their mind. It is not a physical state but it can alter the connection between your minds and performing a physical task, especially skill based tasks. There is no ‘best’ practice for improving an athletes’ ability to cope with pressure other than practice itself. In particular situational practice with potential negative consequences can lead to increased performances under the pressure of real life stressful conditions. Ultimately athletes seek perfection and winning and only practicing under real life conditions will improve real life results.

“Practice doesn’t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect” Vince Lombardi.

Latest Coach Resource- Speed Ebook

I just thought I would take the opportunity to let you know that I am due to launch an Ebook- Speed, Agility & Quickness Training for Sports Bible.  I have written more about it on one of the pages at the APA website- check it out here.


It’s a 68-page colour Manual and access online to over 200 video clips of the very drills I use with my athletes every day. It will go over the entire APA Speed Development Pathway from Stage 1 to Stage 6.


                 COMING SOON


SAQ for Sports cover page



APA review of the Middlesex Students S&C conference 2014

Well it’s been a busy week for me getting the latest Ebook I’m writing finished and the highlight of the week was spending the day at the Middlesex Student S&C Conference.   

Anthony Turner organised another great line up of speakers covering biochemistry, nutrition, screening protocols and coaching science.  

For this first post I’m going to review Rob Walsh’s presentation on ‘Movement screens and Integrative Corrective Exercise.’  

Rob said he had been working with the students at Harrow school for a few years now and had gone from his first day where he saw around 5 good clean screenings of an Overhead squat out of 800 students to now having students at 15 years old lifting 175kg for 8 reps on the Deadlift.  

He started by showing us this Snatch balance performance and asked us a) if it was any good and b) to find the fault.

We agreed that it was good.  The symptom of the fault was that he would fall forward with the weight but the cause was a very slight heal raise of the left foot.  Now he went on to explain later that this type of fault could be described as a ‘mouse in the room.’  He said that for professional Olympic lifters then this mouse in the room would be very important.  To squat deep butt to floor (B2F) you need around 20-30 degrees dorsi flexion.  This lifter probably lacked about 5 degrees in his left foot but that was enough to throw off his lift and the imbalance got magnified as he went up in weight.  

However, for most athletes you need to focus on finding the elephant in the room.  Rob said that several screening tools have come on the market of which the Functional Movement screen (FMS) is the most widely used and well known.  The problem with the FMS is that even for experienced coaches it takes at least 12 minutes and up to about 20 minutes for less experienced coaches.  This is too long when you have a large group.  



So at Harrow and in other professional settings where he works, he has decided to use an Overhead squat and a Single leg squat as these TOGETHER will reveal most of the elephants in the room and allow you to quickly determine the key programme considerations. Below are the key aspects each of the squats highlight 

Overhead Squat:  

– Movement pattern  


-Sagittal plane  


Single leg squat:  

-Sub-Systems (slings)  

-Strength Stability  

-Transverse and Frontal plane  


Chicken or the Egg?


chicken or egg


Now all these screens are designed to detect a muscle imbalance, which is a combination of a motor pattern issue, a tightness and a weakness.  Rob said the problem is ‘Death by Over Analysis,’  who cares if the athlete got tight and then got weak, or they got weak and then got tight or the motor pattern was faulty so they got weak etc etc.  In 99% of cases the elephant in the room will be because of one of three things:  

1. Blocked ankles  

2. Weak posterior hips  – especially glute medius  

3. Thoracic mobility  


Instructions for testing:


overhead squat


-Don’t wear shoes- the heel lift will promote more dorsi flexion  

-Don’t coach them  

-Save time by putting their feet in the correct place for them (shoulder width apart and facing forward)  

-Do 5 reps in each plane (this will also test the movement under fatigue)  

-Ask them to go ‘as deep as possible without falling over’  


Key points on Overhead Squat:




Rob asks the athletes to go as low as possible.  Apparently the NASM only ask athletes to go to parallel (which is about 120 degrees at the knee).  The picture above is at 90 degrees.  I learnt from Rob that you need about 10-15 degrees dorsi flexion to 90 degrees (which is also known as a half squat).  You need about 15-20 degrees to hit the parallel squat and about 20-30 degrees to hit a full squat (B2F).

  I also learnt that you should expect the spine to stay in neutral up to a depth of thighs parallel.  After this point the pelvis will have to tuck under into a posterior tilt to make room for the femur.  He also said that the pelvic tucking is nearly always attributed to tight hamstrings but actually in many cases blocked ankles are the cause.  Don’t assume it’s hamstrings.  

I asked Rob about the ‘Scottish hip’ that I had heard Stuart McGill talk about at the UKSCA conference a few years back. Rob agreed that for athletes whose hips get impinged when their feet are parallel will be allowed to turn their feet out but it will be noted on the screening results.  This impingement can be confirmed with an assessment of their hips on a couch, where they will probably present with tightness in internal rotation.  


Key points on Single leg Squat:

  Rob looks for 45 degrees bend at the leg on this one.  His rational is that in most sports it is very rarely necessary to have more bend at the knee when on the sports field.   The hands are on the hips and the free leg is slightly bent in front.  

The main thing to look out for are:


-hip drop (glute medius weakness relative to hip adductors)  

-lean back (you can correct this with cable chops)  

-lean forward (you can correct this with cable lifts)  


Well that sums up the review of our first presentation.  Hope you like it!


Influence of cognitive factors on physiological performance

What makes a great performer?


Our role at APA as S&C coaches is to create the best all round athletes possible. We do not specialise in just a single method of training as some other companies do (Parisi Speed School, West Coast Strength for example). Our niche is creating the best athletes on their field of play. A talking point amongst the coaching staff in recent weeks has been the application of ‘cognitive factors’ in the training environment. There have been arguments for and against and we will discuss this topic in today’s blog.


Firstly it is important that to create a great athlete, he or she needs many components of fitness, these are a given and widely understood and accomplished, however what separates the top players from the rest is the ability to utilise the physiological adaptations they have accomplished in the performance environment. In order to do this they must be able to perform skilled actions under changeable circumstances, with confidence and in all likelihood on a repetitive basis. How does strength and conditioning training fit into this equation? Surely the most skilful player will be the winner?


Let’s start with strength training; the aim of strength training is to illicit a physiological adaptation to the muscles to generate a greater force. This force can then be applied to movements such as running, throwing, kicking, punching, tackling etc. In most sports speed is a vital factor to winning. Being stronger makes you faster, therefore strength training and sprinting combined will make you faster (linearly at least). Some sports require the ability to maintain speed over a long time period – the marathon for example – previously trained for as an endurance event in which getting in the mileage was the key factor, nowadays coaches have incorporated speed training into their athletes’ regimes.


This is because the person that wins the marathon is the fastest person over that distance. Long duration events require an increased ability to supply oxygen to the muscles and remove waste products. This ability can be improved through training the body to increase mitochondrial densities or volumes in order to achieve greater oxygen exchange in the muscles. Aside from muscular hypertrophy, neurological adaptations and flexibility/muscle imbalances, these are the main aims of the physiological adaptation process garnered through TRAINING.


In high level sport strength and power levels do not discriminate the more successful athletes


Now let’s look at some other areas that would typically fall under the remit of the S&C coach. Agility, balance, co-ordination, power, reactivity and ultimately winning are all elements that require skill acquisition and cognitive input in great demand alongside the physiological challenge.


”The ability to achieve success at the top level of sports is not decided by strength and power amongst an equal field, but by the ability to transfer skill acquisition into performance (Ives and Shelly, 2003).”


This could be argued that in order to reach the top level of performance, physical prowess is a determining factor; therefore all the top players will have similar physical attributes in terms of strength, power and speed and it is only the level of performing skill based tasks under pressure that creates the ranking in terms of the best performers.


This is where we at APA feel we have the upper hand. Some of training modalities we use with our cohort of tennis players encompass both the physiological challenge and the sport-related cognitive and perceptual demands. This is the environment under which our athletes learn to utilise their physical qualities in a more challenging and competitively stimulated situation. Research has shown that training is more effective in a cognitively stimulated environment (Ives and Shelly, 2003).


Value of practice and training


Ives and Shelly (2003), discuss the difference between what is called a practice session and what is called a training session. Growing up I played football and would attend ‘football training’, I learnt to pass, head, shoot, tackle etc and did some physical development, but not much (maybe because the level wasn’t that high).  This environment could be considered a PRACTICE environment rather than a training environment as the key focus is on improving movement techniques, strategies and the mental skills needed for peak performance.  Since then, when I joined university I became part of the American Football team and would attend ‘practice’ 2-3 times a week. Seeing as this was a new sport to me with a new set of demands and skills to learn the key to becoming successful at it was repetition of learned skills – in other words practising.


Around this time I also began my journey into strength training, much like many of the young athletes I coach nowadays, I had to learn how to squat, lunge, push, pull, twist, Olympic lift properly before I could begin to train these movements. Because I had a background in being strong – manual labour work around the house when growing up – once I had learnt the skill of the exercise I was able to develop my training ability in that skill quickly. Because of this I was able to become highly skilled and adept at the game, whilst continuing to improve my physical ability and it enabled me to win many matches and championships. This highlights the point that  learning skills (again at a young age by preference) can lead to becoming adept in training by subsequently preparing for improving physiological adaptations during later training.


But ‘training’ also needs to have a cognitive component right?


Otherwise we are just going through the motions? Now clearly not all physiological systems training should be done as cognitive  training. For example, hypertrophy training requires a protocol different from the one used to train the neural coordination system. Hypertrophy training may constrain movement exploration, yet may promote certain muscle adaptations, like increasing muscle size, that are building blocks to functional performance.


But if we can assume that since this blog is more about making physiological tasks have a cognitive component we need to consider the point that performing skills (even in the weight room) needs to be mindful.  This can be achieved obviously with heavy loading which require maximal intent but what about sub-maximal loads?  How do we cultivate and accelerate mental effort to tap into that cognitive component??


Functional Training


The recent burst in ‘functional’ training – training to meet the demands of the environment and placing the athlete in a mentally challenging environment to illicit cognitive interaction and greater learning and transfer of skills can and has been successfully utilised in sports training.  Vern Gambetta brought this into the gym domain with a message to make movements integrated, multi-directional and proprioceptively enriched.  This should be applied to all training including strength and power training but so far it has mostly been applied to a lot of single leg balance challenges that are more suited to being a part of a circus act than an exercise that will actually improve performance.


So why don’t we make strength training more ‘functional’ or is the action of gaining strength ‘functional’ by its own definition as it assists in improved performance? A further question still remains, if additional cognitive training can be beneficial in the strength training environment where the stimuli of lifting increasingly more demanding loads or speeds of movement is the skill in itself. Is there further need for ‘stress’ to placed in the strength training environment?


To help us answer these questions we can draw on a journal article by Ives and Shelley (2003) who discuss the following key points:


1.  Overall need for a cognitive or perceptual environment- sport related perceptual challenges
2.  Specifically the need to put cognitive challenges in a functional strength-power programme
3.  A need for a Strategy based around: directed mental effort, attention and intention


I will focus on the components of the Strategy for creating a greater cognitive environment in the weights room, which goes beyond the traditional application of ‘functional training,’ which typically involves balance tasks that look like circus tricks.  While these unquestionably challenge proprioception they are not necessarily preparing the athlete for their sports.  So what does?

MENTAL EFFORT: The challenge


I think we first need to say that we need to direct our mental effort to something, whether that be getting ‘psyched up’ for a maximal effort or directing that effort to the ‘challenge’ of the task.  Basically, we want our athletes to be ENGAGED by the task, whether that be a maximal effort, or a  really difficult challenge in some other way. Sports related skills are what excite the athlete so we need to find ways to tap into that sort of feeling in the gym with engaging tasks! What makes sport so compelling is the competitive element, the chaos and the constant mental stimulation and decision making!!  Running after a ball or chasing an opponent have clear outcomes and things to attend to so we need to learn from the sports domain and bring that into the gym.


INTENT: Outcome


I think we need to say here that it is important that the athlete is clear on what they are trying to accomplish. What do you want them to be able to do?  In tennis this is obvious, get behind the ball and beat the bounce; it’s especially important to have the right intent in that situation because intent drives visual focus!!!  But what about in the gym?? I think of the typical intent we say to athletes in the gym that ALL reps need to have an explosive intent on the concentric phase no matter how heavy the weight.
The same exercises done with different intentions – maximal speed, force or accuracy – can lead to markedly different outcomes in neuromuscular control and movements. This is where strength training and cognitive training can have the biggest cross-over; getting athletes to practice having different intents in force production, speed, or accuracy which will lead to greater improvements in performance.

Weight room example


Our coaching commands and instructions are important here.  How about simply telling them, ‘beat your best time or performance’, or a asking them to try and win in a good old fashioned race against your peers.  Or how about aiming for a specific height on a jump or power output on a lift, or to achieve a specific number of reps in a row without stopping etc (e.g 10 skips in a row).  But the best type of instruction is the one which is really open to the interpretation and imagination of the athlete, such as:

Get through this obstacle course as quick as you can’, and in the weights room it could be, ‘I want you to find a way to get up off the floor while  keeping your left arm straight- Turkish get up.


turkish get up



To me the key thing Ives and Shelley are saying here is the need to develop a ‘non-awareness’ strategy.  We don’t want the athlete to pay attention on the task while it is in progress.  [Note: this may not be applied across all exercises and session but we are offering it to the reader as a tool to accelerate learning where appropriate]
Focus from the athlete will typically be internalised and given to feelings of range of motion, control of the load, bracing, breathing and alignment. However it has been argued (Wulf et al., 2000) that internalised focus results in poorer learning of motor skills and that external focus should be given to cues, equipment (e.g., golf club) or movement effect (where the ball goes). Similarly Ives and Shelley (2003) advocate against athletes focusing on themselves – i.e. looking in a mirror – but would rather have mental effort directed towards strategies and cues relevant to sports specific performance.


Weights room example

How about paying attention to the bar path in a clean, or the benefit of just giving the athlete the cue of sit down on to the box and stand up on a squat to focus their attention on the box rather than themselves????


In a later section we will talk about the use of sports skills being incorporated with the physical task to really help with this movement non-awareness!

Movement Variability


When the athlete has more variability they learn more adaptability and in the end the skill is more robust. When athletes are free to generate their own movement solutions during practice they learn more adaptability when faced with novel performance situations, which may be particularly important for higher-level performers. As such, functional training within an appropriate psychophysical environment provides a setting to exploit movement variability as a mechanism to enhance an athlete’s adaptability, creativity, and spontaneity— all of which can be argued to be hallmarks of the best performances in sport.”




Now we have introduced the need for directed mental effort, attention, intent and movement variability we can introduce the application of these aspects into a coaching framework involving discovery learning. 


Discovery Learning is about learners solving for themselves how and what movements to make given the SITUATIONAL CONSTRAINTS imposed upon them. We will discover below that the constraints are key aspects we can control to influence the performance of the task. This becomes especially important when we are dealing with more advanced learners whose skilled are more developed.

Working with Beginners

In the case of working with beginners or any situation when we are introducing a new skill to an athlete we could look at giving minimal coaching technical feedback and simply letting the athlete come up with the solution.   They will bring their own inherent variability to the party because they are learning to coordinate their body.
Ives and Shelvey (2003) say:  

”To illustrate for functional training, we suggest that athletes not be told to perform weight training exercises with specific techniques. The athlete, within the bounds of safety, should be free to explore the exercises and become aware of their own movement effects and perceptual outcomes.  Rigorously defining ‘proper’ form and the use of mechanical stabilization and anti cheating aids excessively constrain athletes’ exploration and problem-solving movements, and bear little resemblance to that which occurs during athletic performances. With no instruction, however, the athlete may search endlessly for a proper movement solution.


Athletes may learn poor movements and adopt bad habits. The coach or trainer can guide the athlete by providing purposeful intent, ideas about where to focus attention, and clues to key perceptual cues.  In this fashion, athletes are able to resolve problems and begin to understand the nature of movement on their own, and determine optimal solutions for themselves.”

In summary we can view the role of the coach as guiding the athlete to optimal performance through giving them a clear instruction on the intent we are looking for, and a few attentional cues BUT letting them solve the movement problem!



Working with more Advanced athletes


Now for more advanced athletes where a basic motor pattern is already learnt and there is less variability in the skill then there is a danger that the athlete can get stuck in the motions of doing the reps with less engagement.  Here we can introduce the next level of complexity by building in constraints to re-introduce movement variability that was previously now not present.


clean and press mixture



Weight room example


SKILL: clean and press
INTENT: I want you to lift that weight from the floor to above your head with your arms straight, 10 times.
ATTENTION: keep the bar close to your body
CONSTRAINTS: (Environmental) Use of different equipment- barbell, kettlebell, sandbag, single arm, double arm etc, jump onto a box, land in a split stance. 

So we’ve already seen above that playing around with the equipment and foot position etc can introduce some nice constraints to challenge the movement.  But there’s one obvious thing we can do to introduce more movement variability!

Combining a physiological task with a sports skill


volleyball spike


I just wanted to finish by giving another example of how a coach can enhance learning through introduction of constraints:  This is perhaps the best way to enhance the specificity of physiological adaptations.


Using the volleyball spike as an example we can all see how a rebound jump might enhance jumping related performance in volley ball.   But hopefully by now we can see how just doing a rebound jump could be missing a few important cognitive pieces.   By being smart we can also do it in conditions of variable practice by manipulating the environmental and task CONSTRAINTS.  
rebound jump

Remember how I said earlier that Tennis players get excited about hitting balls, well volley ball players like to spike volleyballs. [The caveat is that they have some basic jumping technique].  But if you put their focus on the skill of the spike a ball then the rebound jump is a means to an end rather than an end unto itself.  Basically what I’m saying is jumping from one box doesn’t excite the athlete and won’t get the  intent you want as much as throwing a ball in the air and making them spike it as you jump off the floor from the box!!!

This will create movement variability because the type of ball will vary.

Intent: A successful ball spike (rather than an outcome of jump height as a means to an end)
Attention: Placed on the ball and the setter (not on the ground!!!!!)
Constraints: Can put a net in the way, can put other team mates around as well as blockers on the other side.
Note: if the skill of jumping from the box is compromised because of the increasing number of constraints then remove them until the skill can be executed safely,  But, THE OBJECTIVE IS TO CHALLENGE THE SKILL and create an acceptable amount of movement variability without compromising joint mechanics at all during the landing.
I hope that has given you some food for thought and will challenge you to keep your weight room sessions challenging and engaging!!!

Fabrizio Gargiulo with contributions from Daz Drake




Ives, J.C. and Shelley, G.A., (2003). Psychophysics in Functional Strength and Power


Training: Review and Implementation Framework Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,


Wulf, G., N.H. McNevin, T. Fuchs, F. Ritter and T. Toole, (2000). Attentional focus in complex skill learning. Res. Q. Exercise. Sport 71:229–239.


APA Latest workshop: Speed, Agility & Quickness Training for Sports

Below are details of the next APA Workshop on Speed, Agility and Quickness Training for Sports.

SAQ for Sports

Date: May 24th


Location: Gosling Sports Park


Time: 9-12pm


Cost: £30  with 3 license points for Tennis Coaches 


For those of you who made the last workshop (of the same title) I encourage you to come to this one too! I want to pick up where we left off on the theory and get stuck in to some more practical and really consolidate our learning. 

For those who didn’t make the last one, don’t worry, I’ll give you a summary of the key theory on the day so you understand the key concepts behind the drills!  

Full details are at the link on the website


To wet your appetite check out this video of some of the work APA have been doing with our pro team Tennis players at Gosling Tennis Academy this winter pre-season!!



APA Announce New 1st4sport Level 2 Strength & Conditioning Qualification

This is the news you have all been waiting for!!!! Athletic Performance Academy (APA) are pleased to announce that APA Director Daz Drake will be running APA’s first coaching certification, a 1st4sport Level 2 Strength & Conditioning qualification.  The qualification is being run in conjunction with strength & conditioning education online, the highly successful S&C education business run by Brendan Chaplin.


Developed in partnership with the Rugby Football Union (RFU) the 1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Strength and Conditioning for Sport (QCF) is designed to provide learners aged 16 and over with the level of knowledge needed to build and lead well-constructed strength and conditioning programmes through an understanding of how to plan, conduct and evaluate strength and conditioning sessions. This will enable successful learners to seek employment as a strength and conditioning coach in a number of settings such as a sports club, or with an athlete or team in an educational/youth environment.


Want to kick start your S&C career?

The reality is that currently there are no recognised strength & conditioning coaching qualification stepping stones to full UKSCA accreditation at this point in time.  The workshops are excellent but they don’t provide the attendee with a qualification at the end.  Therefore the majority of want to be S&C coaches are pursuing expensive qualifications in Gym Instructing and Personal training.  A typical Level 2 course in Gym Instructing will be around £400 and a Level 3 Personal Training qualification comes in at around £1000 plus.  This is not small change for any one, not least new up and coming S&C coaches looking to get themselves out there.  Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on a more relevant qualifcation that prepares you to work with athletes?


Save your club money!

APA are really excited to be offering this opportunity to aspiring S&C coaches.  Remember a Level 2 qualification is enough to let you run your own sessions so if you are a sports coaching business like many of APA’s partners are, and can’t afford to get an S&C coach to come in and run sessions for you on a part-time of fuller-time basis, then what are you waiting for?  Send one of your sports coaches on this course and let them run the technical sessions and S&C sessions for you!!!!!


It’ll be the best £ 370 investment your club could make all year!!!!!!!


Full details and bookings can be made at the link below:


The Connected Body- Why you need to use Compound Exercises

Please enjoy our latest Blog contribution from APA coach Fabrizio Gargiulo        


The human body is vastly complex, comprised of several ‘systems’. Some are commonly known, others less so. Today we take a look at one of these systems known as the Myofascial system. Most people understand the make up of the body as a series of muscles, tendons and ligaments attached to the skeleton, all surrounded by skin and protecting the vital internal organs. In this blog I aim to challenge the belief that muscles are individual and can operate in isolation and to explain why we (at APA) train our athletes predominantly in compound exercises.

The term Myofascial refers to the unit comprised of muscle and connective tissue. Myofascial meridians join the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue throughout the body in a web-like chain covering the whole body from the ground up to the head. The connective tissue is what connects a chain of muscles together. The muscles could and should be viewed, not as lots of individual muscles attached to bones, but as a single muscle running from head to toe that attaches at many points in order to allow movement. Indeed muscle is not even attached to bone directly but through the connective tissue – fascia. All too easily, however, we are seduced into the convenient mechanical picture that a muscle ‘begins’ or originates here and ‘ends’ or inserts there, and therefore its function is to approximate these two points. This is certainly how it is taught throughout academia, perhaps for simplicity, however a deeper understanding of the connective tissue enables the S&C coach to better plan and articulate training programmes.

The fascia acts as a ‘double-bag’ surrounding the bones, cartilage, and synovial fluid in the inner bag, the periosteum and ligaments forming the inner bag. The muscle fibres being in the outer bag, with the outer bag itself being formed of structures called fascia, intermuscular septa, and myofascia. In total all the bodies structures are connected via fascia, this can from time to time cause problems when one area is placed under stress or trauma, there is likely a chain reaction to another connected part of the body. However it can also work in the advantage of the body with the ‘transfer of tension’ enabling some outstanding feats of strength and athleticism.


The principle researcher in the area of Myofascial meridians for many years has been Thomas Myers. Myers’ talks about the influence of injury on the fascial system with an analogy – if a tree falls on the corner of a building, the corner collapses but the building can remain intact. Much treatment therapy of the body operates with this view of the body – fix the broken part. If one looks at the body as a tensegrity model, however, the entire structure will give when a stress is applied in one corner. “Load it too much and the structure will ultimately break”. Ultimately the strain placed on a structure is distributed throughout that structure and the tensegrity of the structure may have a weak point, which I likely to be the place of collapse or in the human body, point of pain.

Within the human body there have been several ‘lines’ of fascia identified (sometimes known as sling systems) as shown in the diagram.


Athletic movements are dynamic by nature and utilise many if not all of these lines when performing sporting actions such as running, throwing, jumping, kicking a ball or swimming.  It is important therefore that we as strength and conditioning coaches consider the implications of the training we administer to our athletes – ultimately the goal of which is to improve performance and reduce injury risk.


Compound movement training is nothing new, but it is something we advocate highly at APA. Our athletes from a young age are taught strength exercises such as how to squat, lunge, push and pull. With sports such as tennis being multi-directional and explosive, we also focus on teaching landing mechanics, jumping mechanics, change of direction mechanics and Olympic lifting techniques. . Compound exercises are an excellent way of getting the body to utilise many of the lines or sling systems of fascia in the body to stabilise movement, produce power and decelerate the mass of the body.

 As our athletes develop, the early teaching of compound movements such as squats or Olympic lifts will gradually become loaded exercises. Thus enabling us to strengthen the entire chain of the body; myofibrils, connective fascia and the nervous system that feeds them in order to improve athletic performance. Once an athlete has fully developed, the intensity of the training they complete will be the increasing factor, designed to replicate the stress placed on them during competitive situations.

Specificity vs. Athletic training?

There has long been a discussion about training athletes in the specific movements for their sport. The methodology used at APA is to establish a fundamental athletic base from which sport specific training can be added onto. Our predominant athletic population is tennis players, however many of our young players (5-12yrs) will play various other sports alongside tennis, until they choose to focus on one sport. We encourage young players to participate in many sports whilst they are still developing the cognitive and proprioceptive skills needed. However as APA operates in a tennis environment, we train and improve the movements specific to tennis alongside gross motor skills and compound athletic exercises. One of the primary reasons for compound exercises being used is the range or extent of muscles used as part of the exercise and the cross-over or translation to movements within sport.

Examples of which can be found in the Olympic lifts – primarily challenging the superficial front and back lines – which focus on taking the body from a ‘triple flexed’ position to a ‘triple extended’ position under load. A not too distant example of a sporting move is the serve in tennis, although the added rotation and implements of the racquet and ball make it a more complex skill to complete, the muscular actions are very similar.

volleyball-genetics-tennis-serve snatch tech

Running and squatting also utilise similar musculature and fascial lines…

deep-barbell-squat-muscles-used  MuscleManRunning-1024x813

The superficial front and back lines are predominantly used for both running and squatting.

Throwing and kicking a ball also challenge connective fascial systems and so benefit from training the lines and muscles used in each action, such as squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, rotating and overhead pressing. The lateral and spiral lines are both involved in actions requiring a degree of rotation.

ssjm0926giants  throwing action

As you can see in all the photos above the body is being placed under severe mechanical stress and it is the fascia and connective tissue that is holding everything together. Without compound training, the myofibrils of the muscles would be the primary target of strength training as in isolation exercises such as leg extension or bicep curls. By training compound movements we are improving our athletes’ whole body and everything that goes into physically performing an explosive task.


If you are interested in using APA to help you improve your athletic performance please get in touch.

Fabrizio Gargiulo

Speed, Agility & Quickness for Sports Workshop Review- Part 2

If you missed Part 1 read it here.  In Part 1 I gave a summary of the 1 hour presentation I gave to a group of 14 coaches, where I discussed the underlying qualities we should be looking to develop in our athletes which will go a long way to developing overall athleticism.  

In this blog I will focus on the practical elements we covered.  I found it a very challenging but equally rewarding experience trying to get across a whole training philosophy in 2 hours but feedback was positive and hopefully the audience took away the key points which I will summarise below  


We wrapped up the presentation by bringing together all the previous biomotor abilities into a warm-up method.  By doing a comprehensive warm-up you can prepare your body and mind for your speed session and at the same time put some extra work into developing your suppleness and your skills of balance, coordination and reaction speed.  


We looked at different exercises we could use to develop these abilities including using a skipping rope, bands around the thighs for hip work, crawling patterns as well as performing locomotive tasks across the ‘width’ of the court to develop coordination.  After the warm-up we were now ready to get Fast and do some speed work!  


Do you have a picture in your head of what that perfect movement should look like?

KinematicsAgain Kudos goes to Duncan French who reminded me that while we can’t always have an instance impact on a lot of the qualities such as Strength and Rate of Force development that cause motion  (these require training), there are still aspects of movement we can improve simply by coaching the athlete into a better position.  Asking an athlete to get lower -centre of gravity (COG) or wider- base of support (BOS) is something they might be able to be cued on without them having got stronger.  They just became more aware.  So a lot of importance should be put on coaching athletes into correct positions NOT just motivating athletes.  

Coach it- don’t just motivate it!  

Now they were ready to learn about the APA Speed Development Training System


The 3S System

Speed- 3S

I introduced the 3 types of Speed that we focus on at APA described above- namely Straight ahead, First step and Multi-directional Speed.  We also talked about Footwork which for simplicity I refer to as a specific type of multi-directional speed in tennis.  

Importance of the Evaluation


Then the first thing I wanted to remind the coaches of was the importance of a good evaluation before getting into whatever drills you plan on doing. This can be a formal ‘fitness test’ at the start of a new working relationship but should also be part of an on-going training process of constant evaluation of the athlete.  In any given task I said they needed to know what the outcome was and what the process was to achieve it. The outcome is your ‘Final Skill’ and when it comes to speed it can be associated with a clearly defined timed measure of success such as running 20 metres in under 3.00-seconds or a pro agility 5-10-5 shuttle in under 4.5 seconds.  But remember we are playing sport so in tennis it could be feeding a ball so it lands in a certain area of the court and expecting your athlete to be able to hit it back!


Straight ahead Speed

Straight ahead speed

We started off with looking at the Target mechanics of Straight Ahead Speed. I suggested that for tennis I typically encourage all athletes to do at least some work to develop basic sprinting technique but it has increasingly less importance as the athlete begins to specialise in Tennis since there is no reaction to a visual stimulus.  Apart from the reaction to the starting gun it is a very closed skill.  

We started by discussing how you could evaluate Straight ahead Speed (SAS).   I said there needed to be an outcome so in this case that might be time based- sprint 5m in under 1.00 second (acceleration) and 20m in under 3.00-seconds (more top speed).  The process could be to sprint the first 10Y in 6 steps with a positive shin angle and 45 degree forward lean at the point of contact of the foot with the ground on the first step.  

I then discussed my drills progression from simple to complex

Speed drills progression

I typically observe and EVALUATE performance FIRST using a chaos situation where the movement is being evaluated in an open environment.  This can be a sports related game (such as a relay race in the context of SAS) or a drill which involves multiple speed qualities such as an obstacle course so that the qualities have to be applied under a bit of added challenge.  

Then depending on what I observe I will first cue the athlete to see if they can correct their body position.  If they can then I can go into more challenging drills and simply TRAIN that movement with more COMBINATIONS of skills such as a side shuffle into a sprint and reaction to a signal known as RANDOMISATION, or more INTENSIFICATION by using resistance from a harness or a partner etc.  

If they can’t correct it then maybe they lack some other qualities such as suppleness, strength or skill but it’s most likely a combination of all three and simply by putting some constraints in the environment and giving them some good feedback on what they are doing you can correct their positions.  This may require that you close the drill down into a simply closed drill with no added pressure- an ISOLATION drill.  

For Straight ahead speed (Acceleration) we looked at the following:  

Outcome: 10m sprint in under 1.72-seconds  

Process: achieve 10Y (9m) in 6 strides with 45 degree lean and positive shin angle on first step  

Drill 1: Isolation- falling start  

Drill 2: Combination- fast feet into sprint across court  

Drill 3: Intensification- harness pull from a paused forward lean position


For Straight ahead speed (Top Speed) we looked at the following:  

Outcome: 20m sprint in under 1.99-seconds  

Process: run on balls of feet and lift knees up  

Drill 1: Isolation- skipping rope run  

Drill 2: Isolation- straight leg shuffle  

Then we discussed First step Speed (FSS)


First step Speed and Multi-Directional Speed (MDS)


This is where (wherever possible) it is a great idea to use the tennis coaches to create a realistic open scenario ON THE TENNIS COURT to evaluate the performance.  We set up the drill as indicated below so that the person receiving the ball from the coach (Player 1) was working on his first step speed (Lateral) and the opponent receiving the ball from the player on the next shot (Player 2) was working on his Multi-directional speed.  


For First step Speed- Lateral (Player 1) we looked at the following:  

Outcome: On the court- Get the ball back and make opponent play after receiving a wide ball (just inside baseline) that he has to contact on the full run after shadowed a wide backhand in the other corner 

Off the court- Get around a Figure of 8 Cone course 4 times in 10-seconds  

Process: run with big powerful drive steps and use a closed pivot step across body on first step  

NOTE: We discussed the fact that there are at least 3 ways to move laterally off the mark  

1- with open step-jab  

2- with closed step- pivot  

3- with drop step- gravity  

The biggest influences over which one the athlete will use are the width of the base they start with (as it gets wider they move from 1 towards 3), the time they have to move (as there is less time they move from 1 to 3) and whether they start stationary or on the move (if they are stationary less are more likely to use 2 and 3, if they are on the move they will more likely use 1!!!)  

Don’t get hung up on this.  As long as they are dropping their centre of gravity towards the base of support then everything will work out.  If you feel they are not using the step you want then put some constraints in place such as the starting position of their feet or the speed, or height of the ball that they have to catch and the body will solve the problem!!!!  

Drill 1: Isolation-  Figure 8 cone drill  

Drill 2: Combination- side shuffle into lateral sprint to ball catch  

Then we discussed First step Speed (FSS) forward and backwards.  I said to the coach that there similar debates about this.  In Tennis we recognise the principle of Newton’s Law of Opposing Force so in order to go forward they will push directly back using a dig step when we don’t anticipate the forward movement.  However, if I know the only direction I will be asked to move is forward then yes, a forward step into the court without pushing back first would make sense.  Similarly, to go back we would first push forward slightly into the court before executing our drop step.  

We didn’t get time to properly go through an evaluation and process with these  but I think all the coaches got the principles.  

Finally we had a quick look at Multi-Directional Speed and Footwork.  Again, we were a bit rushed to go through a proper evaluation and process but we covered a few basic isolation drills.  

We did a tic-tac-toe drill for the footwork required to step out to a ball close to you.  I like to encourage stepping out to a ball close to you with an open step.  I suppose this makes sense as this is the opposite to sprinting to a wide ball using first step speed and a closed step!  



Then we finished looking at some basic drills for Multi-Directional Speed.  I said that athletes needed to learn how to maintain an athletic position and got a coach to side shuffle in the service box while palming away tennis balls that I was throwing towards him.  I also showed how I used various hurdle combinations to train the basic body positions for learning how to plant and cut.


Hopefully next time I will do a similar format but spend less time on the presentation and spend more time getting stuck into the evaluations and the drills we can do to solve the movement problem.

Speed, Agility & Quickness Training for Sports Workshop Review

For those of you who were at the recent workshop as promised here is a review of the day.  We tried to get through a lot of topics so it’s probably a good idea to take stock of what we went through by reading this Blog.  For the first of our two part installment I will go over the key messages from the presentation.  In the next installment I will go over the practical exercises. 

For those of you who weren’t there we had 14 attendees, 10 of whom were Tennis Coaches, 2 who were Tennis/S&C coaches and 2 sports studies undergraduate students who are aspiring S&C coaches.  Therefore, the context for this presentation was the sport of Tennis!  It was a 3 hour workshop and we started with an hour presentation. 


SAQ for Sports

For me the key outcome of the presentation was to take the Tennis coach into the world of the S&C coach and get them to see human movement through the lens of an S&C coach.  The great thing about working with sports coaches is that they will help us to keep focused on the bottom line, getting an improvement in performance where it counts, on the sporting arena, in this case the tennis court.  And this means that we need to make sure that our physiological adaptations will actually positively transfer to improved sports performance either immediately or at some point in the future. 

Equally we need to help the sports coach realise that there are a number of ingredients that go into helping an athlete realise their body’s full potential to express their athleticism, and not all of the reasons why an athlete may appear to move poorly on the court have to do with a lack of basic speed and power. 


So I talked about efficiency and explained that two key ingredients we need to produce efficient movement are:


1. Suppleness


2. Skill


Lateral cut



We talked about how if athletes have limitations in mobility that they will be unlikely to achieve the most desirable body positions to efficiently and effectively move.  I showed the example above of an athlete carrying out an aggressive lateral cut and saying how important it was to have ankle,  hip and thoracic spine mobility.  Also, remember that proprioceptive stability is only effective at the ‘normal’ length-tension state in the muscle so if you force the body to get into a position (as can happen at speed in dynamic situations) your proprioceptors in the muscle could be compromised.




I wanted to make the point that strength & conditioning coaches can sometimes be guilty of focusing on physiological adaptations as a means to an end and will see it as the sports coaches job to ‘transfer’ those qualities to the sports field.  I feel that skill is an important biomotor ability that S&C coaches can also develop and I broke it down into:


1. Reaction speed


2. Balance


3. Coordination


If you think about the cycle of hitting a shot in tennis it ALWAYS starts with an action in response to something perceived in the environment.  You act or ‘react’ to the movements of the opponent and the ball, you then run to stop and hit the ball in a balanced position (or unbalanced position) and then have to time the segments of the body’s kinetic chain to produce the force (stroke production) at the right time.  The Tennis coach is the best person to develop the skills of reaction, balance and coordination as they relate to hitting the ball. 

Having said that, even though skill is traditionally thought of as the domain of the sports coach targeting these biomotor abilities in S&C sessions makes it easier for athletes to acquire the skills of their sport.   We are assisting the athlete to better organise their bodies by developing their senses especially vision, and proprioception.  

Reaction speed is traditionally thought of as the precursor to quickness.  It can be reactions which involve whole body movement such as a short sprint to chase a ball, but equally it can be the quick reflex action to duck when something is coming towards you, or the quick clap of your hand when you hear the coaching command.  It’s about training an immediate reflex (such as a fear response to danger) or train a response to the information in your environment.  The thing that makes expert performers appear so fast is they have trained this skill to a level where they can ‘act’ in anticipation rather than ‘reacting.’ 

Dynamic balance (stability) is reflex driven hence why balance exercises build upon postural corrective exercises. As well as doing all the physio type ‘activation’ exercises to correct poor static posture we need to do lots of jumping and landing and running and stopping to develop an ability of the proprioceptors to help us manage the body’s constant shifts in centre of gravity during dynamic tasks. 

Coordination is focused on the timing of the movement to get the correct body parts to fire in sequence.   Remember that every sport has a unique motor programme (technique) that is built on a basic coordination foundation.  We can perform get the athletes to perform all sorts of movement puzzles that require good timing such as running to jump and catch a ball in the air or performing sequences with the feet and hands.


Discovery Learning:

Discovery Learning

I finished discussing skill by making the point that these qualities are REFLEX DRIVEN meaning they are developed in response to changes in the landscape of the environment.  I used to believe that my role as a coach was to make my athletes look good; now I believe it is to challenge them to take them to the point where they struggle.  Beginners will be fine to start with predictable and pre-planned movements because they will bring their own inherent unpredictability to the party.  Think of the task of riding a bike going from doing it with stabilisers to doing it without.  But as soon as possible take the stabilisers off and let them discover how to solve the movement problem.  This is a metaphor for good coaching practice!

 Challenges like this will require Mental effort.  There is a clear Intent to stay on the bike and the Attention should be kept on external focuses such as avoiding obstacles.  This is called ‘Discovery Learning.’  The opposite is known as ‘Teaching’ and would focus on internal factors such as where to hold the handles, how to shift your weight on the bike and how fast to pedal etc.  There is a place for both.  I make a case for doing more  learning and less teaching.



Kinetics- Force

Kudos goes to Duncan French who put me onto this.  We know that perhaps more than any other factor, strength is the biggest player when it comes to being athletic and specifically being fast.  Force into the ground is what causes acceleration (A=F/m) so bigger forces at the same body mass cause bigger accelerations!  You need force to overcome your own inertia but you also need even more force to overcome your own momentum and stop!  The qualities of force and rate of force development are where the S&C coaches really can take the lead on. 

Just remember, those adaptations need to help develop better performance on the sporting arena somewhere down the line.


Inter-disciplinary Team Integration:


And leads nicely to my last point and that is something that I think we should be clear on; how we work together to develop athleticism that actually transfers onto the court.  I think there needs to be an honest assessment of the skills that each member of the team brings to the party.  Some S&C coaches have a very vast sport specific knowledge base (and consider themselves a sport specialist), others may be limited in their technical understanding of the sport.  This works for Tennis coaches too; some have different levels of technical knowledge of their sport and different levels of S&C knowledge.  At the end of the day there is no single solution, every team and athlete brings different challenges.  But there needs to be joint accountability and the best interventions are always the ones that are followed through on together.


Louis Cayer said it best, when he said that, ‘a Tennis coach doesn’t need an S&C coach to make a tennis player move well on the court for one game.  But they need them to make them move well on the court for a match, a tournament and a career.’

Power endurance- earning the right to endure it!

So if you read the last blog on the Gosling Tennis Academy Pro Team Pre-season you will know that I promised you I would follow that blog up with more information on how the second half of the pre-season panned out.

As a guideline below is how I would ideally like to progress in my change of focus over the course of a training block if I had an extended period of time such as 12-15 weeks.  This would allow me to spend the first week or two building a foundation of strength endurance and then spend a good 6 weeks on strength/power and conditioning respectively followed by a week to 10 days taper. The bias between amount of time on strength/power vs. conditioning would be determined by the athlete’s needs. More fit athletes would spend less time doing conditioning  

Strength endurance > maximal strength > strength/power > strength maintenance/conditioning > taper


Given that most of the tennis athletes were coming in for 4-6 weeks only with a good baseline level of strength the aim was to spend the first 2-3 weeks focused more on strength and power and the last 1-2 weeks more on conditioning.  I felt that it was only going to be possible to focus on a couple of training goals in such a short period of time so I had decided to focus on developing the qualities of strength and power in the first few weeks and then learning to endure these qualities for the remaining few weeks.  Had the athletes been lacking in strength I might have spent more time focusing on developing strength and power.  Below is an example of how I would set the week up to focus more on strength/power.


   In this scenario there are 4 weights sessions.  I have gone into more detail on the rational for these sessions in the previous blog.  However, in summary I can say that there were two sessions that included heavy maximal strength lifts, 1 session (power circuit 1) that contained explosive lifts and a weekend session which contained muscle hypertrophy work only.  This way I was satisfied the athletes were getting a good dose of strength training but there was in built variation into the loads being worked against.  You could put the max strength lifts and explosive lifts into the same session but for reasons I have discussed in previous blog posts I wanted to separate the maximal strength and power over Monday and Tuesday.  


Explosive strength with Plyometric complexes


The power circuit I designed to develop explosive power used weights with plyometric complexes.  Pairing weights with bodyweight jumps can work well but in my opinion if used too much can just dull the neuromuscular system.  Use them judiously and it will amplify the training affect.  If you have more time than 4-6 weeks I suggest doing complexes toward the end of your max strength/power phase and then take them out in the final conditioning phase.  For the rest of the time you will get good gains by just focusing on doing the plyometrics and weights separately.


I had less time so I decided to bring them in from the beginning.  We set up three stations which the athletes worked through, starting with a moderately heavy explosive lift for 4 reps on each side and then following that with two plyometric exercises (around 8-10 reps) which were started within 75-seconds of the explosive lift.  Having completed one station of three exercises there was a 2-minute rest before starting the next station of three exercises.  Coaches like Dan Baker have shown that 50-60% 1RM works well for explosive jump squats and bench throws.  However, as the lifts were explosive by their nature they were using % of bodyweight as a guide and aiming for 50-60% of bodyweight.  So an 80 kg guy would be looking to snatch 24kg in each arm for two arm snatch or just the 24kg in one hand for a single arm snatch (as described below).


Power circuit


Earning the right to endure it!


Assuming the athletes were powerful enough to power snatch from hang with 50-60% bodyweight and were getting jumps above 60cm I was satisfied they had earned the right to endure the quality of power!  These athletes were well capable of achieving these benchmarks so I was more keen to develop their ability to endure power.  Therefore I made sure they also had a weekly fix of power endurance from week 1 (power circuit 2) with a view to doing it more in the conditioning phase.


Below is an example of how I would set the week up to focus more on conditioning.  

Power endurance week


Power Endurance circuit


Notice the increase in power circuit 2 to 3 times a week.  The rational being that we would drop down to 2 strength sessions.  The strength would now be in more of a maintenance phase while we ramp up the conditioning.

 For the power endurance circuit we started with 30:30 work and nearer the end we dropped to 20 second work and gave them more rest so it raised the intensity but also reduced the fatigue.  If I had more time I might have used a concept called a diminished rest interval set up.  Below is an extract from Eric Cressey’sUltimate Off-Season Training Manual
© Eric Cressey, 2006


Week / Rest Interval /  TrainingVolume

1 35s High
2 30s Medium
3 30s Very High
4 25s Low (Deload)
5 25s High
6 20s Medium
7 20s Very High
8 20s Low (Deload)

Week 1 serves as an introduction to football-specific
metabolic conditioning with a high – but not “punishing” –
volume of work.  
• In Week 2, the training volume is decreased, but the rest
interval is decreased to maintain a continuous training
• There is no drop in the rest interval in Week 3, but the
athlete is forced to sustain the diminished interval from
Week 2 for a higher volume of work.  
• Week 4 serves as an opportunity for the athlete to deload
on overall training stress while introducing the next fivesecond
reduction in rest time between sets.  
• This reduction in rest interval is introduced in higher
volume in Week 5.  
• The 20-second rest interval for which we’re ultimately
aiming is introduced in Week 6 in limited volume  
• Volume at this final rest interval is amassed in Week 7.  
• The deload in Week 8 provides for a chance to remove
fatigue so that the athlete will be in position to display his
metabolic fitness at the beginning of Week 9.  
• This template may precede the preseason altogether in a
completely deconditioned athlete, while it would span the
late off-season and preseason phases in an athlete in
better metabolic shape (or, that athlete  may choose to shorten this phase to four weeks).  


So instead of the standard 30:30 I used to get them working with some fatigue  I could have maybe stuck with a fixed work period of say 20-seconds and slowly reduce the rest over the training block from 40-sec to 20-sec!!  Anyway, here is a video of some of the  exercises we used for our 30-sec work periods.



Phase 1: weeks 1-3: I typically started with 6 exercises 30 sec on and 30-sec off, 3 sets and 1-minutes between sets, progressing to 5 sets over 3 weeks.


Phase 2: weeks 4-6: I typically stayed with 3 sets and 6 exercises but used 20-sec on, 40-sec off.